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Mandalay Bay Poker Championship

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Eric 'Sheets' Haber is crippledOn a board of [A♥][7♥][2♦][J♦], Eric Haber got all in against an opponent and the players turned up:Eric Haber [K][Q]Seat 2 [J][10]The river came [10♣] for the opponent to make a fullhouse and cripple Haber to around 4k in chips.Hmmm...

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Via Cardplayer...Eric Haber and his opponent get all of their chips in the middle on a board of Ah-10h-2d-Jd. Haber shows K-Q for the nut straight and his opponent flips over J-10 for two pair. However, a ten on the river fills up Haber's opponent and leaves "Sheets" with only around $4,000 chips.

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Eric 'Sheets' Haber is crippledOn a board of [A♥][7♥][2♦][J♦], Eric Haber got all in against an opponent and the players turned up:Eric Haber [K][Q]Seat 2 [J][10]The river came [10♣] for the opponent to make a fullhouse and cripple Haber to around 4k in chips.Hmmm...
It was the 10 of hearts, not the 7 of hearts.
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I guess I will follow Cardplayer instead of Pokerwire...
Don't.Pokerwire has many more updates, IMO. Just the accuracy of a few are off.
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Via Cardplayer...Josh Arieh raises to $350 preflop and Chris Grigorian reraises to $1,150. Arieh calls and the flop comes 8-3-3. Grigorian bets $1,600 and Arieh raises to $3,500. Grigorian makes the call and the turn is a duece. Grigorian checks and Arieh bets $5,000. Grigorian makes the call again and the river is a seven. Again, Grigorian checks and Arieh bets out $6,500. Grigorian just calls and shows pocket kings. However, Arieh turns over pocket aces and rakes the pot.After the hand, Grigorian stated that he put Arieh on aces and was testing himself to see if he could lay down kings on a non-threatening board. He failed the test.However, he is still alive.

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Daniel I hope you do well enough to make it through day 1 and are mentally tired from all your aggressive play for our HU match tonite. Cuz that is the only real poker that matters today as everyone in your division won and you're about to be 4-3 like broccolli! muhahah!!!!!!!!!

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Via Pokerwire119 Daniel Negreanu $ 17,000
I wouldn't go of pokerwire too much. I am getting live updates directly from Daniel. I would go off of what he says....lol :club:
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I wouldn't go of pokerwire too much. I am getting live updates directly from Daniel. I would go off of what he says....lol :club:
Speaking of updates...got any lately ?
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Scott Fischman doubles through Valentino MorellaMichael Woo raised to 700 pre-flop from early position, Scott Fischman reraised to 2500 from the button, and Vanentino Morella made it 10k more. Woo folded, Fischman moved all in for 15k total, and Morella called. The players showed:Scott Fischman [A♥][K♥]Valentino Morella [A][10]The board made a flush for Fischman, who doubled to around 30kcalling with A10 this early. I dont even do that in a 5 dollar tournament

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What's with him only winning $15,500 for first in a $145,000 guarenteed prize pool? That's just not right..
the 145,000 was the total of all the guaranteed tournaments in the week, he only won 1 of them, which had a 40,000 guarantee
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Date / Time: 2006-06-04 06:15PM Title: Three's Company Log: After a series of table breaks, John Juanda (Seat 4) has joined a table with Gavin Smith (Seat 1) and Daniel Negreanu (Seat 5).
sweet crapI'd rather pay 10 bucks to watch this table with hole cards than any movie
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