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The Ftp Won't Let Me Be

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All of you conspiracy theorists need to stop asking if a site is "rigged" maybe you should be asking yourself..."Is their RNG faulty?"...Perhaps it's not that the site is rigged it's that all they care about is the rake and they never took the time to perfect their RNG and in so doing the odds of certain hands coming up is skewed...To me this is more a possibility then the creators of the site purposefully rigging the site since they make rake regardless. However, if someone can make money consistently on this site and other sites, then there shouldn't be a problem. But if someone wins CONSISTENTLY on this site and not others or vice versa, then there may be a problem with the RNG.
PoopPeople just make excuses when they lose. If they lose it's rigged, if they win it's all skill.
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I was up $75 on FT the other day and now I'm down like $10. I was rolling and winning about everything I was in, but I've been ice cold lately. A $10 + $1 6 seat Sit N Go just summed up how I've been playing there. I was SB and blinds were 20/40. Two limpers and I have AK suited. I raise to 200, BB folds, limper 1 goes all in for 875, limper 2 calls and I (have around 2000) call as well. Flop comes King-7-6 rainbow and limper 2 goes all in and I call. Of course they turn over pocket kings and I'm done.
Bets into dry sidepots indicate a better than TPTK for a bunch of players I've seen.Anyway SNGs seem to swing big time for me... My spreadsheet shows a run of 10 cashes (10 man SNGs) in a row (5 of which were wins) early on. It also shows a recent run of 14 non-cashes in a row, which started off the current 20 buy-in downswing. I can't win a race and get at least one bad beat a game it would seem.I'm funding the losses with an MTT win. Which included me dishing out the bad beat when my 77 cracked KK and AJ - tripling up just before the final table helps a lot - made up for all the SNG bad beats I was on the other end of :club:
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OMG I think you're right that FT is rigged.Item:I just played a $20 mtt on Full Tilt. Twice during the game I was dealt AA. The first time I got it all-in preflop against an underpair and held up to win the pot. The second time I also got it all in preflop but lost to QQ when the flop came KQ6 and I didn't improve.So to look at this mathematically, I believe I am about 82% to win with AA vs an underpair. But on Full Tilt AA seems to only win 50% of the time. This is proven by the fact that today I saw it win 1 of 2 times, and 1 divided by 2 is 0.5, or 50%. This is far lower than the 82% that it should be, so the site must be rigged.

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Or was it, as I suspect, 15 times in a row that he went to showdown with pair versus pair and had the better starting pair and yet lost the pot? Which would be ignoring the 100 times that the underpair folded to the action on the flop/turn/river and hence he didn't see that he won against an underpair?
Surprised it took this long for somebody to point this out
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I was up $75 on FT the other day and now I'm down like $10. I was rolling and winning about everything I was in, but I've been ice cold lately. A $10 + $1 6 seat Sit N Go just summed up how I've been playing there. I was SB and blinds were 20/40. Two limpers and I have AK suited. I raise to 200, BB folds, limper 1 goes all in for 875, limper 2 calls and I (have around 2000) call as well. Flop comes King-7-6 rainbow and limper 2 goes all in and I call. Of course they turn over pocket kings and I'm done.
what on earth is your point?? you misplayed the hand. get over it. you have no one to blame but yourself, lol.
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Thanks for your expert opinion, but if you had taken the time to read my post, you'd realize I wasn't complaining at all. I f'd up and am not making excuses. However, please, keep being the message board tough guy/Poker God, it's incredibly impressive.

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You're confusing stats and probability. Stats would require a sample size of more than 2 for the Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing you're trying to do here. If you flip a coin five times, there is about a 3% chance it would come up heads every time. That doesn't mean the coin is rigged because it's less than 5%. It just means that weird **** happens.Chad
I'm pretty sure I can still save this thread.albadq7.jpg
Double TY
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Thanks for your expert opinion, but if you had taken the time to read my post, you'd realize I wasn't complaining at all. I f'd up and am not making excuses. However, please, keep being the message board tough guy/Poker God, it's incredibly impressive.
than your post was pointless?
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I have noticed that whenever I flop a set in PLO....there is always another card on the board that pairs my hand (useless of course).this happens over and over and over.of course, Full Tilt is not rigged. but i doubt any of these RNG's are truly random either.maybe they should be called SRNG's. (semi-random etc....)

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I have noticed that whenever I flop a set in PLO....there is always another card on the board that pairs my hand (useless of course).this happens over and over and over.of course, Full Tilt is not rigged. but i doubt any of these RNG's are truly random either.maybe they should be called SRNG's. (semi-random etc....)
Or maybe you should stop exaggerating, and realize that theres no way it happens EVERY time, just like the thread starter did not get his money in EVERY time with the best of it, no matter what he said. Goodness, bad players always seem to whine and complain about sites being rigged, I wonder why? Anyways, its like Ivey said. Nobody plays every hand perfect....Except Phil Hellmuth.
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I prefer FTP to most other sites, i win more consistently by far at FTP over the other major sites. Bad beats happen on all sites, its the nature of online poker. To think that the site is Actually rigged is kind of moronic, and it is completely unneccessary for a site like that to jeopardize the hundreds of millions of dollars it generates as a legitamte poker site, to bother rigging anything. Further to that, no professional poker player, not to mention the highest quality of professional such as Team Full Tilt to associate themselves with a product that has questionable integrity. This applies to not just FTP, but Party, Stars, UB, Bodog, FCP etc.
The above says it all! Thank you Teffy for putting it in words. Seriously OP. Re-read the above 5 times and then think....
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Last night I lost every major hand I played to a bad beat (80% favorite or better). Other nights, I never lose to a bad beat. Over the long run, my 70%-ers win about 70% of the time, my 80%-ers win 80% of the time. Care to guess how often my 90%-ers win?
Pick me......I know this one !Page 5 and no one has mentioned tin foil hats yet ?Jeez, you kids are slipping........
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It's the odd's. When you play live things are much slower. So when online when they play so many hands it seems like long shot hit more often, they dont. A 2-1 favorite will win 2 out of every 3 times. But look at it this way the odds of losing with 4 of kind is about a 10000-1. Now they play about 1,000,000 hands a day on PP so it happens about 100 times a day. That might seem like alot but it's not, its right in line. The math never lies.

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Interesting how I adress the issue and you all just tell me I dont know what I am talking about without adressing any of the issues intellectually. I think you have a future in the republican party.
If you are not wearing a tinfoil hat now, you really need to get one. Seriously.I am well ahead of my initial deposit on the site. You're going through a downswing. It is not a rigged site.If you went on Stars, or any other site, you'd probably get the same problems.But seriously, get a tinfoil hat.
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Thanks man, I'm not gonna be stupid and play there now. I took stats in highschool and there was a way to figure out scientifically weather or not something was fixed. If M is lower than 5% then we would hypothesise that it is not just a variance, but foul play. The odds of that happening are(.2)^15=Mbasically you do the percentage of the underpair winning to the power of how many times it happened, since they happened concecutivly. It was applied in "freak" situations like this to see if it was just variance.Look what I came up with, 0.00000000000032768. Lol. I might have missed a zero or added a zero, but you get the point. At .05 we would hypothesise that the site was rigged. Jesus.
I didn't read the whole thread so someone probably pointed it out but the chance of an overpair beating an underpair is...the chance that the underpair will win (with KK vs 88 of diferent suites 88 has a 20% chance), thats all the formulating you need to do ><, then you just do it 100 times and it should be close to 20 times, do it 1000 times and so on... Your formula dosen't seem to be right, becuase it should include the sameple size (100 times, 1000 times, etc, each time it should get less of a percentage chance).Someone could end all these rigging threads by making a program that observed 10 games at a time. It would start recording the stats anytime someone went all in before the river is shown, then it would caculate chance they have to win, then record in weither they won or not, do this for all the hands that go all in for the day, and see what happens, although it would have to measure all'in's only, becuase after the flop if the person that bet lost (the time's that is going to most commonly have both players show their hands the percentages could get screwed up becuase there are more variables then just the cards percent chance to win). also it can't do it in retrospect, becuase AA vs KK going both going all in on a flop of 2 K 3 is going to happen, so it would screw up percentages).Ugh hopefully that wasen't just some unreadable paragraph that I wasted time on, very hard to put what I was thinking into words. Also I'm confident that online sites aren't rigged, so I could care less to write such a program myself. (unless anyone felt like playing me =P, just to prove that FTP is, or isn't, rigged =P).
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Smash once said, when someone was complaining about how badly the cards were spitting in their face. "Play enough and you'll feel like that at least once a month. Play more, you'll feel like that once a week. Play as much as I do, and that's how you feel over morning coffee." ..he's right. Online poker is not rigged, get the fuck over it. If you can't handle variance, don't fucking play.

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OMG I think you're right that FT is rigged.Item:I just played a $20 mtt on Full Tilt. Twice during the game I was dealt AA. The first time I got it all-in preflop against an underpair and held up to win the pot. The second time I also got it all in preflop but lost to QQ when the flop came KQ6 and I didn't improve.So to look at this mathematically, I believe I am about 82% to win with AA vs an underpair. But on Full Tilt AA seems to only win 50% of the time. This is proven by the fact that today I saw it win 1 of 2 times, and 1 divided by 2 is 0.5, or 50%. This is far lower than the 82% that it should be, so the site must be rigged.
Best post of the thread (not involving Jessica Alba)
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Or maybe you should stop exaggerating, and realize that theres no way it happens EVERY time, just like the thread starter did not get his money in EVERY time with the best of it, no matter what he said. Goodness, bad players always seem to whine and complain about sites being rigged, I wonder why? Anyways, its like Ivey said. Nobody plays every hand perfect....Except Phil Hellmuth.
chill out newb.I said specifically of course it isnt rigged. I just made the point that the RNG's are not really random either.the PLO thing is just something I see alot....not every time. grow up.it just happened to me three times in a row....flopped middle set and also had the top pair in my hand. get me a tinfoil hat dmn it!
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I didn't read the whole thread so someone probably pointed it out but the chance of an overpair beating an underpair is...the chance that the underpair will win (with KK vs 88 of diferent suites 88 has a 20% chance), thats all the formulating you need to do ><, then you just do it 100 times and it should be close to 20 times, do it 1000 times and so on... Your formula dosen't seem to be right, becuase it should include the sameple size (100 times, 1000 times, etc, each time it should get less of a percentage chance).Someone could end all these rigging threads by making a program that observed 10 games at a time. It would start recording the stats anytime someone went all in before the river is shown, then it would caculate chance they have to win, then record in weither they won or not, do this for all the hands that go all in for the day, and see what happens, although it would have to measure all'in's only, becuase after the flop if the person that bet lost (the time's that is going to most commonly have both players show their hands the percentages could get screwed up becuase there are more variables then just the cards percent chance to win). also it can't do it in retrospect, becuase AA vs KK going both going all in on a flop of 2 K 3 is going to happen, so it would screw up percentages).Ugh hopefully that wasen't just some unreadable paragraph that I wasted time on, very hard to put what I was thinking into words. Also I'm confident that online sites aren't rigged, so I could care less to write such a program myself. (unless anyone felt like playing me =P, just to prove that FTP is, or isn't, rigged =P).
Somebody actually tracked somewhere in the 100,000 hands range and found the percentages all lined up as can be reasonably expected (within +/- 3%). I don't have the site, but you can probably google/yahoo it.
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