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Playing The Small Blind Against, The Big Blind In Limit Poker

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What are you going crazy about, those are the hand's you can raise with. it's just that simple. You can, raise with AA, though KJsuited, even K10 offsuit, or sutied. There is nothing to go crazy about, those are the hand's you can raise with, it's just that, simple.It's just that simpleJonathan Kerr

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That's good to raise, with anything, pre-flop, and post flop, but you want to watch out, if your opponent has, a better, hand then you do.Then you would watch out, on the flop. And watch out post-flop.That's all for now,Jonathan Kerr

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you want to watch out, if your opponent has, a better, hand then you do.
Don't feel bad. That's a common beginner's mistake. Instead of looking at the chances the hand has of winning at showdown, look at the chances the player (you) have at winning by showdown.
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That's good to raise, with anything, pre-flop, and post flop, but you want to watch out, if your opponent has, a better, hand then you do.Then you would watch out, on the flop. And watch out post-flop.That's all for now,Jonathan Kerr
What are you saying?
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you want to watch out, if your opponent has, a better, hand then you do.
so you should be concerned with anything but Aces?how is this different to the other 4 threads you started?
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Hey Jonathon,It's normally correct to fold AA in the SB actually, because of the heavy RIO and lack of visibility post flop.That is a common beginner's mistake, though: assuming that a hand's value is based solely on its equity.Good luck,mePS Looking forward for your next insightful post!

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You're also out of position. Position is a really important concept that many beginners don't get. Position is exactly why you should fold AA in the SB. You'll have trouble controlling the pot size and trouble with visibility. I take back my previous recommendation to raise every single hand - instead, fold them all.

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Yes, it is a very good play to fold AA--QQ and AK face up in a sb vs. bb showdown. Why try to win a small pot when you can make an advertising play to set yourself up for a big score later? Think about it. Now the next time you raise pf, NOONE will put you on aces.Another STRONG play in such a situation is to bet hard with a hand like 23o or 94o. Even if you're raised on the flop or turn, just call down and showdown 3high or 9high. And obviously, show your hand if opponent folds. Here, you are only risking the loss of a few bets, but the value you stand to make up by exploiting your table image is MASSIVE.Now, beginners will usually do just the opposite of this, i.e. raising with AA and folding 23o. By doing this, they are making it very easy for their opponents to get a read on them later. Thus, even if they win the max or lose the min on this one particular hand, they are not thinking about longterm. Eventually their predictability will cause them to go broke, while the good players are raking in the money.

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Yes, it is a very good play to fold AA--QQ and AK face up in a sb vs. bb showdown. Why try to win a small pot when you can make an advertising play to set yourself up for a big score later? Think about it. Now the next time you raise pf, NOONE will put you on aces.Another STRONG play in such a situation is to bet hard with a hand like 23o or 94o. Even if you're raised on the flop or turn, just call down and showdown 3high or 9high. And obviously, show your hand if opponent folds. Here, you are only risking the loss of a few bets, but the value you stand to make up by exploiting your table image is MASSIVE.Now, beginners will usually do just the opposite of this, i.e. raising with AA and folding 23o. By doing this, they are making it very easy for their opponents to get a read on them later. Thus, even if they win the max or lose the min on this one particular hand, they are not thinking about longterm. Eventually their predictability will cause them to go broke, while the good players are raking in the money.
That's really, really, stupid, advice, AA-KK-QQ, are the best hand's you, can get, and you want to go all in with, them, and, hope, to, get, called.That's all I have to say about that.Also, hand's like AK, AQ, AJ, and A10, are good, hand's to go all in with.That's all I have to say,Jonathan Kerr
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That's really, really, stupid, advice, AA-KK-QQ, are the best hand's you, can get, and you want to go all in with, them, and, hope, to, get, called.That's all I have to say about that.Also, hand's like AK, AQ, AJ, and A10, are good, hand's to go all in with.That's all I have to say,Jonathan Kerr
I agree with you in principle. In nolimit poker, you should move all in with AA-KK-QQ regardless of any other factor. Generally, AK AQ AJ A10 (on the button or in the small blind, I would add A9 and A8 too, as well as JJ, 1010 and 99) are good hands to move in with if no one has raised the pot in front of you, but if there has been a raise in front of you, you should fold unless they are suited, in which case you should call and try to make a flush.But in limit poker, there are other factors to consider. The bad players will not bust out as fast in limit as in nolimit, which means it is vital to establish a table image which will allow you to exploit their naivete. That's why it is a good idea to SOMETIMES make plays like folding pocket Aces face up on the river with a board of AA982 rainbow, or, conversely, capping with 47o on the same board.
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I dunno Dano. If I have painted pockets in the small blind, I'm going to be more apt (especially in limit) when it is folded down to me and just one opponent (the big blind) to call and let him enter. Then when I bet the flop (or turn if the flop is favorable for me) he might have something to call me with. Even heads up in a limit game I want to take something more than just the blinds for my hand. The only hands that are going to be calling you when you raise in that situation are hands that you don't really want to go against anyway, especially if you raise with KT, JQ, KJ...stuff like that.So let him make a move. If you call with AA, that leaves it up to him to raise with a lesser hand. You have more leeway to capitalize on your big hands that way.However, if your content with just taking blinds that way, be my guest.

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