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$50,000 H.o.r.s.e. Event

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I would love to watch this event too, but word is they are only going to televise the final table, which is only nl holdem. What a rippoff. Have an entire event devoted to H.O.R.S.E. and then only show the final table which doesn't have the H.O.R.S.E. format.
I'm sure they chose to televise as just Hold em' because the casual fan doesn't enjoy the other games enough to watch them on T.V. I wish they stuck with the H.O.R.S.E. format, but I don't think it would have gotten the ratings they wanted, and we all know thats what its about for ESPN.
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You can be in the casino under 21....you simply can't play. I am stumped as to what the turnout may be for this event. For some reason my little brain thinks it could be 400 people, or it could be 4000 people. Either way, the winner is a poker bad-***.
:club: 4,000 people? That would be scary, especially when the prize pool would then be $200 million. Even last year's ME [heck, this year's ME for that matter] doesn't even reach half that amount. That would be pretty sick, lol. If they do something like 20% of the prize pool, that would be $40 million for first place. :D Of course, too bad that neither would probably happen, lol :D
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400 people with 50000 in starting chips they would have to jack the levels up every 10 minutes to get this in in 3 days. less than 100 pnby about 50. alot of pros cant afford to play this within there bankroll. my picks would be DN, Scott Fishman, Huck Seed or Phil Ivey. If in Fact they all play this.

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There will be exactly 248 or 179 players in this event.
That would still generate a big prize pool.I think we can assume the winner will win at least a million. If an online player wins, I'd like it to be Allthewomen. If not, I actually think Jen could take it down. That would be huge.
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there will be more than 500 players, and phil ivey will win.mark my words
I'll give you 10 to 1 that this doesnt come true. But if you want to go on the entrants alone, more than 500, I'll give you 3 to 1. Wanna go? :icon_cool:Whoever said that many pros will not play this is absolutely right. This is after all a tournament and aside from the richest of the big time pros, not very many are willing to put up 50K on a tourney. I spoke to a pretty popular one on UB and they said it was a 'huge ego fest' and not necessarily a great tournament. I, 50%, agree with that. Im still pretty excited about it though and really hope that they televise some of the actual HORSE play.
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Poker players, playing horse? I bet 3 gabillion dollars on Phil Ivey because he's black and can dunk.
I can't believe it has been this long and no one complimented Stylin on this. :club::D
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You can be in the casino under 21....you simply can't play. I am stumped as to what the turnout may be for this event. For some reason my little brain thinks it could be 400 people, or it could be 4000 people. Either way, the winner is a poker bad-***.
You can WALK through the casino's here if your under 21, but you can not stop and watch or rail any games. The WSOP is in a huge convention center area attached to the Rio. Last year I did not see anyone checking ID's at the door, so it is POSSIBLE to rail some of the games, but if you get asked for ID your out of luck. If you want to play poker while you are here I suggest using an of age friends ID that you could pass for while in the poker room. HTH. King B In LV
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400 people with 50000 in starting chips they would have to jack the levels up every 10 minutes to get this in in 3 days. less than 100 pnby about 50. alot of pros cant afford to play this within there bankroll. my picks would be DN, Scott Fishman, Huck Seed or Phil Ivey. If in Fact they all play this.
Yup...DN, Fischman, Seed, Ivey, Seidel, Chan, Brunson, Forrest and Greenstein are the big favorites IMO. Gurantee atleast 2-3 of those people listed will make the final table.
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I love hold em and omaha, I just cant stand stud. Razz, I think thats a crap shoot. I'm glad they are doing this. The 50k buy in is crazy. Wont be as interesting imo if one person doesnt make mulitple final tables(guessing chances of this happening are smaller since the field will be smaller). We shall see.
Bolded part 1.You obviously don't know anything about Razz, read up or watch a few games of Razz (other than the crappy ESPN telecast) and tell me that it's a crapshoot., and you're questioning 2 final tables????? Bolded part 2.What does that even mean? You don't think one person will make 2 final tables at this WSOP. Mark Seif won in back to back tournaments this past year.Let's just hope I'm misinterpretting that sentence.
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Yup...DN, Fischman, Seed, Ivey, Seidel, Chan, Brunson, Forrest and Greenstein are the big favorites IMO. Gurantee atleast 2-3 of those people listed will make the final table.
I bet if I named half the field, a few of my guys would be there too.
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But I thought....fish would spoil it?I'll take as much of that action as you will give me
think your clever aye??? newbie vs VETERAN!!!! WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP I WIN MORON!it was a joke i dont hate you
Party Poker does have sattelites to the h.o.r.s.e event, it's a freeroll every week. Top 50 of each freeroll tourney get entry into the saturday tourney with 2500 people, 11-20th place gets a 2500 dollar wsop buy in, 2-10th get a main event buy-in, and first place gets the 50,000 dollar buy in for h.o.r.s.e
they better be playing horse in that freeroll not just holdem
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think your clever aye??? newbie vs VETERAN!!!! WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP I WIN MORON!it was a joke i dont hate youthey better be playing horse in that freeroll not just holdem
I'm pretty sure it's all NL Hold'em. Leave to Party to qualify people for a HORSE event with a NL Hold'em Tourney.
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Bolded part 1.You obviously don't know anything about Razz, read up or watch a few games of Razz (other than the crappy ESPN telecast) and tell me that it's a crapshoot., and you're questioning 2 final tables????? Bolded part 2.What does that even mean? You don't think one person will make 2 final tables at this WSOP. Mark Seif won in back to back tournaments this past year.Let's just hope I'm misinterpretting that sentence.
Now that I look back at that, I realize the second bolded part made no sense. I cant even explain what I was thinking(your not misinterpretting it at all, I was the one who f'ed up there). Dont want to even explain what I was originally thinking when I talked about multiple final tables cause then you would really think I'm an idiot. Now...I will stand by my opinion that Razz is a crapshoot, to some extent. You still need to catch cards. Its just my opinion(which doesnt mean much). :club:
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Yup...DN, Fischman, Seed, Ivey, Seidel, Chan, Brunson, Forrest and Greenstein are the big favorites IMO. Gurantee atleast 2-3 of those people listed will make the final table.
The overwhelming favorite will be Chip Reese, if he plays.
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But, all they do is ask you to leave...they don't take your birthday away or nothin'.
Exactly the reason it was always so easy for me to play in AC when I was underage, lol. Act confused, say you don't have your license on you, and take a walk.
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Now that I look back at that, I realize the second bolded part made no sense. I cant even explain what I was thinking(your not misinterpretting it at all, I was the one who f'ed up there). Dont want to even explain what I was originally thinking when I talked about multiple final tables cause then you would really think I'm an idiot. Now...I will stand by my opinion that Razz is a crapshoot, to some extent. You still need to catch cards. Its just my opinion(which doesnt mean much). :club:
Fair enough, but name me one of those games where you dont need to catch cards, to some extent.I dont think the statement makes much sense.
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You will have no problem getting in to watch the world series. I got in and watched last year with no problems at all, and I was only 16 at the time.
What are you , like...17?
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I would love to watch this event too, but word is they are only going to televise the final table, which is only nl holdem. What a rippoff. Have an entire event devoted to H.O.R.S.E. and then only show the final table which doesn't have the H.O.R.S.E. format.
So they're planning on having a Limit HORSE tournament and then changing it to NL for the final table? sorry if this has been discussed but I haven't been paying attention much.
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