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advise on my poker life please read

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Hey, ive been posting here for a while and ever since I started Ive been a bit smarter about planning out my "poker life" ( bankroll, playing within limits, schedule ect.) I can usually figure out what to do in good situations and most of the time (not always) know when to leave bad ones. But now in kind of a tough situation, and I really need help from the only people that I "talk poker" with (my friends like poker but they are clueless). ok Im gonna give some background info some of u might know from reading other posts, but it is nessecary for this one, I'll try to be brief. I started playing again in Feb. after moving to LA I deposited money into Pokerroom and ran my BR up to $500 that month playing 4 hrs a day 5 days a week ( tourney's on weekends for fun) I was playing the .50/1 Limit game. Now heres my problem. I deposited my 500 on Pokermountain because I figured I could get the bonus and play at the same time so that I by the end of the month I could have about 1200 ( 100% bonus plus what ever I win) this would allow me to reach a higher limit faster (by april hopefully) . This is how P.M.'s deposit bonus works, they give you 10 dlrs every 100 hands w/ a rake of .50 or better, soo I would have to play 5000 for my bonus to clear. Anyway I started playing at P.M. and noticed that rarely if ever there is a .50/1 limit game going ( and if there is it is hard to build up a .50 rake for my hand to count for the deposist bonus) so I said ok Ill give the 1/2 a try afterall Im at 250x BB it wont make much difference ...well after a 3 hr session (2 tables) i was up $40 and got 10 out of my bonus so I was at $550 when I just went nuts! I wake up the next day log in and see Cloutier at the table said what the hell Ill sit w/ 100 (lost'em and im down to $450) then after the craziest 5 or 6 hr session w/ fellow posters Jayboogie and wrto, I was back up to $500 (counting another $30 in deposit bonus, so really im still down ) now today I have an hr to kill before school and I decide to get some hands in, and there are no limit tables going, so I play a little NL and lose $50 bluffing w/ a flush draw ( I go crazy in NL thats why i dont like cash games). down to about 450. I log on after school and get people from other tables to sit at the 1/2 limit we get all the way to 9 handed I do great and pick up to 480 plus 30 more in DB's so im at 510 then the table clears and they all move to the 2/4 I was bored so I got into the table to clear some more hands for my deposit bonus.. I started w/ $100, played good went up to 130 or 140 got out drawn 3 times went down to 90 or so, then tilted and down to 60 stopped a bit ,, started again got everything cracked played horribly and ended w/ a Bankroll of 450 (with 100 cleared already so really im down 150) this is all because Im playing crazy and above my limits with no self discipline.. I figured one of my options was to quit PM and go back to P.R. where I could play my regular limits. The other choice I have is to only play 1/2 limit (sometimes having to settle w/ shorthanded games or 1hr sessions b4 the table clears) and try to restrain myself from playing at other tables, but this would take much more time therefore I am not sure which choice might be more profitable? can I make the same amount of money at another site simply because I could two table for 4 hrs, than what I will make at this one because of the deposit bonus? Or is the deposit bonus really worth it for builduing my bankroll as long as I am disciplined and I could stick to my limit? I know that it might not seem like a big deal but building my Bankroll is very important to me so that I can begin paying my $450 dlr a month rent w/ this hopefully by the end of may... I need some advice..

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so that I can begin paying my $450 dlr a month rent w/ this hopefully by the end of mayYou can probbaly make $450 a month playing .25/.50 if you're willing to put the hands in.IF you 5 tabled for 8 hours a day, like it was a job, you could get in 2.5/3k hands a day, probably 80k hands a month. If you're beating it for 2BB/100 (you should be doing much better than that) that's $800.Of course working the same amount of hours at Mac Donalds pays more....

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"this would allow me to reach a higher limit faster (by april hopefully) ." its not a race to a higher limit. and movin up limits is never a decision to be based solely on the size of your roll.

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Take your money out of pokermountain. There are tons of better bonus' out there if that's what you're worried about. Put your $450 into Pokerstars, get their 20% (that's like $90, and there is always games running) or you can put it on party-they have a bonus going and there is always games running. At a site that has just started up, you have to settle with all sorts of limits. Some days you will be playing .50/1 NL, some days you will be playing .25/.50, and some days it's $2/4! It's just not worth it, IMO. Salvage what you can from your bankroll and find a better site. Pokermountain has the tightest players on the net. Go to Party, the bonus is cake to clear, and the players are even easier to beat.PS. Check out this site. You will not regret it. It will help you find good bonus' out there and most of the sites have really bad players so it will be easy on your BR.Good luck.PSS. What was your Pokermountain name? I hope you weren't there when jayboogie and I were capping every street at $1/2!

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PSS. What was your Pokermountain name? I hope you weren't there when jayboogie and I were capping every street at $1/2!
My name is Stueythekid I was capping everything w/ u guys some of em too (thats what I meant by crazy .. being beat by a 94 when u got aces sucks) lol.. it was fun though.
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PSS. What was your Pokermountain name? I hope you weren't there when jayboogie and I were capping every street at $1/2!
My name is Stueythekid I was capping everything w/ u guys some of em too (thats what I meant by crazy .. being beat by a 94 when u got aces sucks) lol.. it was fun though.
Oh man. I was afraid that was you. My 94 rocked. I ended up leaving that table with an extra $75. 8) Seriously, move your money to a better site. If you want, you can take advantage of bonus', but you have to practice good table selection, too.
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"this would allow me to reach a higher limit faster (by april hopefully) ." its not a race to a higher limit.  and movin up limits is never a decision to be based solely on the size of your roll.
He is right. Your post was so long and it's kinda late so I don't know exactly what I'm trying to give advice on.........stick to your limit. Just suck it up and grind it out where you know you can win. I guess that's what I'm supposed to say........
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playing at a level appropriate for your bankroll is exponentially more important than getting a good bonus. poker mountain is the toughest game to beat right now. take your money and deposit it into another site, party poker or pokerstars, so that you can beat the games easier, and you can still take advantage of decent bonuses.good luck,aseem

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thanks for the link wrto,...do u guys know how good ultimate bet is? they have a 40% bonus..hey smash how many screens do u use??  i can hardly 2 table in my littleass laptop
I 6-table on my little ass laptop.But, don't go to UB. The players are average and the bonus is hard to clear.Party, damn you! You wont regret it.
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thanks for the link wrto,...do u guys know how good ultimate bet is? they have a 40% bonus..hey smash how many screens do u use??  i can hardly 2 table in my littleass laptop
I 6-table on my little ass laptop.But, don't go to UB. The players are average and the bonus is hard to clear.Party, damn you! You wont regret it.
READ MY NAME I ALREADY REGRET THE FIRST TIME I WAS THERE!!! but ok ill give it a shot ...again..
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You should go play $1/$2 live at Commerce.Even with the 30% rake and tips and paying for food, you can still probably beat it for 4 BB an hour.
not old enough for commerce..do they really have 1/2 limit or are u just being sarcastic?? I couldnt beat the 2/4 at the indian casino cuz there was always 7 or 8 per flop.. everyone wanted the jackpot
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not old enough for commerce..do they really have 1/2 limit or are u just being sarcastic?? No, they really do.The rake is ludicrous, though. There's a normal drop and a jackpot drop and most people tip when they drag a pot.Not that you still can't beat it, it's laughably bad and a great place to get drunk and then play Pan.

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hey smash, how can you beat that little 1-2 game? if your goin to play live, at least 2-4. AT LEAST! I say you should play 3-6 or no-limitWhy? Cause in 3-6 you can start with 60 bullets, thats what i start with and i don't have a prob with shortstacks, and you can easily win 150 if you play tight/aggressive. Now, since you mentioned commerce, then you must know that 4/8 is a crazy game and totally different from 3-6. That being said, jump to no-limit 100 buy in and you can realistically win 200-500 in a 3-7 hour session. Again, playing tight aggressive. If you decide on no-limit, i suggest you bring 200 with you and have that extra 100 in your pocket for back up. If you lose, go home, come back another day. No biggie. For 3-6, i suggest no more than 200 also but i would say 180. more about commerce. Screw them!!!!! go to the bike and they will give you free food(at commerce, you pay 8 bucks for a meal and your sitting at a poker table!!!!!! Don't forget the tip :roll: ) remember, all these little things add up and take from your roll. plus i hope you know not to tip like a fool. that can really eat into your roll. Please, no comments about how commerce is so great. I use to go to commerce everyday for about two years. And i mean everyday. If you were there from 2000-2002, you've seen me. I remember seeing DN there when he was goin through his drinkin phase. I'm not saying he hung out there, but when there was a tourney, he was there and i would see him with his buddies and he was a bit red in the face.(from drinkin) Back then, he had brown hair and he combed it back :D:) I was the guy in the black leather jacket. I was known by alot of people there. I loved the old bar, and it was my personal play ground. some time i'll tell you guys about some of the things that i saw and went through. you wouln't believe.

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the reason i said to jump to no-limit from 3-6 is because of his bankroll. At 9/18, or 6/12 or 4-8, you need more back-up. would you agree that most 3-6 players are kind of in a world where they are skilled and don't chase as much as 1/2 or 2/4 players and are not as crazy as 4-8 :roll: or 6-12 players. sitting down with a half a rack in 6-12 (100 bucks), is incredibly shortstacked cause alot of those players are very aggressive and they will eat your roll if you don't win the first hand you commit to playing. 3/6 is not like this usually. You can find a tight game if you happen to sit in a loose one. Then, you skip all the other limits cause they cost too much to buy in for a small bankroll and there are some skilled players in 6-12 and 9-18 and you don't need that trouble. So go to no-limit and you only have to buy in for 100(and i usually like to sit in a new game or one that is fairly new so everyone has about the same amount of chips). I stay away from no-limit games that have 1,2 or 3 players with big stacks( if only one then i think back on how this player likes to play and if he respects my game or not and i decide from there). So some days you can lose 200 and no more. But, if your a winning player, you can win alot more if you win 200-500 at no-limit 65% of the time and up. 8) 8)

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oh, and by the way, i like to play @ pokerstars.com. It caters to all kinds of players and there bankrolls but it really helps the small time poker player or the players who lose a big chunk of there bankroll. You can go down to the dungeuns and build it back up. And i've done it many times. There's no shame. See it as a test to your poker skills. Last year i had a friend transfer me a dollar from his account and i started @ .02/.04 and worked my way up to $5/$10. Cashed out for 1200 and did it with just a buck. i played $5,$10 and $20 sit n gos and played $1,$2,$3 and $11 tourneys. i like the 2-4 game on there at around 12 midnight-3am(i'm in Los Angeles). Skip the $1/$2 and the .50/1. For some reason, they play very loose and its hard to beat when there are 7 plyers seeing the flop almost every hand. The 3-6 is good and i buy in for 100 bullets for the $5/$10. I play tight aggresive and it seems to work. I think of it like the .05/.10 when i buy in for a buck and trap, trap, trap. when you build that 100 bucks up to around 250-300, you can change gears and take more chances. See if it works for you. Just tryin to help 8) 8)

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