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what happened to your 131k you won on Ultimate Bet?
try 31k (ish). That makes a small difference in how much money he had.Congrats PP, gl down there as well.
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just hadn't heard much at all about him since the '04 wsop. watched him in the 2005 WCOOP ME, and he completely flipped out over a bad beat, and donked off the rest of his chips.obviously he's doing something right to be leading the Stars TLB for the year though. Just someone I didn't expect to get ranked, that's all.
yeah, he probably doesn't deserve it. http://www.thepokerdb.com/pokerstars/player.php?id=98973
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I actually think this is an insult.
Personally, I wouldn't mind switching with him. I don't play nearly enough (or at least I'd prefer not to) as most of the 'ranked' players, so I wouldn't mind being on the PTW list. Would save me the aggrevation. :-) That being said, I think JC should obviously be ranked; his results speak for themselves. Like I told him, it kinda lessens my ranking knowing that he isn't on the list. Make the list less legitimate in my eyes...As for me dropping a spot..when I saw that I thought, 'that's it?' :-) I haven't been playing much and I haven't produced any results of note, so I expect to be penalized in the rankings because of it. It's a 'what have you done for me lately?' world. :-)
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Personally, I wouldn't mind switching with him. I don't play nearly enough (or at least I'd prefer not to) as most of the 'ranked' players, so I wouldn't mind being on the PTW list. Would save me the aggrevation. :-) That being said, I think JC should obviously be ranked; his results speak for themselves. Like I told him, it kinda lessens my ranking knowing that he isn't on the list. Make the list less legitimate in my eyes...As for me dropping a spot..when I saw that I thought, 'that's it?' :-) I haven't been playing much and I haven't produced any results of note, so I expect to be penalized in the rankings because of it. It's a 'what have you done for me lately?' world. :-)
Lol, it would be funny if a bunch of you guys pulled a "Rudy" for JC.BTW, did Gank ask to be removed from the rankings? All of sudden he went from like 20ish to not ranked.
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Lol, it would be funny if a bunch of you guys pulled a "Rudy" for JC.BTW, did Gank ask to be removed from the rankings? All of sudden he went from like 20ish to not ranked.
I'd assume so, but I missed it if their was a thread about it. I know he hadn't been very happy with the rankings, so it wouldn't surprise me.
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Party, if you read this, post some updates from the wsop
update:I played the mega sat today, 40 ish left I get A2 in LP with 10bb's shove, and get called by Mr. Noclue for 70% of his stack with K10...obv drawing dead.Play 1 1k sit n go, Im sitting in the chiplead 4 handed get QQ otb, utg shoves for most of my stack, I reshove, sb thinks for 1 minute then says I cant beleive Im mucking..(he has a decent stack and knows it'll go HU if I bust the 2nd place guy) bb, short stack says Im folding and shows an Ace...sb says "good, I had AK.." utg flips A4, JJ2t board A river for 1 outer crippling.theres one last one tomorrow at 8 or 9 am, Im playing that if I can wake up and Im gonna try to win. Ive only spent 2k in sats and my plan was to spend 3..Im sooo desperate for a seat that I'll do the highcard thing if I dont make the sng on time (its probably the same odds, or maybe better...lol..the sng is such a crapshoot.)
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wow my neck jerked back after seeing thatdidnt know he was that good
yeah me either.but he seems like he's really been killing it.he definitely seems to have it now.
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Ummmmm all I have to say is wwJCdseriously... nice pull PP... and yeah... high card for a 10k seat... umm goodluck

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Ummmmm all I have to say is wwJCdseriously... nice pull PP... and yeah... high card for a 10k seat... umm goodluck
hah,...I woke up today at 8 am and got there in time for the last sit n go before the ME.chiplead with 4 left, basically 3 though since 1 of them had 1.5 bb's...I got 7k theres 20k in play...guy shoves 5500 from UTG 1 bb chick folds, I call with AA he shows Q10...flop QJ6, ten turns, 2 rivers...gg me. (after that i shove my last 2k with 4/8 blinds with 89s and get called by A10, 8 flops A rivers)...if I win the AA hand I have about 13K + vs 1.5bb's vs 5k stack...so, I probably win the whole thing (or atleast end up buying the guy HU for like 2 or 3k)no one wanted to highcard after that...I guess it wasnt meant to be. but if someone finds me dead in my room with a bullet to my head you'll know why.only like 150 people entered, maybe a bit more...so I actually had a legit shot at an FT. afd;lajdfjasa.
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hah,...I woke up today at 8 am and got there in time for the last sit n go before the ME.chiplead with 4 left, basically 3 though since 1 of them had 1.5 bb's...I got 7k theres 20k in play...guy shoves 5500 from UTG 1 bb chick folds, I call with AA he shows Q10...flop QJ6, ten turns, 2 rivers...gg me. (after that i shove my last 2k with 4/8 blinds with 89s and get called by A10, 8 flops A rivers)...if I win the AA hand I have about 13K + vs 1.5bb's vs 5k stack...so, I probably win the whole thing (or atleast end up buying the guy HU for like 2 or 3k)no one wanted to highcard after that...I guess it wasnt meant to be. but if someone finds me dead in my room with a bullet to my head you'll know why.only like 150 people entered, maybe a bit more...so I actually had a legit shot at an FT. afd;lajdfjasa.
I don't think anybody knows how to respond to the agony, but well done sir. You cashed in your 2nd live tourney, things are only going to get better. 150 entrants?!?!?! Who needs the $450,000 anyways ?
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