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How Many People Have Done This?

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You take a few losses during the night, maybe one bad play and a few bad beats but for the most part you are playing well. As a recreational player you look at your bankroll and don’t want to end the night in the red. You think to yourself “I can slip up a few levels, play a few hands, just steal some blinds and never play a big hand and easily make back my losses with little or no risk”. Sure enough the first time you try it, it works. Not only are you out of the red but “Wow, I made just as much in 45 minutes as a 3 hour grind at the lower levels!” You swear to yourself, “I’ll never do this again, it was a stupid risk. I just got lucky.” The problem comes with the next night, when you’re in the same boat. You move up with an inadequate bankroll and play the bigger game again. You see everyone donking off their money and think to yourself “Look at all that free money!” Yep, you guessed it, one bad beat later and 1/3 or 1/2 of your BR is gone! The problem isn't skill level, it’s purely financial. You don’t have the proper BR to play at this level. Back to the grind.Been there, done that. Twice! Ok, ok, maybe three times.How do you stop this behavior? Grow a backbone and just stop. Easy to say, hard to do. I think I’ve found my solution. As a recreational player, why do a need a large online bankroll? Answer, I don’t. If I simply pull my BR off the site I’m playing and place it back into my banking account. I won’t have the funds online to move up into these higher limits. This probably won’t stop me from sneaking up a single level, but it will prevent the 2 or 3 tier jumps. It shouldn’t affect my play because I know how much I have in my BR. It’s just not all on me when I sit at a virtual table.Will it work?

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Some people have self control and others don't. If you don't have any you probably never will or will have to go through a few learning mistakes like it seems you already have. Just keep telling yourself its better to be a little in the red and live to fight another day then losing half your bankroll and starting almost completly over.

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OP - you hit my biggest leak right on the head. I have done this at least 4 or 5 times in the past year. I know I shouldnt, but I suck at self control and discipline.just 2 nights ago blew thew $200 at $3/$6, popped up to $10/$20 and got back $150 in 3 minutes. Worked that time. Most the time it doesnt.I have to stop doing this.

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OP - you hit my biggest leak right on the head. I have done this at least 4 or 5 times in the past year. I know I shouldnt, but I suck at self control and discipline.just 2 nights ago blew thew $200 at $3/$6, popped up to $10/$20 and got back $150 in 3 minutes. Worked that time. Most the time it doesnt.I have to stop doing this.
dumb ass
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yea that would have been a much shorter version of my previous post, thanks for simplifying it for me old man.
anytime Chicken
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Just don't leave the table until you get back to even. PLay solid poker, and it works. Trust me. Just build up your endurance.
Then you will wind up with a small win or a big loss, not the way to go.There needs to be a real reason to stay in the game such as the fish count, you are playing well or any other reson why you can beat the game, otherwise cut and run. Come back when your head is right.
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Ahh... this thread reminds me of the good ol' days at 10/20 limit and 5/10NL...those were the days of no self-control or Bankroll management.And if I ever need to remember them i just stop by PokerTracker and see what an idiot i was

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Then you will wind up with a small win or a big loss, not the way to go.There needs to be a real reason to stay in the game such as the fish count, you are playing well or any other reson why you can beat the game, otherwise cut and run. Come back when your head is right.
My head IS right. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Once you play for hours at a time, you can size up your opponents better, you'll have better endurance, and you'll be able to work you're way back up so you end up with a small gain, or small loss. You'll also play better. Play hours, not results.
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One thing I very often DO do is drop 1-2 full buy ins at 6 max then proceed to make back 4-5... This isn't a problem as much as the fact that I often get downtrodden after dropping a buy in and quit behind rather than sticking it out!There's nothing more demoralising than sitting with $2-300 at $100 max at one tables but being down 2 full buy ins at the fourth!!!

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My head IS right. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Once you play for hours at a time, you can size up your opponents better, you'll have better endurance, and you'll be able to work you're way back up so you end up with a small gain, or small loss. You'll also play better. Play hours, not results.
doesn't this contradict what you said earlier to play till you're even?
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here's a twist:All you people with no BR mangement and Black Jack addicts ( not the rec players who understand and have control)...you don't want to stop gambling beyond your means.You just want to present an image of a risk taker who wants to rein himself in.you are doing what you want to do. you pretend to want to do be something else.take that.serious.

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here's a twist:All you people with no BR mangement and Black Jack addicts ( not the rec players who understand and have control)...you don't want to stop gambling beyond your means.You just want to present an image of a risk taker who wants to rein himself in.you are doing what you want to do. you pretend to want to do be something else.take that.serious.
Oh I'm a gambling addict but like Phil Ivey, I'm luck enough to have found something I can beat!
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**************************it's like me saying "I don't want to be fat"well, yeah, I'd rather eat Taco Bell though, than get on my treadmillI just don't want others to think I like being fat.
Calling me fat biznitch?
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OP - you hit my biggest leak right on the head. I have done this at least 4 or 5 times in the past year. I know I shouldnt, but I suck at self control and discipline.just 2 nights ago blew thew $200 at $3/$6, popped up to $10/$20 and got back $150 in 3 minutes. Worked that time. Most the time it doesnt.I have to stop doing this.
Mine too.
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so depressing when it happens. i do it ALL the time. for lucky twice, playing 1/2, i jumped to 5/10 buying in for 200 the first time, pick up AA, go all in after a $30 raise, getta call, BANG double up, i leave. 2nd time buy in for $100, pick up 77 on BB, all in, getta call, like 3 or 4 pictures on the board [****] but i win, BANG double up, i leave,another day i go for 25/50 FLHE HU, big mistake.oh ya, another was playing 3/6 with a $250 BR, a shared BR, 1st hand KJ, button limps, flop is KJT, he of course has Q9. It was hard explaining how i blew $180 playing $10 SNGs!

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