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Raleigh Nc Poker Raid

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Well it is funny being from Durham NC and seeing how much attention they are giving things like poker. I mean the article said they were working on this case for 2 months! Really? So breaking up a cash game is more important that the lives of the people involved in the shootings in this area. I wish they had investigated the Duke Lacrosse team for two months before the scandal. We spend too much time chasing after games like poker when the big problems are right in front of our faces. A friend of mine was held up a gunpoint the other night leaving a bar at 12:15. To bad the cops were not there instead of spying on some poker players.

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A friend of mine was held up a gunpoint the other night leaving a bar at 12:15. To bad the cops were not there instead of spying on some poker players.
Too bad it wasn't a bar that had a poker night.Wait...I don't think the other kind exist any more, never mind.
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Funny enough we do have Tavern Poker in NC. Free to play and you can win gift certificates and food from the bar. Horrible though because you play a bunch of newbies with nothing on the line. If any given call didn't cost me anything and I could get right back in another game for free too then I think I would be a lot more likely to call and see what happens! But, no she wasn't leaving a poker event, just dinner with friends.

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Im from Raleigh, Fossilman made it pretty clear when he moved to town that he had no interest in playing in any home games, he moved here to live and raise his kids, not play shady high stakes games in someones back room

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Fossilman doesn't strike me as the kind of guy that enjoys a side dish of heroin with his aces. Of course, he does have that cheek drawn, heroin look to him.
Not exactly a junkie figure
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