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You Have To Pick 9 Players To Play A Sng With An Alien For Control Of......

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Seat 1: Johnny ChanSeat 2: Ted ForrestSeat 3: Chau GiangSeat 4: Doyle BrunsonSeat 5: Phil IveySeat 6: David BenyamineSeat 7: AlienSeat 8: Chris FergusonSeat 9: Daniel NegreanuSeat 10: Barry Greenstein
Nah -- what are ya thinkin'? Nine clones of X-22 all around.
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I say let the alien win...he couldn't screw it up any more than we did.
LOL Thats realy funny....sad but funny :club:
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nobody is better at beating aliens than will smith. not even really a contest. unless joaquin phoenix is able to bring a baseball bat and glasses of water.

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Phil IveyDavid UlliotDaniel NegreanuCunninghamJohn JuandaMen The MasterMizrachiDoyleFergusonAlien
you must not have a very tough job, go to bed!
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First you would have to consider who would be good to have in power if they won......this eliminates some peoplePhil Hellmuth........could you imagine his state of the union addresses?x-22.....might have better speaches than phil (quackquack) but you'd never get any news.if it's an online game, just find a few hackers with one of those card seeing programs LMAO....if they are smart enough to make one of those, they must be able to run a planet.

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