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Can Someone Explain To Me Who Russ G Is?

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Name is Russ Georgiev posts often on RGP about cheating in poker back before the boom.Here's his website if you want to know more about him:http://www.pokermafia.com/And wikipedia page:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russ_georgiev
Thanks for the reply. Did he also write a fake email and claim Daniel sent it to him, regarding proffesional poker players and cheating? How did this guy make a name for himself?
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Thanks for the reply. Did he also write a fake email and claim Daniel sent it to him, regarding proffesional poker players and cheating? How did this guy make a name for himself?
Daniel admitted emailing Russ on RGP years ago, but Russ always re-posts it. I don't recall all the details, but as usual with Russ it was blown out of proportion and made to look like it was more then it was. If you search the RGP archives, you should be able to find the original thread (not the hundreds of times he re-posted it).Russ is looked at like scum by most players, but you'd be surprised how many people admit to knowing him/playing with him. Hellmuth told me he is the reason he stopped posting on RGP, and that is also why Doyle left RGP years ago. Mike Caro at one point was involved with making a tape about cheating in poker with Russ. I think it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to make a 'Russ G = Jose Canseco' analogy. He's recognized as someone who was a good player (how good is debatable, and depends on who you ask), but like Jose, has a lot of knowledge regarding cheating. Like Canseco, he named 'names', and is ultimately despised because of it by his peers. And finally like Canseco, although I'm sure an alarming amount of what he says is true at least to an extent, he is full of **** a lot of the time too.Hope that helps; IMHO, he's scum...but I don't blatantly disregard everything he says.
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I had seen his "pokermafia" site ages ago, and thought jesus if you really are making a load, why is your site so crappy and rudimentary.however, the wikipedia article has a link to a pokermagazine article that I just read, I will say it was a pretty entertaining read, everything from dog track betting in Mexico to $1000 a day coke habit:Let Me Be Honest -Russ G

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Incredible article.This guy is on the run for his life for a reason and is hated by so many that his stories must be more truth than not.I'm dying to know exactly how the cheaters did/do it. Be nice to know how to spot it if it's happening.

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If he claims that many of the higher stakes players are cheats, and some of his accusations do have merit, does anyone know who is who that he mentioned? I went on RPG and he said Doyle was one?
LOL. It would take less time to name players that Russ _hasn't_ accused of cheating then it would take to name the players he has. Not so many of the new guard, but pretty much everyone from back in the day.You know, from what I understand Russ is pretty good about returning emails, and there is nothing he likes to do better then talk about himself, so you might want to ask him anything you want to know. Heh, who knows, maybe you will get a free tshirt out of it, or a copy of the cheating tapes on dvd. He will send either if I recall correctly if you ask. Heh, last year he backed a handful of RGP members to prelim WSOP events to prove to everyone he wasn't broke.He's a nut, but an entertaining one at times.
i believe its rec.gambling.pokeran online poker forum
Not to nitpick, but only the first part is correct. RGP is it's true form is a usenet newsgroup, not an online forum. There are sites like recpoker.com and recgroups.com that allow you to view RGP in a forum-like setting, but that's not RGP. To access RGP directly, you can use google groups, outlook (if you suscribe to a newsgroup provider), or pretty much any other mail client. I use google groups because I'm lazy, and because it allows quick access to the archives. :-)
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all you ever need to know about him:http://cluckcluck.cjb.net/
Although humorous in parts, that site is about as credible as Russ. Russ comes off pretty pathetic most of the time, but someone devoting that much time to make a site bashing him is pretty laughable. It does a poor job refuting anything, and has way too much of a personal vendetta feeling to it. If the creator had left out the personal attacks and done more research, I could possibly take it seriously...I mean, I wouldn't ask a member of the KKK to give me their opinion on Jesse Jackson and expect to get an unbiased, factful opinion.But as always, I must point out: Russ = scum :-)
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Although humorous in parts, that site is about as credible as Russ. Russ comes off pretty pathetic most of the time, but someone devoting that much time to make a site bashing him is pretty laughable. It does a poor job refuting anything, and has way too much of a personal vendetta feeling to it. If the creator had left out the personal attacks and done more research, I could possibly take it seriously...I mean, I wouldn't ask a member of the KKK to give me their opinion on Jesse Jackson and expect to get an unbiased, factful opinion.But as always, I must point out: Russ = scum :-)
Yes I agree. But very funny. However, the 10 steps list on the right is very accurate.
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Yes I agree. But very funny. However, the 10 steps list on the right is very accurate.
Yeah, I almost added an edit to say that. The whole fiasco with Greenstein was comical. Poor Russ...if he ever learned to keep his mouth shut, he'd probably have an easier time convincing people some of what he says is true. Heh he should have known better then to challenge someone with an ego as big as his. ;-)I haven't really kept up with the drama on RGP as of late, so I don't know if he has embarrassed himself since then.
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