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Poker Book Needed For Plane Ride

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I need a book to read on the way to Vegas for the m.e. Both Sklansky's new book (No Limit Hold em: Theory and Practice) and the new Harrington workbook have gotten decent reviews. Which of these two books should I read? Or is there another that you recommend? Thank you.Jason

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Depends on whether you're studying or reading for pleasure. There are a lot of excellent pleasure-reading poker books (Professor, Banker, Suicide King...Biggest Game In Town...etc).

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actually,my posts were a joke.. I'd read the new sklansky for the plane ride, as the HoH really is a work book, and if you really want to get into it, you'll record your answers and what not. Both are great, though HoH is much better, IMO.

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I need a book to read on the way to Vegas for the m.e. Both Sklansky's new book (No Limit Hold em: Theory and Practice) and the new Harrington workbook have gotten decent reviews. Which of these two books should I read? Or is there another that you recommend? Thank you.Jason
read the harry potter series.learning magic > actual skill.hm that's a bit tacky but o well :)seriously though, harry potter is the best series ever.or go with dan brown books
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read the harry potter series.learning magic > actual skill.hm that's a bit tacky but o well :)seriously though, harry potter is the best series ever.or go with dan brown books
oh, Dan Brown books... hmmmmm and I was just begining to like you, too..
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oh, Dan Brown books... hmmmmm and I was just begining to like you, too..
i KNOW i KNOW!! i was suckered in. but dan brown are plane books! you can't put em down even though they all follow the exact same format.
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Ace on the River by Greenstein.Great mix of pleasure reading/tips to improve your game. Perfect for a plane trip.peace.
I enjoyed that book. Found it a really easy read.
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It is actually interesting. I dont think you cany say Sklansky or HOH are interesting reads. Informative yes, interesting no. You aernt on the plane ride to study. Go AOtR.

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If you are going to try to do well, do not read Phil Hellmuth's books. Please. Play poker like the pros offers some of the worst advice I have ever encountered for cash game play, it is very very simplistic, and if I recall there is no section on tournament play. Harrington on Hold 'Em Volume 1, then volume 2 before the final table should you be so lucky.

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well, you're about to be saturated with the world of poker once you get off the plane so I wouldn't even read a poker book to keep your mind relaxed and fresh, but if you really want to, go with HoH 3. p.s. Dan Brown is a hack author.

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i'm reading in order to improve my game so i can be rich and famous, respectively.
isnt the plane to vegas a little late to start restructuring your game?and dan brown is the most useless formulaic writer since the guy who wrote the bearenstein bears (which were much more enjoyable, but definitely formulaic)
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I've found the HoH series to be the most helpful of any I've read. If you haven't read Vol 1 or 2, don't start start with Vol 3 because the workbook refers to the earlier ones and uses some Harrington jargon. If you have read them, then the workbook is good to read in spurts and definitely takes you into hand analysis and a pro's thought process.Enjoy your trip!

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take either or and also take a novel by Neal Stephenson (Cryptonomicon was great!). Hell, you don't want to get too bogged down in poker, do you?

if you want to rea dan immense book go buy the hustler by walter tevisthen buy teh follow up, the color of money.do it, DO it
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I need a book to read on the way to Vegas for the m.e. Both Sklansky's new book (No Limit Hold em: Theory and Practice) and the new Harrington workbook have gotten decent reviews. Which of these two books should I read? Or is there another that you recommend? Thank you.Jason
The professor, the Banker and the Suicide King. Not educational but a great read.
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Haven't read it myself but what about Kill Phil. It's the strat that a weaker player can use to counter the aggressive pros.
It's good for a coaster on the plane.But make sure to dispose of your trash before you get off.
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