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Just finished watching it. Quite an unbelievable story. There is also a DVD on his life, but it doesnt have people talking about him, it is just a movie about his life Hollywood style. Its called High Roller, not a bad movie.By the way where are you from? Somewhere in Ontario I presume just cuz this show was just on like an hour ago on TSN where I'm at

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This is quite a story,opens your mind to the world of degenerate gamblers!quite a life the guy lived !has anyone seen it ?
Watched a bit of it and makes me want to read the book. Looked at the listings on Yahoo which usually list repeat showings, but none are listed. Tempted to write TSN to ask if they're going to show it again.
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Just finished watching it. Quite an unbelievable story. There is also a DVD on his life, but it doesnt have people talking about him, it is just a movie about his life Hollywood style. Its called High Roller, not a bad movie.By the way where are you from? Somewhere in Ontario I presume just cuz this show was just on like an hour ago on TSN where I'm at
I am from vankleek Hill Ontario
I don't get TSN. Are you all from Canada? Any Americans got this station?
it was calledOne Of A Kindthe rise and fall of Stu Ungarworth watching
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I have the book, and this movie was on once before. My Tivo picked it up. I wanted to make sure I had time to sit and watch it, and the damn thing dropped it before I could. Tended to piss me off. I'll go see if it caught this showing.I heard the movie wasn't any where near as good.

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at the end of the show they said Stu won upwards of 30 million dollars and died with $800.00 in his pockets !!he lost 70k in pool in a night and never played the game.that would be similar to me going heads up with Tiger Woods at 5k a hole. Sure i might get lucky on 2 or 3 of the holes and tie him!! might win one out of 18.they say he would go to a sports book and have 80k in his account and not leave untill he bet it ALL !I wonder how many pro's would see this show and be like looking in a mirror!I would bet that many of the pro gamblers would refuse to watch it!!

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Of course it was the same documentary.TSN is usually 3 months to 1 year behind everything the U.S. shows,and tape delays more programming than you can shake a stick at.TSN=The Stupid Network!!!Cancel your cable and let them go broke!!!Bring on ESPN!!! :club:

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Is this the movie with Michael Imperioli (Christopher from Soprano's)I saw some of the movie and it was very bad. But I won the book. Have not read it yet.
The movie (Highroller) was fantastic. I don't think it was bad at all.
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Of course it was the same documentary.TSN is usually 3 months to 1 year behind everything the U.S. shows,and tape delays more programming than you can shake a stick at.TSN=The Stupid Network!!!Cancel your cable and let them go broke!!!Bring on ESPN!!! :club:
ESPN bought TSN like last year man
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athey say he would go to a sports book and have 80k in his account and not leave untill he bet it ALL !
Barry Greenstein said this about Stuey's sports betting: In the ‘80s, sportsbooks often had a $5000 limit. If you wanted to bet more, they would move the line a half point and allow you to make a second bet. If you liked the side opposite to Stuey, it was wise to get behind him at the sportsbook because the line might move five points to accommodate Stuey’s $50,000 bet that was made $5000 at a time.
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The only reason he had a cent in his pocket when he died was because he still had some change from a stake somebody gave him. The last time he was seen in Binions, the place where he won millions, he was stealing two dollar tips off a table.He once bought a kilo of cocaine, maybe a pound, I think it was a key, and tossed it on the hotel table and had a party. By the end of the party it was gone.

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ESPN bought TSN like last year man
They only bought a portion of TSN,not the whole thing.The CRTC(Canadian version of FCC)wouldn't allow ESPN into Canada,due to unfair competition,etc.,so they just bought their way in.But now, because of TSN and all of our other crapola sports channels complaining to the CRTC,ESPN wouldn't choose to broadcast in Canada anyway.Why would they?They already own part of TSN,like you mentioned.For every early exclusive(Protege,CPT,etc.)we get,the Americans get at least ten.Also,TSN only recently applied to the CRTC for the right to show movies like ESPN does.Too little to late.Die TSN die! Just say no!At least Canadian Tv channels usually don't edit out the nudity and swearing from movies and Tv shows(even on free over the air channels after 10 pm).Perverts unite!Still, I'd rather lose every Canadian channel(though we need one for the local news),if that's the only way to get all the American ones that wish to broadcast here.I think Canadians enjoy American Tv even more than the Americans do!Everyone wants what they can't have,but I don't think the British,Australians or any other English speaking country, want more American Tv than Canada does!God Bless America! I don't subscribe to Canadian Tv (I hope they all go broke), or watch Directv(I hate rain-fade signal outages),but I do use an indoor antenna(16 channels) and also occasionally watch poker on GSN,Roger's Sportsnet,TSN etc(at the mall);if you guys get me curious enough about a show,and I suspect it won't come out later on DVD.That's why I enjoy reading all your comments about poker shows.Thanks.Cry-baby,out. :club:
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I saw HighRoller and thought that movie was pretty good. It is about Stu and how good he was and how his life sucked because he had NO money management skills and was basically a complete degenerate gambler. But all in all it was pretty good IMO.

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