Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 Hero has K5s in sb and about $480-$500 on table, villian has $400-$420ish.Villian is a pretty good LAG, but he doesn't get as involved with me beacuse we have a history together and I think he respects my game. I notice this more when I have position on him, but right now he is two to my left. He had bb this hand, (other guy was sitting out) so he was direct to my left.One limps, I complete, villian checks option.FLOP :: 5 5 T ($12)Hero bets $10, Villian raises to $30, limper mucks, Hero ...?I guess we'll start a discussion here, see if anything develops.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
fckthis 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 re-raises...because you dont normally. It'll throw him off. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 re-raises...because you dont normally. It'll throw him off.I think a 3-bet here pretty much gives away my hand. I'd actually usually 3-bet here with trips and try to A) build a pot against his T, or B) protect from a flush draw that is trying to pull a free card in position and not face a turn bet.I think because I lead the flop with trips (he obviously doesn't expect that now that he is raisigin) if I do go ahead and 3-bet, he's good enough to figure me out and muck on the flop.I did take a different line this hand, as we'll see on the turn...- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
vanman733 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 I am betting he has a 5, the question is A5 or T5? I think you call, wait for him to push the turn. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 I am betting he has a 5, the question is A5 or T5? I think you call, wait for him to push the turn.I was pretty certain he had a T, not trips, and was using this as an information raise against me so he didn't have to get too involved on later streets. Being that was my read, I thought it would be optimal to call, and hope he does get more attracted to the hand on the turn based off what I do.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
fckthis 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 I think you give your hand away more if you just call his raise. But Im guessing you might open push any turn? Link to post Share on other sites
DonkSlayer 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 I like a re-raise. You hand range could be 5x, 10x, two big clubs, or JJ/QQ. I think the villain will call a reasonable reraise with a mediocre 10 and re-evaluate on the turn. I"m mostly concerned with getting all your value on the flop when the turn will end this hand. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 I think you give your hand away more if you just call his raise. But Im guessing you might open push any turn?I can agree that I can give away my hand if I just call the flop, but it also could mean I have a T, or a flush draw, not neccesarily that I have trips. Remember, this is a blind battle, so I could have a wide range here.I like your thoughts into leading the turn, but this guy isn't a LAG donk, he's just a lag, he wouldn't call an open push without something that has me beat.I did decide to lead though, because I know how much I hate being gaybet on turns when I take the lead on a flop. The turn was good for me, it was a non club, so I was hoping he'd take my gay bet as me trying to "name" my price for a flush draw and he would raise me. And/or, he'd be confused by the gaybet and go into call down mode with any naked T.So, I did just call his raise on the flop.Turn :: 3 ($72)Hero bets $48, Villian Calls.What do you think his range is now?- JordanI like a re-raise. You hand range could be 5x, 10x, two big clubs, or JJ/QQ. I think the villain will call a reasonable reraise with a mediocre 10 and re-evaluate on the turn. I"m mostly concerned with getting all your value on the flop when the turn will end this hand.Given our history, I don't think he'd call a 3-bet on that flop with most Ts, unless I essentially min bet re-raised, which I never do...and almost refuse to.JJ/QQ shouldn't be in his range for me because I'd raise that up preflop.What he does know about me is this, in these small pots when I'm OOP I lead like this with TP, 2nd pair, sometimes bottom pair depending on texture, all by trying to take it down without a fight. I try to mix up leading/check-raising when I flop trips like this, so when I do get action, depending on my opponent will dicate whether or not a 3-bet. I'm bout 80% certain he folds to most 3-bets that come from me.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
vanman733 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 I dont think he is an the draw. If he has that good a read on you, why not let you gaybet as you say, call it and then trap you on the river. He might do this with a T but I dont think so. I still think he has a 5. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 I dont think he is an the draw. If he has that good a read on you, why not let you gaybet as you say, call it and then trap you on the river. He might do this with a T but I dont think so. I still think he has a 5.If he does have a 5, I'll most likely find out on the turn, and be quite happy, as I'd have trips with a K kicker, and there is no way I'm getting away from the hand. If he would have say A5, or a boat, well then I pay him off about every time.Also, as far as turn play. I think if I check, he is good enough, and weary enough when playing against me, that I think it's about 70/30 that he checks behind. I think for the 30% of the time he does, he is bet/folding cause he is trying to push me off a draw, but also weary that I might have trips. I think when I gay bet the turn I put a lot of doubt in his mind as to my holding, and I may get a loose call from him out of frustration.Maybe all my thinking just comes from playing lots of pots against him, and usually getting the better of him (hence his frustration with me)?- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
Scott3705 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 I think you give your hand away more if you just call his raise. But Im guessing you might open push any turn?No one has the balls to three bet this flop w/o a 5 or a big draw. So I think reraising will always give our hand away here. In just calling we need to worry about a club falling either putting us behind/or killing our action. I still like the call... especially cause I now know the turn is benign.Love the donk bet. lol This sort of thing always gets called and it get reraised pretty often too. He's playing it like a scared ten now that plans to fold to another club and call a reasonable bet on the river. He could be gett tricky... but I think I got broke on this hand if I'm behind. Link to post Share on other sites
crankin 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 So, I did just call his raise on the flop.Turn :: 3 ($72)Hero bets $48, Villian Calls.What do you think his range is now?I'd put him on a ten with a decent kicker (Jack or higher) or a 5 (without the ace). There's a moderate chance he could be on the flush draw (raised the flop to try and get a free card, and called the turn bet hoping to get implied odds if he hits).And, while I'm thinking about it, I'm confused on the use of the term "gaybet" for your turn play. Why are you classifying it as that? You're betting 2/3 the pot and signifying you have a hand. Generally, I'd reserve that term for something like a 1/3 pot bet or less. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 No one has the balls to three bet this flop w/o a 5 or a big draw. So I think reraising will always give our hand away here. In just calling we need to worry about a club falling either putting us behind/or killing our action. I still like the call... especially cause I now know the turn is benign.Love the donk bet. lol This sort of thing always gets called and it get reraised pretty often too. He's playing it like a scared ten now that plans to fold to another club and call a reasonable bet on the river. He could be gett tricky... but I think I got broke on this hand if I'm behind.Exactly my thoughts. I thought a Club would most likely kill a lot of action, and I was saying as I called, no club no ten no club no ten. I had him on a ten, not a club, so had a club came, I'm not sure what I would have done. Regardless, turn play is out there now, do you like the amount scott et al?- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
jjgoldy5 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 I like the way you played it.First off, with the pot so small, and the respect he has for you, he may well toss any 10 or even some overpairs with a big 3 bet.Donkbet pisses him off enough to call with a ten, overpair, flush draw... all of which you are making money on...and also makes him pay if he is trying to get a free flush card (which seems likely to me). I would agree that he checks behind a lot here.The only reason I see to push the flop is if you can put him on a 5x , overpair, or a flush draw...otherwise I like your line.Question: What is your line if a club falls on the turn?Good luck. Link to post Share on other sites
Scott3705 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 Regardless, turn play is out there now, do you like the amount scott?- Jordanthe donk bet is looked up so much at 200nl(-) that you could get away with more at those levels. Here, you might have been able to, but in case you were worried that he could get away, you're bet really is designed well to look like a draw and ensure another called bet on a non-club river where as you may get a fold with two larger bets. mathematically:SB1=Small betSB2=River Small betBB= Big BetIt's a good bet if SB1+SB2 - (.25x'sSB2) > 1 BB.25=25% of the time a club falls. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 I like the way you played it.First off, with the pot so small, and the respect he has for you, he may well toss any 10 or even some overpairs with a big 3 bet.Donkbet pisses him off enough to call with a ten, overpair, flush draw... all of which you are making money on...and also makes him pay if he is trying to get a free flush card (which seems likely to me). I would agree that he checks behind a lot here.The only reason I see to push the flop is if you can put him on a 5x , overpair, or a flush draw...otherwise I like your line.Good luck.Yea, he def. didn't have an overepair here. We both are the laggiest people at the table, and his range for raising def. includes 77-JJ in the bb with one limper and me completing.But as scott said, if we 3-bet the flop, I think it gives away our trips more, because this isn't a board that has any straight draws to go with a possible flush draw, so I think in Villians mind a 3-bet usually is trips and a flush draw probably last on his mind from a 3 bet.edit -- my line on the turn if it's a club is probably similar to leading. I don't want to give anything away with how I play trips in this circumstances against him when a FD is on the board, so if a club comes and I bet and he folds, I want him to think that I hit the flush, cuz next time when a club doesn't fall (which it won't the majority of the time) and I lead, hopefully he'll put me on a busted draw and calldown and/or raise with his top pair type hand.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 River :: J ($168)Hero bets $115, Villian calls $115.I was debating between $110-$120 and $140-$160.I usually bet 2/3 and 3/4 pot, so I thought my standard bet would be good here and not give anything away. The only other option I think I have is to bet $160-$170 and hope I get a "hero" call from villian when he puts me on a busted draw.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
Scott3705 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 River :: J ($168)Hero bets $115, Villian calls $115.I was debating between $110-$120 and $140-$160.I usually bet 2/3 and 3/4 pot, so I thought my standard bet would be good here and not give anything away. The only other option I think I have is to bet $160-$170 and hope I get a "hero" call from villian when he puts me on a busted draw.- JordanI'm always timid of people who wake up on the river.... whether it be an unexpected bet or a sudden increase in the amount bet. It always strikes me as an attempt to get paid off more than a bluff. (note on how to bluff me if you're ever at my table). I like the bet amount a lot. Link to post Share on other sites
darkrider88 0 Posted August 18, 2006 Share Posted August 18, 2006 First off, reading your hands is such a good learning experience, since I am making a conscious effort to loosen up my play from TAG, and you play lag. I think you have to smooth call flop. As for river call by him, I'de guess he has 5-low x, or a 9-10 or 10-J hand. Maybe A high if he thinks you just missed draw. What was his hand actually. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 18, 2006 Author Share Posted August 18, 2006 First off, reading your hands is such a good learning experience, since I am making a conscious effort to loosen up my play from TAG, and you play lag. I think you have to smooth call flop. As for river call by him, I'de guess he has 5-low x, or a 9-10 or 10-J hand. Maybe A high if he thinks you just missed draw. What was his hand actually.Hehe, I don't consider myself a true LAG or TAG, I try to implement both styles and then mix it in with how the table is playing. Glad you're learning, just don't use against me. ;)I'll post his hand a little later, see if this gets any other responses, questions, etc.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
krup24 0 Posted August 19, 2006 Share Posted August 19, 2006 I like the way you played the entire handMy question is what if the turn is a club? B/F?As the hand played out I have to put villian on AT or AJ which would also induce a river call. Link to post Share on other sites
Naismith 0 Posted August 19, 2006 Share Posted August 19, 2006 I like the way you played it. I think a lot of the times, leading into him on the turn would induce a raise.Did you consider calling the flop, check-calling the turn and then overbetting a non-club river? I might've tried that route, although the club kills what you're trying to represent. I would imagine most decent players would bet at you on the turn rather than let you draw for free and I think flop call, turn check represents the draw pretty well.In any case, were I the villain here, I would have A10 here and kick myself in the teeth for allowing J10 to catch up so cheaply. :)As it is, I think you're getting called by a Q-10 or 9-10 type that thinks you have a ten as well but isn't certain they have you outkicked. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 19, 2006 Author Share Posted August 19, 2006 Villian calls with JT.shipped.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
Naismith 0 Posted August 19, 2006 Share Posted August 19, 2006 Villian calls with JT.shipped.- JordanYour hands are like episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger...very little content and the good guy always wins!Haha. Link to post Share on other sites
Jordan 1 Posted August 19, 2006 Author Share Posted August 19, 2006 Your hands are like episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger...very little content and the good guy always wins! you are rigged sir. and I wish the above were the case.- Jordan Link to post Share on other sites
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