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It's The World Series Of Darts

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I think its a bad idea. ESPN is becoming ESPN Ocho at this rate....I think they showed World Championship scrabble and dominos...c'mon....FSN Darts is great though, I hardly watch it...but I just love the atmosphere for such an event.

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FSN Darts is great though, I hardly watch it...but I just love the atmosphere for such an event.
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I think its a bad idea. ESPN is becoming ESPN Ocho at this rate....I think they showed World Championship scrabble and dominos...c'mon....FSN Darts is great though, I hardly watch it...but I just love the atmosphere for such an event.
Ok if you think about it, poker was a "gimicky" sport in the eye of the nation in 2003 when Moneymaker won it. Now they are just trying something else. I like watching darts on FSN, awesome atmosphere. Who knows it may take off. Ok I doubt it but hey whatever you have to do for ratings right??? And I also watched the dominos thingy today and agree. If I wanted to watch Dominos, Id go down the street and watch the old guys play and yell at each other, much more comedic value.JEFF
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I actually played in the World Series of Darts. Unfortunately most people in the US have very little concept of darts outside a pub game context. But to give you an idea of why ESPN would want to televise a tournament like this I'll give you some numbers.According the National Sporting Good Association report year 2000. Darts was the 18th most popular sport in America with 17.4 million people playing on an annual basis. Darts was ranked higher then, baseball, soccer, football, tennis, skiing, kickboxing, snowboarding, skating sports, and martial arts.Darts is not a highly athletic sport. But it does require a great degree of coordination on mental focus. And it is rich in history dating back to at least midieval times like most sports derived by survival skills. Televised darts in the UK has been a huge success for many years. The Embassy world championship routinely draw in excess of 15+Million viewers. And darts is the second highest rated sports show in the UK second only to soccer. Whether or not darts will catch on as a spectator sport here in the US is still to be seen. But televised events for a million dollars in prime time are a good start. I believe once more of the public become aware of and understand the game it will be bigger then ever.

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FSN Darts is great though, I hardly watch it...but I just love the atmosphere for such an event.
Basically the same thing really. I didn't see any difference between the two. and I always loved watching darts. I used to play a little (but suck, and only cricket) so it interests me.
i watched the world series of dominoes earlier today, it was about as much fun as watching paint dry
Once again, I used to play dominoes, so this I watched, and enjoyed. It's only for a target audience though, and I highly doubt it will catch on.
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As for the dominoes...they are playing a variation that requires very little skill...A real Dominoe game is a double nine setup...play a $1 a pass and $10 a game...with $50 sets...Now that is fun fun fun gambling.

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