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Interesting Poker Facts.

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Some interest tid bits I thought you'd enjoy.Playing cards were invented in China A fifth suit was added in 1937 but never caught on because people had to buy all new decks Dead mans hand is Aces and Eights A straight beat a flush up until the mid 1800's. Las Vegas Casinos are not legally obligated to pay off their gambling debts Due to French influence, Spades represent Royalty, Diamonds represent Merchants, Clubs represent the peasants, and hearts represent the clergy. Edmond Hoyle lived to be 97, but died 150 years before Poker was invented. Playing cards were introduced in Europe in the 1300s When Columbus landed in 1492 in North America, his men plucked wide leaves from trees, drew pictures on them and played cards. Groucho Marx got his name from carrying his poker money in a "grouch bag" Former President Richard Nixon won $6,000 playing poker in his first two months in the U.S. Navy during WWll. That is roughly equal to $42,640 in 2004 dollars. He used that money as well as more poker winnings to finance his run for the U.S. Congress in 1946, which he won.

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Some interest tid bits I thought you'd enjoy.Playing cards were invented in China A fifth suit was added in 1937 but never caught on because people had to buy all new decks Dead mans hand is Aces and Eights A straight beat a flush up until the mid 1800's. Las Vegas Casinos are not legally obligated to pay off their gambling debts Due to French influence, Spades represent Royalty, Diamonds represent Merchants, Clubs represent the peasants, and hearts represent the clergy. Edmond Hoyle lived to be 97, but died 150 years before Poker was invented. Playing cards were introduced in Europe in the 1300s When Columbus landed in 1492 in North America, his men plucked wide leaves from trees, drew pictures on them and played cards. Groucho Marx got his name from carrying his poker money in a "grouch bag" Former President Richard Nixon won $6,000 playing poker in his first two months in the U.S. Navy during WWll. That is roughly equal to $42,640 in 2004 dollars. He used that money as well as more poker winnings to finance his run for the U.S. Congress in 1946, which he won.
did you take this from the opening chapter of super system or positivley fifth street?
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Groucho Marx got his name from carrying his poker money in a "grouch bag"
Interesting facts. This one isn't true though. Groucho did keep his money in a "grouch sack," but it was the money he made from touring w/ a vaudeville show. Chico was the gambling Marx brother. I've read several books on the brothers, and never heard of Groucho gambling, especially at such a young age - when he got the nickname.
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No, I found it when I was screwing around on google. In alot of Eropean countries, a straight beats a flush. Also in 3card poker here? Anyone know the exact odds of this and why one is greater then the other?

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phil hellmuth has 10 braceletsjeff madsen is one of the 5 best players in the worldjamie gold is a luckbox ******a chimp was supposed to play in this years wsop

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No, I found it when I was screwing around on google. In alot of Eropean countries, a straight beats a flush. Also in 3card poker here? Anyone know the exact odds of this and why one is greater then the other?
o bc at the begining of both those books they have a history of poker thing interesting for ppl who have never read itits always good to know the history of the game
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A deck has 52 cards in it. There are four suits: clubs, diamonds, spades, hearts.Poker is fun.I like poker.

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Some interest tid bits I thought you'd enjoy.Playing cards were invented in China A fifth suit was added in 1937 but never caught on because people had to buy all new decks Dead mans hand is Aces and Eights A straight beat a flush up until the mid 1800's. Las Vegas Casinos are not legally obligated to pay off their gambling debts Due to French influence, Spades represent Royalty, Diamonds represent Merchants, Clubs represent the peasants, and hearts represent the clergy. Edmond Hoyle lived to be 97, but died 150 years before Poker was invented. Playing cards were introduced in Europe in the 1300s When Columbus landed in 1492 in North America, his men plucked wide leaves from trees, drew pictures on them and played cards. Groucho Marx got his name from carrying his poker money in a "grouch bag" Former President Richard Nixon won $6,000 playing poker in his first two months in the U.S. Navy during WWll. That is roughly equal to $42,640 in 2004 dollars. He used that money as well as more poker winnings to finance his run for the U.S. Congress in 1946, which he won.
Here's a tid bit no one really likes you cemo.k bye
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phil hellmuth has 10 braceletsjeff madsen is one of the 5 best players in the worldjamie gold is a luckbox ******a chimp was supposed to play in this years wsop
Wait? The monkey didn't play?
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More interesting factsGus Hansen got hit by a busPhil Hellmuth has all the fame and mobney. He can also dodge bullets.

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that was unnecessary.u got a beef?
was still a little peeved about yesterday's thread that got locked eventually.he was just being a real cocky sob.so yes i guess i do have a beef but whatever it's the internet i will prolly forget about it tomorrow
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No, I found it when I was screwing around on google. In alot of Eropean countries, a straight beats a flush. Also in 3card poker here? Anyone know the exact odds of this and why one is greater then the other?
3 card flush is easier to get than a 3 card straight. A 5 card flush is harder to get than a 5 card straight.
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