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Daniel/fcp's Most Popular Current Project

Daniel/FCP's Most Popular Current Project  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. What are you most interested in at FCP?

    • Daniel's Protege's Progress
    • FCP Heads Up League
    • Weekly Negreanu Open
    • Stacked Video Game Release
    • Other
    • None - I hate everything FCP
  2. 2. Second Choice?

    • Daniel's Protege's Progress
    • FCP Heads Up League
    • Weekly Negreanu Open
    • Stacked Video Game Release
    • Other
    • None - I hate everything FCP

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Besides the ever popular DN blog and the online poker what is currently keeping people interested on FCP?Forums, WSOP seats, etc. are available everywhere so it's gotta be something Daniel-based right?If you choose "other" list what it is.Vote, chat, flame.... B)

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The blog.....Keep up those blogs Dan!.....It's awesome reading about the lifestyle you live, how you got their, people you meet along the way, and things you do along the way, and of course opinions on the various subjects you cover within them.

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How can discussing poker strategy not be on ur list?
You can discuss poker strategy at other forums as well (e.g. 2+2).I'm wondering what separates FCP from the other poker sites.But you could choose "other" if you like.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh...and I love the blog too and know it's very popular (according to a cardplayer poll) which is why I left it out as a poll option. Since the blog seems to be only weekly now there must be something else about this place in between reading about Daniel's life experiences.
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1. Forum Strategy sections- Quizes etc2. blogMost of those other projects (like Heads up league) have limited involvement. They are cool, but since I am not in the HU's league or am not the protege I am less interested in those.

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Krup's right . .its the forum discussions (both for strategy and laughs) that keeps me coming back.I keep up with the blog when a new one comes out, but its the day to day discussion, and the hidden nugget that sets off a 'Eureka' moment about poker that draws me in.That, and loyalty. It was Daniel on TV that got me into poker in the first place, FCP was the first poker site I subscribed too, and they posters here keep it informative yet entertaining . .much like Daniel himself.Dev

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For me, overall FCP is manily for entertainment and to break up what would otherwise be a pretty boring day. Also to keep up with the great one, chat with some cyber buddies, and get some strat insight.HU league and Neg-O are big reasons too. :club:

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Also to keep up with the great one, chat with some cyber buddies, and get some strat insight.
You talk to Wayne Gretzky!? :club:
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Its the blog that keeps bringing me back...
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Besides the ever popular DN blog and the online poker what is currently keeping people interested on FCP?Forums, WSOP seats, etc. are available everywhere so it's gotta be something Daniel-based right?If you choose "other" list what it is.Vote, chat, flame.... B)
All the hot chicks keep me interested.I assume the avitars are pictures of the people who post right.Hi there :club: Love Jennifer
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Waiting for Stacked keeps me coming back. I just love the lame excuses about the sub-atomic game -everytime you observe the release date it vanishes.

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Ron Mexico and company bring me back,And yes, You are all company to RM, he's dreamy
damn, I was gonna say what keeps the fannies in the seats is none other than:Ron Friggin Mexico
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You talk to Wayne Gretzky!? :club:
Saw him at Ruths Chris a few months ago. I asked for an autograph and the pr1ck boarded me into a waiter. I pulled his jacket up over his head and stuck a shrimp cocktail fork in his neck. He appologized and paid for dinner.Looks like 5 more years at the helm of the 'Yotes.Sigh...................
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