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Bored So... Funniest Real Names Ever

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World Anti Doping Agency Chairman D.ick Poundread it in a Marion Jones story on Msn.add some if you think of them or just discuss this one... I don't careBTW... had to type it that way as I don't remember how to swear on the forums
Went to school with Sal Manella
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Jeffreys name just got trumped hard core. Dickman is bad, but Cockman, wow .... Simon Cockman ... http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=1378726
My friends dad went to high school with 2 Armenian guys and their names were Ebinzeezer Macadangdang and Selmo Weams.Pretty sure on the spelling but could be off by a letter or 2.
Okay, the Macadangdang name has me in tears from laughing for some reason.
Would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?
Do you even know what a plethora is????
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Alright.Some of you people are just making shit up."uh.. uh, yea, i knew a guy in hebrew school named Pussyfart McFuckmyass"
He was a scottish jew?
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A girl that my gf works with.... Javina pronounced Juh VINE uh... oopsPeople always pronounce my congressman's (house majority leader) name wrong John Boehner gets turned into boner 9/10 times.

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COngratulations mc****myass guy and Scottish Jew guy, u guys had me officially laugh out loud for the first time since I started reading this forum!Also, a guy in my poker game is called Zoltan, he prefers Zolly tho, not sure why, I guess it's cos we do that hand thing and yell zoltan each time he comes in! I think he's Hungarian...

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COngratulations mc****myass guy and Scottish Jew guy, u guys had me officially laugh out loud for the first time since I started reading this forum!Also, a guy in my poker game is called Zoltan, he prefers Zolly tho, not sure why, I guess it's cos we do that hand thing and yell zoltan each time he comes in! I think he's Hungarian...
i love the movie thats from..oh yeah dude whers my carzoltan!dudeduo.jpg
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Back in high school I used to do the P.A. for the girls basketball games.As the game would start I would do player introductions.Starting at Guard, #3, Blah blah.I was doing visitor introductions one game and was going down the list and got to a name I knew I was screwed before I even said it, Stacy FuksSo in front of several hundred people over a loud PA system.Starting at Guard #3 Staaaacyyyyyyyy Fuuuucccckkkkkkssss! cause I always said the names with great emphasis.The crowd goes silent and I hear this guy in the stands yell "thats pronounced FOOKS u idiot!"Doh.
You know that was her dad, right ?
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I had a paper route in jr. high and one a guy on my route had the name of Richard Trainor, but he went by the short version of Richard. I forgot to deliver his paper one day and he called me up. When he said who he was I thought I was getting prank called by one of my friends until I realized who it was..no tip that month. prick

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Also, a guy in my poker game is called Zoltan, he prefers Zolly tho, not sure why, I guess it's cos we do that hand thing and yell zoltan each time he comes in! I think he's Hungarian...
While we're on weird foreign names from home games... When I used to have a home game there was a guy of Lithuanian decent named Vytatas.
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This guy's given name is "Lucios Pusey"http://therealests.blogspot.com/2006/07/se...ious-pusey.htmlAnd here is Ayo Yayo-http://gonu.com/football/yayo.shtmlThe coach of Seton Hall's women'd bball team is Phyllis Mangina .She looks the part too.http://www.shupirates.com/ViewArticle.dbml...p;ATCLID=529443Here's the pitching coach D.ick Such.http://www.liducks.com/index.cfm?fuseactio...h&coachId=8And maybe the worst name Chubb Small.http://sportsline.com/collegefootball/play...ayerpage/561456

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I worked last summer with a bunch of Polish Imiigrants and they all had really cool names, I felt so lame with my boring British 'Rob'There was;DipaakYasekTomakGuyPaulosand Anna (I put her in 'cos she was perty)

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How about:Okay. I was bored and you gave me an opportunity.My reply was about as useless as the original post.
this should be in your signature
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A girl that my gf works with.... Javina pronounced Juh VINE uh... oopsPeople always pronounce my congressman's (house majority leader) name wrong John Boehner gets turned into boner 9/10 times.
my gov. teacher made a powerpoint about congress and there was a whole slide about him....the class was laughing for like 5 min and the teacher was like his name isnt how u think it is its pronounced bayner i believe or howeverit was still funny
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Former manager I worked with:Dana Scrotch
My brother used to collect delinquent cable bills. One time he showed me a check from some dude named Weiping Wang. Long story, funny name.
There was a guy I used to prank call when I was a kid. The listing was:Mything, Dick
As it was said above...there isn't a teenage boy here who didn't lose his TGIF virginity to Topanga....wait was that creepy?Yeah it was creepy..........QFTOh and let me add on my name, although I think everyone on here already knows it....Richard Johnson...oh yes, **** Squared was my favorite insult I got through high school
That's a great insult. I'd use it. Can I call you Dick Squared?
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I worked for a call center in college. A name came up that I was supposed to call as a call back for some hospital something. The name was Richard Head and we all know the Richard nickname D!ck. I never made that call, laughed at it for a half hour.Craziest name of a girl I sleeped with "Crawlette", don't remember last name.Craziest name of a girl I met. Stopped to talk to this girl while partying in Toronto. Half a minute into it, her friend half a block up the street calls her..... "Cliche". "Is that your real name?" She says "yeah" like its nothing. I walk away, I had nothing else to say, how cliche can you get? "Cliche" has to be the worst name to give a black girl, "Mercedez" is not as bad.

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Oh, reminds me.Name isn't really that funny, but strange, but I met a girl named Ultra a few months back.I didn't ask for her number even though she was probably the greatest girl I've ever met, because I was being a dumbass.So ya, Ultra, if you're out there, PM me or something.

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i remember downloading an mp3 of someone who called into the same radio station about 5 times during the day and used fake names such as heywood jablowme, etc. but for some reason the funnist one to me was richard dragon..and theres the snl skit making fun of arabs.. u jer'qeet al-wach, etc.

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