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Trying To Quit Online Poker

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Man, I kept dumping little bits of money in stars and trying to build it up quickly. Any money I would make from work I would put it in there than lost it quickly. So yesterday my solution to that was to delete any poker sites off my coumputer. I will still play poker at local live games and casinos but for the most part hopefully I can stay off of online for a while.

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Man, I kept dumping little bits of money in stars and trying to build it up quickly. Any money I would make from work I would put it in there than lost it quickly. So yesterday my solution to that was to delete any poker sites off my coumputer. I will still play poker at local live games and casinos but for the most part hopefully I can stay off of online for a while.
y friend did that he won 1k lost 400 took the rest out and quit.
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I myself have quit online poker at least for the time being I only play live cash games and some tournaments. I have so much more fun playing live and so much better results. Though I told myself I wont go back to online until 2 or 3 years have passed but Im sure I'll be back in like a year...

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