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Vegas Baby! Advice Please

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basically, me and a friend have been doing pretty well lately and want to go to vegas for the big one.. not to play, but for the surrounding events and to experience vegas at its peakwe're from london, which is the main problem. we checke dit out and it cost £700 to flyor about $1300.. so we're thinking we could get a cheaper flight to somewhere else in the states and road trip it to vegas.so if anyone could tell us where cheapest to fly to that would be cosmic.then we have to aquire a car, and we encounter another probem....neither of us have a license, though one of us can drive.so we're planning on buying a car. so we need to know if its possible/easy to get a cheap car to take us cross country that isnt stolen. any advice would be great.. ts..also, any info on the punishment for driving in america with no license or anything would be great.

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basically, me and a friend have been doing pretty well lately and want to go to vegas for the big one.. not to play, but for the surrounding events and to experience vegas at its peakwe're from london, which is the main problem. we checke dit out and it cost £700 to flyor about $1300.. so we're thinking we could get a cheaper flight to somewhere else in the states and road trip it to vegas.so if anyone could tell us where cheapest to fly to that would be cosmic.then we have to aquire a car, and we encounter another probem....neither of us have a license, though one of us can drive.so we're planning on buying a car. so we need to know if its possible/easy to get a cheap car to take us cross country that isnt stolen. any advice would be great.. ts..
It's cheaper and quicker to fly to Las Vegas.
also, any info on the punishment for driving in america with no license or anything would be great.
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You're not going to be able to find a car that will actually get you there without breaking down for less than it would cost you to just fly there directly. Plus I dunno if you know how big the US is. If you fly into someplace like New York it will be about 40 hours of actual driving time, and with only one person driving it'll take a very long time. Then there's the cost fuel and motel rooms and food on the way. Just fly all the way if you can.And yeah...if you get caught driving with no license you will be arrested.

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basically, me and a friend have been doing pretty well lately and want to go to vegas for the big one.. not to play, but for the surrounding events and to experience vegas at its peakwe're from london, which is the main problem. we checke dit out and it cost £700 to flyor about $1300.. so we're thinking we could get a cheaper flight to somewhere else in the states and road trip it to vegas.so if anyone could tell us where cheapest to fly to that would be cosmic.then we have to aquire a car, and we encounter another probem....neither of us have a license, though one of us can drive.so we're planning on buying a car. so we need to know if its possible/easy to get a cheap car to take us cross country that isnt stolen. any advice would be great.. ts..also, any info on the punishment for driving in america with no license or anything would be great.
Yeah, it will be cheaper to fly straight to Vegas. You will probably get arrested driving without a license or your car will break down and you will get robbed. I say take the chance. You will have one hell of a story to tell your buddy's when you get back to London.
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I don't know what days you are looking at, but Expedia.com has a vacation package from London to Vegas from July 11 to July 20th with hotel at Golden Nugget for $1049 per person. The airline is BMI with a connection in Manchester.

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Whatever you do don't listen to those guys, getting caught with a license is no big deal and they'll probably let you go with just a warning.
I have been arrested one time in my life, and it was for driving with an EXPIRED license. The ***** wouldn't let me go with a warning.
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I have been arrested one time in my life, and it was for driving with an EXPIRED license. The ***** wouldn't let me go with a warning.
Interesting, I lost my wallet about a month ago and never went to get a new license. I guess I should do that.
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As many said, it'll cost more to fly and then drive then to just fly straight to vegas. Plus, the overall trip will just be more enjoyable. Even if it would be a tad more expensive, i'd still probably pay some extra cash just to avoid the driving and crap. Since you don't have a car you can't do this but you could still take some kind of taxi or shuttle but when I went to the WSOP ME last year I stayed in downtown vegas(MUCH MUCH cheaper) and just drove to the Rio everyday.

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I checked London to New York, closest to you - $900. That's a 2500 mile drive.London to Los Angeles, easiest drive (4-5 hours) - $1100.Neither one makes any sense. The best choice is to just fly directly into Vegas.

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Guys, stop lying to him. I know he's not popular, but at least it's more money for our own economy, right?The best thing to do will be to fly into Dillingham Airfield. It's a short ways from Vegas, and since it's a smaller airport, it'll be cheaper. Check around used car lots for a car you like, ask for a test drive, and mug the guy. How are they going to find you? You're from across the ocean!Drive the couple hours to Vegas and have fun.

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Guys, stop lying to him. I know he's not popular, but at least it's more money for our own economy, right?The best thing to do will be to fly into Dillingham Airfield. It's a short ways from Vegas, and since it's a smaller airport, it'll be cheaper. Check around used car lots for a car you like, ask for a test drive, and mug the guy. How are they going to find you? You're from across the ocean!Drive the couple hours to Vegas and have fun.
Yeah, good plan. Dillingham Airfield is just barely outside of Vegas. Very short drive.
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i really dont thik i got pwned here.lots of people said i couldnt do it, and ive made nearly 30k since then.i was just wondering what opinions were out there.thnaks for those who said something.
Dude you made 30K since mid April I think you can afford the direct flight.courtesty ofhttp://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...showtopic=64700
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When I flew to London from Los Angeles area, I went through Atlanta.Business class was $1200If you aren't a good driver, don't even think of driving in America. We are the best drivers in the world, and we drive on the right side of the road, but Los Angeles Freeways aren't for the newbieAlso look into those around the world flights, you can stop in New York, Vegas, Los Angeles, and then hit up Tokyo, Bangkok, Athens, and Prague before going home.

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When I flew to London from Los Angeles area, I went through Atlanta.Business class was $1200If you aren't a good driver, don't even think of driving in America. We are the best drivers in the world, and we drive on the right side of the road, but Los Angeles Freeways aren't for the newbieAlso look into those around the world flights, you can stop in New York, Vegas, Los Angeles, and then hit up Tokyo, Bangkok, Athens, and Prague before going home.
She can't roll the dice. She's business class.Business class?Big butt. You know, can't fly coach.
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basically, me and a friend have been doing pretty well lately and want to go to vegas for the big one.. not to play, but for the surrounding events and to experience vegas at its peakwe're from london, which is the main problem. we checke dit out and it cost £700 to flyor about $1300.. so we're thinking we could get a cheaper flight to somewhere else in the states and road trip it to vegas.so if anyone could tell us where cheapest to fly to that would be cosmic.then we have to aquire a car, and we encounter another probem....neither of us have a license, though one of us can drive.so we're planning on buying a car. so we need to know if its possible/easy to get a cheap car to take us cross country that isnt stolen. any advice would be great.. ts..also, any info on the punishment for driving in america with no license or anything would be great.
Uh...yeah....good luck with that...
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