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Ako - What Would You Do?

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This hand came up yesterday in 180 $22 dollar sit n go. Im also choosing this hand because Ive been in similiar situations with AK recently so I thought it would be a good one to post.There were 15 players left. blinds are 400-800 with a 50 ante. The table is seven handed. I am utg+1 with AKo with 15094 chips. I raise to 2400. The small blind reraises all in. He has me covered by about 6k. I have no significant reads but he seems to be playing pretty well. Nothing out of line. What would you do?

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Call. You are only a slight dog against his range and doubling up here moves up your prize equity substantially.
QFTYou have to win at least one race in the final two tables if you are going to go top 3..Go for it hereAlso I think a fair amount of time you have the same hand
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QFTYou have to win at least one race in the final two tables if you are going to go top 3..Go for it hereAlso I think a fair amount of time you have the same hand
Yup, especially if it is just the tow of you in the hand, you have to call here.
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good to know you are clairvoyantyou are such a math nerd.Anyway, what is his range?
I have no clue what the player's range would be because I wasn't at the table.But I would say the small blind has anything from AJ-AK, 66-JJ, if he was any stronger then that why wouldn't he want to see a flop heads up?
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I have no clue what the player's range would be because I wasn't at the table.But I would say the small blind has anything from AJ-AK, 66-JJ, if he was any stronger then that why wouldn't he want to see a flop heads up?
I think we can defintely include QQ,KK and possibly AA in his range..I overbet the pot w/ these hands, especially QQ in 180s all the time..Not so much at the endgame but I still see it done
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I have no clue what the player's range would be because I wasn't at the table.But I would say the small blind has anything from AJ-AK, 66-JJ, if he was any stronger then that why wouldn't he want to see a flop heads up?
Of course you have a clue to his range..and are fairly close to mine.I definitely dont eliminate QQ from his range, hed much rather take down the pot here than have to play it when an A or K flops. I would discount KK and AA but only slightly. An early position raiser could very well call an all in to those hands, and you can lose your market if a threatening flop comes. And I would eliminate AJ from his range, too much chance of being dominated or no better than a coinflip to risk that many chips with AJ.
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I think we can defintely include QQ,KK and possibly AA in his range..I overbet the pot w/ these hands, especially QQ in 180s all the time..Not so much at the endgame but I still see it done
Yea I understand where you are coming from there. But if you have one of those three starting hands why not try to slow play it and moke more money off of them. Its not like you pick up a monster every other hand.
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Yea I understand where you are coming from there. But if you have one of those three starting hands why not try to slow play it and moke more money off of them. Its not like you pick up a monster every other hand.
forget slowplaying QQ against an early position raiser...a huge leak. You have to make Ax pay to see the flop. AA and KK may want to slow play occasionally for deception, but generally a raise is going to get called by an EP raiser and you want to get paid now. There are too many scenarios where EP will have to fold to a flop bet by you and you wont get any more action. With a flat call AA, KK and QQ are also inviting the BB into the hand, getting better than 2:1.dont succumb to Fancy Play Syndrome. Straight forward is right the vast majority of the time in tourney play.
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Interesting posts. I put him on a pretty tight range here. I gave him credit for being a decent player. SOOOO... I thought he would think "that guys raising from EP, hes got to have something". The only hand that i showed down that didnt have value is 9To from the cutoff, but he wasnt at the table at the time. I felt like his range was AK, AQ, 99 and up. I threw AJ out the window (I wouldnt make that move with AJ very often). edit- I dont mean to say that 9To has no value, but it was the weakest hand i showed.

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Interesting posts. I put him on a pretty tight range here. I gave him credit for being a decent player. SOOOO... I thought he would think "that guys raising from EP, hes got to have something". The only hand that i showed down that didnt have value is 9To from the cutoff, but he wasnt at the table at the time. I felt like his range was AK, AQ, 99 and up. I threw AJ out the window (I wouldnt make that move with AJ very often). edit- I dont mean to say that 9To has no value, but it was the weakest hand i showed.
I would agree AJ is not in this players range, as you described him as tight and solid..But from this bet, I think the hands we are going to see are 10s-QQ and AK mostly..against that range, I'm willing to gamble here because these tournaments are so top heavy,and like I said, your going to need to win one coin flip eventually..Might as well be nowYou folded didnt you?
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Call. An all-in re-raise from an OOP player says to me, "I have a good hand, but I'd prefer not to see the flop".In those cases, the tends to be pocket pairs from 66-JJ (maybe even QQ) and AK. For the most part, you're in a race.

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I went deep into my time bank for this one actually. I used to just auto call and hope to get lucky. Im a 13-10 underdog against alot of the pairs i put him on so im getting juuuuust enough odds to call. I folded the hand and went on to win the tournament (haha I hid a brag post! j/k). There is a hand in HOH2 that is similiar except the stacks are much deeper. I felt like I had a pretty solid advantage over the field, and felt good about the lay down.

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