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I'm An Idiot That Got Lucky

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I just want to let this out and I can't find any place else at the moment so I'll just say it here. I play mainly LO8 2-4 to 5-10 and enjoy it and it's on my comfort level. Today I was watching a freind play .5/1 NL and decided to play some myself, I use to play it as a main game and can afford it so no biggie. I proceed to play like **** and lose 500 bucks in around 90 minutes and am sick about it. Instead of just laughing it off like I should I decide to be A MORON and go to 10/20 NL to win it back...great idea :club: So I decide to play some guy HU who I know is better than me, basically knowing I need to get lucky and plan on shoving a lot preflop. I buyin for 500 and after about 5 hands of blind trading he limps I decide I want that 20 so I jam with T6o he calls quick but a T5472 board makes me think I've got him...he has AA ****!! So I put 1k back on and first hand cause I'm so pissed jam with 83s he calls 75385 board looks good...he has KK!Now I'm pissed beyond anything and being the fish I am put the last 1100 I have on the site at the table. I actually manage to chip up and pick up a big pot with a set vs top pair to make back the 1500 I lost so I leave right? WRONG!!I decide to keep playing, forced to lay down mid pair after a reraise and am back at around 1700. At this point ELKY sits in and I just cant make myself leave, then IT HAPPENSbutton raises to 80, Elky calls and I jam 1620 with 77 in just happy to pick the pot up there. Button INSTA JAMS behind me and I start praying he has big cards flop 643 still praying turn J...PLEASE 7,5 or let him have AK and not pair River.......T.My cards flip up and my eyes dart to his side of the screen praying to see nothing...I see the word MUCK as his AKs missed and am in shock!WOW I feel so dumb and lucky and know I better not do that again! Sorry for wasting ur time, FLAME ON!!

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it was only 60-40.. and ELKY is a dickhead.. i tryed talking to him in a tourney and he completely ignored me
I know this is off topic from the OP, but i just wanted to say that I play tourneys with chat turned off, because I don't wanna be distracted by people calling each other dickheads, etc. I hope this doesn't make me a dickhead. I'm just saying that's possibly why ELKY didn't answer back.
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Left right after, I may be dumb and greedy but even then I had enough sense to get the hell out of there. :club:
When youre running hot you need to keep it up. Man you couldve quaprupled your bankroll kid.
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I know this is off topic from the OP, but i just wanted to say that I play tourneys with chat turned off, because I don't wanna be distracted by people calling each other dickheads, etc. I hope this doesn't make me a dickhead. I'm just saying that's possibly why ELKY didn't answer back.
good point.. maybe i was just sensitive that day:)
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I have enough that I still wouldve had enough of a bankroll to keep me quite happy if I lost, this was just a disgusting thing I did that I know was idiotic. Just the classic "gotta get even" feeling for the day which is so stupid! On the plus side now I'm definetly gonna play a WCOOP event with this extra cash YAY!

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