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Talking About Smoking Pot

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Ok...Based on another topic about playing while smoking pot...I've got a 'what do you think legally' question.So...you readily admit online to smoking pot while playing poker.It's in a public forum.Much like the cases of those students with their comments about teachers and other stuff posted online...Question:Do you think it's possible for law enforcement officers to surf public message boards and based on the comments there, issue search warrants for drugs and other illegal substances?I really don't have any opinion either way. Just when I saw the posts about playing poker high, I wondered if this is a possibility in the future.If this is already talked about somewhere, sorry (couldn't figure what to type in the search forum).Just an ethics/legal question based on some other things that have happened online on "public" message boards.E

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a lot of what is said in a public forum is BS anyway so I don't think anything would happen.interesting topic for discussion thoughdo you advocate smoking pot?

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I wouldn't worry. Now if I said I just sold six pounds of cocaine to the 15-year-old prostitute I have living in my basement and then plan on playing online poker afterwards, then I might get paranoid.Looks like I just bent myself over. :club:

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If I went up to a cop and told him that I smoked pot all day until I passed out, there's basically nothing that he could/would do. It's a non issue.

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You think maybe the cops have enough to do without searching web sites for possible pot smokers?
I would venture to guess this is the same logic most of those folks from MySpace used ... Look where it got them.I am not saying it is right and I think it is a load of BS to bust someone for their thoughts rather than their actions, but such is the state of things in the good 'ol "free" USA.
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I don't know where you live, but, here in California you could walk up to a cop and hand him an ounce bag -1 pin roll, and get a ticket...if he had time and inclination to bother with it.I have no idea what happened at My Space, but, I'd venture a guess that what ever it was had something to do with kids or terrorists. Cops do have time and inclination to bother with both of those groups.

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good responses...just asking questions.talked about with some of our neighbors..I realize we're not talking terroists, death threats, pedophiles..(like the myspace stuff)..but was just wondering.Just was thinking in some smaller towns where fines/tickets really help fund the city, those cops might think about it.Certainly wasn't talking about California, that's for sure.I'm thinking more rural south...Really just asking question to see what people think.Nice to have discussions with others just to get opinions (and not starting a topic just for arguments sake).Certainly not advocating smoking pot, just asking questions.Thanks for the thoughts...This is my one forum/bulleting board that I feel like is home (just not enough time for the millions of blogs/boards out there), so wanted to see what folks thought.E

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if you are from a small town, whatever you do, don't post that info under your screen name or they will be on to you......oh no, they're already watching you now, dog. slowly walk to the toilet. flick doob into toilet and flush. phew... close one.

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The internet is merely supposition. Nothing you say on here has actually happened, or all the basement virgins like FWP would have a 14" peni$ and regular 3somes with Pam Anderson and Jenna Jameson.

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No, because there is no evidence to suggest that you smoked. You may just be bragging. The police that have cought suspects actually talked about specifics of their crimes... morons. for example: i drank underage tonight in my house tonight with like 30 other kids. There is no way that the police could prove this.OR. i smoke weed while playing poker. Well, maybe i just want to feel cool, there is no way to prove it. I guess if they were truly inspired to catch an 1/8th bag smoker they could TRY to get a warrent to search you house but common. That's my educated opinion.KDps i am actually drunk

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If I went up to a cop and told him that I smoked pot all day until I passed out, there's basically nothing that he could/would do. It's a non issue.
On a dare my friend once asked a cop at a red light what the penalty was for cocaine possesion, and then I think also what the street price was.
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there was an article in the seattle paper the other day about prospective employers not hiring college grads based on content of their blogs and myspace accounts ie if you employers goes to browse your myspace site and finds your interests are smoking phat blunts and tappin poker groupie azz while moving all in with 72 offsuit you might not get that job you want lol.

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there was an article in the seattle paper the other day about prospective employers not hiring college grads based on content of their blogs and myspace accounts ie if you employers goes to browse your myspace site and finds your interests are smoking phat blunts and tappin poker groupie azz while moving all in with 72 offsuit you might not get that job you want lol.
This is how come YOu'd want to use a clean email for the job, and not use Your full name on MurdochSpace.
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Typical stoner paranoia.
Aren't her breast just a bit too big???I think the whole Myspace situation is bullshit. And I agree with one of the comments above. You should have an email account where you handle "professional" things.About smoking pot - I think cops have better things to do then hang out on internet forums and see who is smoking or whatever. Actually I'm pretty sure its insubmissible in court if they got the information out of a public forum. It would be pretty hard to prove you weren't just making all this up. But what do I know I'm stoned right now :club:
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