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Oh Well ........

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Hi, I'm a lame newbie that doesn't know that you are one of the most beloved members of FCP. I just decided to flame you because I decided my life wasn't complete without a red hot poker shoved up my ass by the entire FCP community.But, then again, I was born a retarded mongoloid, so you can't really blame me. I'm just mad today because of the late night games my daddy and I used to play called find the pickle! I used to always win and today, he beat me. That's a first in the 12 pathetic years I've been alive. I always won before!But for some reason, he said he was a little tired and wanted to change things up.
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you are a f.ucking moronplease die
You picked the wrong person to flame. You have 40 posts and you come in starting something? You ought to hang around for awhile before you start insulting people. So, eat a dick, doucheclown. Then go to nwp and post there.
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i :club: u
and u
You picked the wrong person to flame. You have 40 posts and you come in starting something? You ought to hang around for awhile before you start insulting people. So, eat a dick, doucheclown. Then go to nwp and post there.
...and most definitely you :D
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wow...one-upper :D
Hey what can I say? I get mean when I'm dumped :D
I have to admit I laughed in a "I shouldn't be laughing at this sort of way."OP, I ain't bored anymore.
i :club: u
I do what I can my dear.
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