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How Would You Play This?

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  1. 1. What would you do?

    • Check/Fold
    • Check/Raise
    • Check/Call
    • Bet out

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Only the 5th hand of a MTT. First few hands have all seen a few limpers.I open limp with 77 from early position. (I know some people would raise here, but a limp can't be a 'bad play') Folded around to the cutoff who raises 2xbb. Blinds fold and I am the only caller.Flop 236 rainbow. What's your usual play in this situation?

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He probably didn't catch anything since he raised pre-flop. Chances are, your hand is only going to get worse (unless you get the 7 of course). I say make at least a pot sized bet to try to take the pot down before you let him draw out.

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He probably didn't catch anything since he raised pre-flop. Chances are, your hand is only going to get worse (unless you get the 7 of course). I say make at least a pot sized bet to try to take the pot down before you let him draw out.
I like this idea.
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Why bet out here? If he raised preflop and only got one caller, he's obviously going to bet the flop, even if he blanked on it. We don't have a strong enough hand to want to get raised here, so I say check/raise. If you take it down great, if you get called, be careful, and if you get reraised you can probably safely fold.

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Why bet out here? If he raised preflop and only got one caller, he's obviously going to bet the flop, even if he blanked on it. We don't have a strong enough hand to want to get raised here, so I say check/raise. If you take it down great, if you get called, be careful, and if you get reraised you can probably safely fold.
This I like.
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A c/r takes considerably more chips for the same amount of fold equity.If he raises, cool, maybe we are outplayed..but a c/r costs too much, with just 77.c/r Push...ok..now we're talknig..but I don't think we want to do that.

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I hate the whole hand (open limping from EP, calling the min-raise, etc.) As played out, I think a check-raise on the flop is your only chance to take this pot with little risk. Leading out will most likely get raised by practically any holding that would min-raise pre-flop, which you will have to fold to.

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open limping with a MP from EP is quite fine.calling a min raise is good. What? fold?as far as c/r vs leading out... Maybe out play others that always raise this in Pos, I think a c/r just costs to much.We have about a 6 BB pot.We check, if he bets 4 BB. Pot is now 10 BB.We would need to raise to about 14 BB (givng opponent 24 : 10 odds ) to have a chance to pick it up.Instead, if we can lead out for 4BB.or we can c/f.

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In the hand I went for the check raise, but in retrospect I like betting out more. No need to play a big pot out of position.But i'm interested in what people think about just check-calling the flop and then checking the turn? Now AK-type hands usually check behind and we can perhaps make a value bet on the river, whereas if we bet out on the flop and are called by AK, we can easily get out-played on later streets.Also, if a 4 or 5 falls, we might succesfully bluff out an overpair.I'm not sure if this play is good or not, just a thought.

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i dont like a cr here with this holding against someone who min raised.I prefer to bet out. if i get raised I dump, called I check fold unless a scare card like 5 or 4 hits, then try a bluffI dont like risking that many chips with a checkraise and that board. If I am the orginal raiser I am thinking...."would he really limp with a hand like qq-aa from early position? Did that flop help him that much?....I can probably come over the top all in and pick this up."I would be able to put you on this midpp fairly easily, by that thought process. If you had a str8 or set you prob wouldnt cr flop, you would want to build a bigger pot, especially against someome who minraised into you

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C/R: I don't particularly like this play because then we are building a huge pot with a measley pair of 7sC/C: Probably one of the worst options...So then what do we do when a 10-Ace hits on the turn? Are we c/c'ing again because we dont believe him? Are we giving up then? I think thats incredibly/weak tight Lead the flop: My vote...We can come with a pot sized bet here and if faced w/ heavy resistance we can re analyze the situation..

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A c/r takes considerably more chips for the same amount of fold equity.If he raises, cool, maybe we are outplayed..but a c/r costs too much, with just 77.c/r Push...ok..now we're talknig..but I don't think we want to do that.
Wrong. In the first place, a c/r gives us more fold equity. If we just bet out, we'll get put on a weak pair or maybe even a weak draw, and we could easily get called by overcards and have no idea where we're at. Also, we're winning a larger pot by check-raising (10 BB vs. 6 BB), so it's OK to put more in. If we're ahead more than 50% of the time, (which I think we are), then we do want to build a pot before we make a solid bet to try and take it down. Basically, the only reason that we wouldn't want to C/R here is if we're afraid that something like JT is going to take a free card, and I really think that almost anything's going to take a stab here.Maybe it's just me, but if I'm in a heads-up pot against a PF raiser, I'd say that my ratio of check/raises to leads is somewhere in the neighborhood fo ten to one. I usually only lead to steal the pot from a weak tight player, to avoid giving a free card to an extremely weak-tight player, or to get FE with a draw if the stacks are too short to check/raise. Well, occasionally I'll lead with something like bottom set too, if I'm sure the other player has an overpair, and the stacks are fairly deep, but that's a different story.
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Check raise or check call. If you aren't doing either of these then you shouldn't be playing 7's to begin with. Doesn't get much better than this as far as flops go. The reason I may just check/call is that it screams set and it probably slows him down on future rounds. I think just calling shows a stronger hand than raising. I'll take my chances on him hitting one of his 6 outs if he is betting this with AK. You also aren't building a pot where you are dominated. But I may check/raise as well depending on the situation.

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Iggy,I just play low level SnG's and c/r don't have a more fold equity..considering the extra investment, unless you're willnig to put in a big raisemaybe playing better players it does.so far in my experience at leastI'm limping in for set value by the way, so my thoughts really aren't on "how to win this pot at all costs"I'm fine putting in a bet now, and losing it to a raise.

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I think just calling shows a stronger hand than raising. I'll take my chances on him hitting one of his 6 outs if he is betting this with AK. You also aren't building a pot where you are dominated. But I may check/raise as well depending on the situation.
I think you make a good argument for check-calling. Betting out and checking the turn if called shows great weakness and we get bluffed out by Ahigh pretty often. Check-calling and checking the turn shows that we have something and could be trapping, so he probably checks overcards behind and we get to showdown cheaply. Plus if a 4 or 5 hits, we can bet and often take it down even if he has an overpair. If the turn is a random card and he fires at it again, I think we can safely fold, since this will usually be a big pair.
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early on.we have 77.I'm not really interested in figuring out how to set him up to bluff with overs, or take it away on the turn.can't we just let it go.Fire a 2/3 bet on the flop, and quit.sorry, I"m repeating, but imo, we;re getting carried away with 77 and it's REALLY EARLY.

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