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Man, I hate how they play that stupid phone ring tone like constantly on sportscenter... it's totally ruining my fun.... **** YOU ESPN!!

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Man, I hate how they play that stupid phone ring tone like constantly on sportscenter... it's totally ruining my fun.... **** YOU ESPN!!22000382797.gif
I see a bad link picture
Man, I hate how they play that stupid phone ring tone like constantly on sportscenter... it's totally ruining my fun.... **** YOU ESPN!!22000382797fa3.gif
haha I see now.
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I quit watching Sports Center on a regular basis. They cover too much crap I don't care about.

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Maybe I need to get me a lazy eye:stuart.jpg
why? So you can date a tranyy and a girl way past her prime?editors note: I'd do both of em, but that ain't saying much.
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hah I thought this thread was going to be about the world stacking championships on ESPN 2 an hour ago. They literally speed stack cups into various pyramids and what not. Really quite insane, but also quite dumb. And ridiculous to televise it. But yea, seriously, ESPN, stop :club:

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I still watch it but you hit it on the head. They need to show hockey again, fuk this paying $hit!!
no kiddingThey didn't even put a crew to cover the Stanley Cup Finals. Sportscenter can still show NHL highlight so the least they could have done was rustle up Barry Melrose, Gary Thorne, and John Buccigross to cover the damn thing. They had crews at the World Series, NBA Finals, Super Bowl, BCS Title Game, Final Four, etc., but no hockey. They wonder why no one but the hardcore fans pay attention to hockey...well when you have the #1 sports network basically saying that it doesn't matter then can you blame the fairweather fans for not showing up?ESPN Radio has gotten the same way. The Dan Patrick Show has gone downhill since Dibble left, Colin Cowherd is a fucking wad, and Mike & Mike talk about football 95% of the time. That's the main reason I now subscribe to XM so I can hear XM 175 (baseball only network) and XM 204 (hockey only network)...this way I can avoid all the other BS that the mainstream shows cover.
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