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How To Lose $400 In Five Minutes.

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I think this whole thing has been taken completely out of it's intended context.Ryan
Hello Ryan,Okay listen I apologize for coming at you as harshly as I did. But please realize that this is a poker forum not a literature expose. If you write down that story we are going to take everything at face value, at least I will because that is what we do. Most here at FCP love to talk about poker and love the game. So when you write something that is not entirely true maybe give a warning or something so we will know that you took some poetic license with the piece and we won't judge the play as harshly.okay see you around.And a side note I did enjoy the other story with the rock star but now I must ask did you make up some of that as well
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I'm 60% sure you are kidding here and just want RC to go postal
Nope, dead serious.I'll try to clarify:When he called the raise pre-flop, it SHOULD mean that he has AA, KK, maybe QQ or AK. I didn't think that's what he had, as my prior post goes on to explain...That help?Ryan
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Hello Ryan,Okay listen I apologize for coming at you as harshly as I did. But please realize that this is a poker forum not a literature expose. If you write down that story we are going to take everything at face value, at least I will because that is what we do. Most here at FCP love to talk about poker and love the game. So when you write something that is not entirely true maybe give a warning or something so we will know that you took some poetic license with the piece and we won't judge the play as harshly.okay see you around.And a side note I did enjoy the other story with the rock star but now I must ask did you make up some of that as well
I appreciate the apology.With all due respect:I am fully aware of the purpose of this forum. To my understanding this is a "General Poker Forum". I believe that I am well within my bounds to post this story here as it is appears that lots of people are entertained and are forwarding this(and the other) story onto their friends who are not even members here. Yesterday nearly 700 people read my post and only a handful posted negative reactions, as I believe those people to be either 13 years old, or incredibly dense. I do not feel the need to give a "warning" that my stories may be exxagerated. That's silly. To any semi-literate individual, it should be quite clear.It is not that you judged my play. I don't really care about what you or most anyone thinks of my play. I don't mean to sound defensive, it's just the truth. I am comfortable enough in my play to not need to hear the same advice over and over again on some messageboard. I already know what the good players are going to say, and I already know what the bad players are going to say. What sent me a little awry was the unwarranted hostility you displayed. Again, I appreciate the apology, and I appreciated that you have taken a step back.Ryan
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I do not feel the need to give a "warning" that my stories may be exxagerated. That's silly. To any semi-literate individual, it should be quite clear.
Any "semi-literate individual" should also know that exaggerate is spelled with one X and 2 Gs. And that concludes this installment of me being a jerk.
I am comfortable enough in my play to not need to hear the same advice over and over again on some messageboard. I already know what the good players are going to say, and I already know what the bad players are going to say.
Maybe if you took criticism with an open mind your play would improve. It is ridiculous to think that you play optimally all the time, or that your game couldn't improve.
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ryancpotts:What the fuck are you doing posting in a General Poker Forum?This place isn't exactly crawling with appreciators of good literature (or at least entertaining). It is, however, crawling with small-minded bags of shit that will criticize anything before actually thinking about it or wondering why it was posted.What am I doing here?I need some sleep.::also worth noting: your threads generate an unusual amount of interest. people notice the spark but they won't acknowledge or examine it.

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ryancpotts:What the fuck are you doing posting in a General Poker Forum?
Entertaining people and genererating and obscene amount of traffic.
This place isn't exactly crawling with appreciators of good literature (or at least entertaining).
Yeah, I think it is actually. The people who appreciate it just keep quite for the most part, as they are smart enough not to get involved with the people whom you mention next...
It is, however, crawling with small-minded bags of shit that will criticize anything before actually thinking about it or wondering why it was posted.
God, I couldn't have said that better myself!
::also worth noting: your threads generate an unusual amount of interest. people notice the spark but they won't acknowledge or examine it.
Thanks, yeah... I've noticed. Interesting, isn't it?Ryan
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