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needing some advice

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2005 has not been kind. I am involved in a regular card game once a week and also play in some local tournaments. Used to do great, play 3 games on the weekly game and usually one atleast one(paid for most of my christmas presents). Since the beginning of 2005 I haven't one won yet. Example of last night, playing carefull and have a mid stack in a mini-tourney of 12 and catch pocket queens. I raise a third of my stack and get two callers who are about the same boat. Flop comes 9-10-J with two clubs. My queen is one club. First guy bets the min, second folds, and I raise about my half remaining. Of course he puts me all in so I have to call. He had K-8 of Spades. Of course 7 of clubs falls to give him a straight and then insult to injury Queen of diamonds falls to give me three queens and him a 7 card King-High straight.So I decided to be a little more agressive and in the small blind in the beginning of the came I am in the small blind with a 4-6 and I limp in with 4 others. Flop comes Q-3-5 with no flush. Everyone checks to the dealer who bets the pot and I call with a little worse pot odds. A 7 comes giving me a straight which I check because I want to make it seem like I have a Q with a low kicker and the dealer checks. Another Queen falls so I bet to induce a call and he puts me all in. I call and he made a boat Queens over 7s. This is just a small example of what has been going on. Normally I am an agressive player but I can play slow and careful to mix it up. I mean I have A-K walking into bullets in the last big tourney I was playing where the guy didn't even raise. When you are on a dry spell such as this, is it best to play slow careful and only top 10 hands or agressive and try to bully when luck hasn't been on your side?

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You just have to keep playing until you start getting your cards again. In regards to those plays - the first is a bad beat and in the second one, you should've went all in when you hit your straight.

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First off... welcome to the forum...Secondly this sounds like a tournament... if it is.. how many were left when u limped with the 4-6?If its still a few out of the money, of if it only pays to first... go all-in on the OESD.... Other than that, have you read any poker books as of yet? And if so which ones... give us a little for info about the game and your experience etc..

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If you play a lot of tournaments, I highly recommend Tournament Poker for Advanced Players by Sklansky, and McEvoy's Tournament Poker book. I found Sklansky's to be the most helpful in my tournaments, and I play a lot of tournaments online myself with a healthy level of success.

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Worst mistake was slowplayingMost people lose more money by slowplaying than playing badly.If you win the pot you are losing bets people would have called.If you check you give people free cards to beat you.It's really the worst thing you can do unless you have Quads or a Straight Flush.YOU MUST MAKE PEOPLE PAY TO DRAW YOU OUT! :D

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Guest XXEddie
Worst mistake was slowplayingMost people lose more money by slowplaying than playing badly.If you win the pot you are losing bets people would have called.If you check you give people free cards to beat you.It's really the worst thing you can do unless you have Quads or a Straight Flush.YOU MUST MAKE PEOPLE PAY TO DRAW YOU OUT! :D
do you really think the other guy was folding top two?
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I agree with the general "Slowplay bad!" philosophy, though I also agree that I don't think it changes things much here (If I'm right, if he makes a pot-sized bet, you're not getting even close to pot odds to call that, so he's not going to put you on the 4-6 when the straight draw hits).

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Was looking more for some positive reinforcement rather than the positive yet constructive criticism. If the cards are running against you, you should tighten up a bit. When you are playing the "non traditional" cards such as small sutied connectors, you have to be on top of your game. You have to be able to read your table like this post. You have to have everything clicking, and when the cards are running bad and you are playing "second guess" poker, well your better off just playing the Top 10 ish hands. Just my opinion, hope you pull out soon.L* :D

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