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Should I Be Very Nervous?

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I play on 99.9% tourneys only.I see threads all the time about how bad a player played something. What a donk a player is.Even though I'm overall ahead in the 1000 Mtt's or SNG's I'm scared I'm going to read a thread about what a donk someone is and then see the whole thing is about me. So to keep my fragile self esteem from getting any lower please don't start any threads about how bad I play.Ok so that was half serius and half trying to be funny. But do any of you all wonder if when you're successful if you were just totally lucky?Is self confidence a huge part of the game? I have asked a few people to guage my game. But since I don't get to play with the same people on a regular basis there isn't much they can say.How do you all grade your game? All I know is I've taken out more money than I've put in but not byt much. If any one of you all have played with me before I'd honestly like some feedback.I only play on FCP, so if you think you know me from a different site it's someone else.SarahsDad222BTW - I'm on my paid medication so if this comes across making no sense lets all blame it on the Hydrocodone :club:

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I keep score with the money I make. If I'm consistently making it while playing, I figure I'm playing well (or well enough, anyway). If I'm consistently losing, I try and figure out why.If you have a reasonable sample size of hands/tourneys, then you should have a reasonable database from which to judge the effectiveness of your own game at the stakes you currently play. The bottom line in poker -- money talks, given time enough to do it.

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Definately a Donkey. :club: Actually I've played with you a couple times in the Neg open and you play well. Sometimes when you are running good and catching cards I think it's ok to play like a Donkey. Key is knowing when to stop.

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I've always wanted to be able to read the notes that other players may have taken on me. I know I suck ... so, I only play at the micro levels ... but I'd still like to be able to see what other people may have written.

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Frankly, you're not gonna get honest opinions on this site. People like to berate others, for some reason. But, I know what you mean. People always tell me how much of a donk I am when I make a bad play, but no one rarely says "nh" when I make a good one. People tend to berate you even more if you get lucky on a certain hand against them. I think I'm mediocre. I haven't been playing for two years yet, I consistently get into the top 20 on most mtts I play. But, BR wise, I'm probably down. My opinion is, if you think you're good, is not that important. But, if you think you are improving that is the key. I can honestly say I am better now than I was three months ago, maybe not by much, but I am better. As long as you think you're getting better, don't worry how good or bad you are right now.

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Stop worrying, they're all a bunch of donkey's too. They play a few online tourney's and finish in the top 50 and think they are pro enough to give you advice. You're doing fine, set your own pace. I spent 6 years of my life right out of the Army traveling around the country running card scams on people just like these pokes that are giving you advice. If they offer up advice real quick, they're a punk. Let's run a little monte for their grandma's wedding ring then ask them for advice. You just keep on keeping on. You'll know when you are doing well. As long as you get enjoyment from what you do, and don't take any hard hits, you are doing great.

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I laugh at people who think this site is full of people just waiting to berate them.Those are the same people who are unaware of a world outside of the general poker forum.
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