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Vegas - Weekend Of September 24

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I'll be in Vegas the weekend of Sept. 24th and wanted to know if any other FCPers are planning on being in Vegas then.
Nope, but I WILL be at the Bills vs. Jets game bayybah!! WOOHOO!!!
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I'll be in Vegas the weekend of Sept. 24th and wanted to know if any other FCPers are planning on being in Vegas then.
I'm definitely going now. Thanks for the invite!
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Sweet. Will you be paying for my boyfriend too?
I'll be on holiday and in a good mood, so why not? You don't think I'm trying to hit on you, do you?
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I'll be on holiday and in a good mood, so why not? You don't think I'm trying to hit on you, do you?
of course notcan I order lobster?
I will be there the following weekend... anyone want to buy me a cab ride or dinner?
The following weekend ??!!!! Why not the weekend of the 24th? Every one should know by now it is my annual Vegas Birthday trip. You really need to start taking that into consideration before plannign your vacations. In fact, everyone here should.
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of course not, pervert.can I order lobster? NOThe following weekend ??!!!! Why not the weekend of the 24th? Every one should know by now it is my annual Vegas Birthday trip. You really need to start taking that into consideration before plannign your vacations. In fact, everyone here should.
Royal might not like that "boyfriend" part, unless there's something he hasn't come out from yet...
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That would be cool... then I'll have played against two forum celebs... I played against Nikki a few months ago at Caesars, Indiana. I think I still owe her a haiku.. :club:
I played with Nikkilast time I was in Vegas. She's fun. :D
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