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Remember When ......

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How about when Teneight lost a ton playing high stakes after a tourney score?
i thought it was funny as hell the day everyone signed the end of there post with teneight.... everytime i see the name i still for a second think its tonighti also remember when teneight bought a scion
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remember when you hit that pedestrian at the crosswalk and then just drove away? pepperidge farms remembers.... but pepperidge farms ain't just gonna keep it to pepperidge farm's self free of charge. maybe you go out and buy some of these distinctive milano cookies and this whole thing just disappears....pepperidge-1.jpg

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FYP. there was little advice that aseem gave that you couldn't read in sshe, everything that chris ever said was spot on
OMG Kdawg... Thank you. I'll name a few1. Kdawgs only had about 1000 more posts than me and we basically posted at a similar regularity.2. WRTO - The guy was a true grinder, lots of ability.3. Krablar story... just awesome.4. JFarrell5. Who was the guy who told his story of having the great job, losing the great job, going *** to mouth on a few teenagers, and dabbling in heroin? ya.. that was a good post, it was a few thousands pages in the "Called in Sick" thread.6. Royal Tour and I talking about our common ground, IATSE - Har Har.7. And only stated last because I couldn't remember his name till now... but JayWeber... one of the first Admins? He was cool.
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i thought it was funny as hell the day everyone signed the end of there post with teneight.... everytime i see the name i still for a second think its tonight
For example, I'm pretty sure I started that on that day.I drink alot though, but I'm pretty sure.
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yepand what's up stranger...where you been?stop back in the hideout...we are still there
yo, this computer wont allow me to post in Off-Topic (i know this sounds rigged but I'm serious). Once I get back to school in a few weeks we'll bring the hideout back to life. I still read every. It needs a kick in the groin.
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5. Who was the guy who told his story of having the great job, losing the great job, going *** to mouth on a few teenagers, and dabbling in heroin? ya.. that was a good post, it was a few thousands pages in the "Called in Sick" thread.
That was StrippersNBlow, if I recall correctly.
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You missed some serious drama obviously.
Ah, I sorta stayed away from FCP for like a 6 month stint, went back for a week, then another 4-6 month stint. so I missed pretty much all of 2006?
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I'll fill you in...Miss Idaho pretty much got shunned by everyone in the SIck and The Army threads in Off topic.. why, I'm not really sure, but i think it had something to do with her being a stupid cunt As far as I know, she posts on NWP, but I don't go there much so maybe she peddles her wares elsewhere.As for Jweb, here's the scoop for the newbies and oldbies who missed it. Jayson Weber was the original Mod, He helped set up the very first Full Contact poker web site. Back then, there weren't 500 different forums, there were like 4 or something, and it was a pretty close knit forum, not as heavily mod-ed.. pretty much fcp's "golden years" Well, paradise has to come to an end sometime.. So Jayson Weber used his position as Mod, friend to regulars, and seemingly nice guy to pimp his Rakeback business. Since everyone on here liked, respected and trusted JayWeb, he got many FCP customers. Well, one day a guy makes a post, saying how his rake back is really late, and how JayWeb isn't responding to his emails, what ever, and he wants his money. Well, a bunch of Army people and regs start blasting this guy and calling him an a-hole for questioning JayWeb's integrety and there's just NO POSSIBLE way that Jay Web was ripping them off and on and on. And meanwhile, no money, no contact from Jay Web, no posts by Jay Web... then, his (former) room mate, I forget who it was, comes online and says that jayweb isn't whom he seems, that he skipped town ( vegas) owning them money and as far as he know's Jay web's deep in debt and ran off home to Wisconsin. It was pretty traumatic for A) the people who trusted him in joining his rake back and B) to his friends in the forum. For me, it was awesome drama to watch unfold.. I'll see if I can dig up some of the old links about it..

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Oh man, I forgot how freaking golden that thread is.. so many FCP regs come off as such azzes for their defending of Jayweb,their insistence that he will pay what he owes, their berating of people for even suggesting that Jayweb would steal, and for using this forum as a place to discuss it ( when it was this forum that Jayweb built the business) This thread delivers!!

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Bigdmcgee for new forum historian!! Great links!I remember the schmozzle when (on the topic of Miss Idaho's belly avatar) Marion Sauce got access to the full actual photo and posted it (or a link to it - whatev) and people were a lot less impressed with the full view...lolbtw - now that it doesn't matter - does anyone know what Jweb's big emergency was, or was he just a doooosh?edit - Wow -- I had forgotten what a fkin dickhead Custom36 was.

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Bigdmcgee for new forum historian!! Great links!I remember the schmozzle when (on the topic of Miss Idaho's belly avatar) Marion Sauce got access to the full actual photo and posted it (or a link to it - whatev) and people were a lot less impressed with the full view...lolbtw - now that it doesn't matter - does anyone know what Jweb's big emergency was, or was he just a doooosh?edit - Wow -- I had forgotten what a fkin dickhead Custom36 was.
ROFL :club::D:D
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Here's another thread for your amusement.. I make a huge azz of myself just to get a freaking response from DN and Travis. Again you'll notice several regs on the attack for daring to ask questions about a promotion and promised prizes. It also has a little of the me and monkey drama when we hated each other ( this has since cooled off a whole lot, and I actually enjoy monkey's posts now, though I don't think he'd reciprocate), and also me being WAY ahead of the "Pupsta is a douchebag" curve. Hate to say I told ya so... ( I was also way ahead of the Miss Idaho sux curve, for the record)http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...showtopic=29704

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