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Year Round Poker Live Events

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I'm a newbie so bare with me on this topic which is of great interest to me. I haven't the slightest idea why the WSOP and the WPT don't have year around events. I know that the WSOP has circuit events which can happen at any time of the year, but why do they take a break and have no action whatsoever for months? The WPT also has a limited number of events. It would seem to make better sense to me to have year round live poker events with some large payouts like most of the WSOP events have. Any help with this would be appreciated.

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There are a ton of other events that go on during the year and around the world. The WPT and WSOP are not the only large buy in tournaments.
Thanks for the reply. Do you have a list of those you can share with us or is there a site that you know lists them? Having asked that, my point was not that the WSOP and WPT are the only organizations that have large buy in tourneys, but rather, I don't quite understand the logic of why the WSOP and WPT limit the number of those tourneys they provide.
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excess=ruinIf i let you try a saltine cracker and you liked it you would want more. If I gave you an industrial size package that lasted a year you would stop after day 3.
poker=saltines? Don't quite follow the food to poker analogy, especially since I am not being forced to eat them, just like I'm not being forced to play poker. I can play when I want and I can eat a saltine when I want. If the game is as wildly popular as claimed, then there should be no issue with more tournaments from the WSOP and WPT. People will play them just as much as the limited numbers now.
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poker=saltines? Don't quite follow the food to poker analogy, especially since I am not being forced to eat them, just like I'm not being forced to play poker. I can play when I want and I can eat a saltine when I want. If the game is as wildly popular as claimed, then there should be no issue with more tournaments from the WSOP and WPT. People will play them just as much as the limited numbers now.
Why does baseball take months off? Basketball? Football? Hockey? Players need a break, fans need a break.
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I'm a newbie so bare with me on this topic which is of great interest to me. I haven't the slightest idea why the WSOP and the WPT don't have year around events. I know that the WSOP has circuit events which can happen at any time of the year, but why do they take a break and have no action whatsoever for months? The WPT also has a limited number of events. It would seem to make better sense to me to have year round live poker events with some large payouts like most of the WSOP events have. Any help with this would be appreciated.
There were 45 WSOP events over nine weeks:http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/events/e...s?eventid=36507In the next eight months, there will be eleven WSOP circuit locations, each of which having seven to ten tournaments over ten days to two weeks.http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/events/c...chedule2007.spsOver twelve months, there will have been nineteen WPT tournament locations, each of which having ten or so tournaments over roughly two weeks.http://www.worldpokertour.com/tournament/?x=tournamentsI'm confident that one could keep busy playing poker tournaments if they chose to do so. I don't know of any "breaks" in the schedule. Actually, some of the schedules overlap.
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There were 45 WSOP events over nine weeks:http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/events/e...s?eventid=36507In the next eight months, there will be eleven WSOP circuit locations, each of which having seven to ten tournaments over ten days to two weeks.http://www.worldseriesofpoker.com/events/c...chedule2007.spsOver twelve months, there will have been nineteen WPT tournament locations, each of which having ten or so tournaments over roughly two weeks.http://www.worldpokertour.com/tournament/?x=tournamentsI'm confident that one could keep busy playing poker tournaments if they chose to do so. I don't know of any "breaks" in the schedule. Actually, some of the schedules overlap.
TY - I really didn't have time to do this work for the OP. To the OP, sorry for the vague response, just wanted to make sure you were aware that there were others running tournaments.
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Yah WSOP is like the Superbowl of poker... It wouldn't have the prestige to it if there were 8 Superbowls in one year. WPT has like a large buy in tournament every 2 weeks or so... Great Dane pretty much summed it up for you.

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poker=saltines? Don't quite follow the food to poker analogy, especially since I am not being forced to eat them, just like I'm not being forced to play poker. I can play when I want and I can eat a saltine when I want. If the game is as wildly popular as claimed, then there should be no issue with more tournaments from the WSOP and WPT. People will play them just as much as the limited numbers now.
I am not sure why I am going to but let me break it down for you:you have to imagine that you have never had a saltine. Imagine that I gave you ONE saltine and you LOVED it. It was the best thing ever. Now if I said I would only give you ONE saltine a week if you met me on the corner down the street to get it you would bust your azz to get there for it.Now if I told you I would be on that corner for the rest of your life never sleeping you would simply come and go as you had a craving not worrying that I might not be there tomorrow.Making sense yet? NO? why does that not surprise me. Let my try againL:Simple supply and demand (you went to high school right?).if there is an unlimited supply the demand goes down. You have to manage both equally. Playing in a WPT event or WSOP event if it is going on every day all year round is not as exciting as planning to play when it comes to my town next. People would play less if it was no big deal.
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