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Late arrival to the party, but could someone show me brvy's credentials when it comes to assessing the drug trade and proportional gay employees in said drug trade? When did the guy from Lilly white Iowa become an expert? I mean, I don't know shit either, but don't pretend to. If I were going to pretend, I'd at least note my proximity to Miami as credibility.

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Iowa is, apparently, one of the safest states to live in and it's population is barely over 3 million, while Miami Metro's population is 5.5 million. Miami also has the smallest land mass of all US cities with a pop of 2.5mm or more. Miami also has a large and vibrant gay culture, not surprisingly.

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To the surprise of nobody except brv, Omar wins the tournament.
Omar has been a minor character so far through the first couple seasons. I'm in the 3rd episode of season 3 now, and Omar has a powerful screen presence. I love his scar. I don't care that he's gay at all. I'm not obsessing on the gays at all. I just think the proportion is 'whack'.Shut it, Mexico.
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Omar has been a minor character so far through the first couple seasons. I'm in the 3rd episode of season 3 now, and Omar has a powerful screen presence. I love his scar. I don't care that he's gay at all. I'm not obsessing on the gays at all. I just think the proportion is 'whack'.Shut it, Mexico.
I do not think it means what you think it means.m33cbccaa0008_1_28386.jpgI think you meant "out of whack" (out of proportion)...but Urban Dictionary is telling me otherwise...whack crazy, ridiculousYour mom flushed your stash? that's whack!
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Omar never really takes over a season Brvy. He just carries so much gravitas when he's on screen. And he straddles the line between villain and hero perfectly. Honor in a dishonorable game. Perfectly written part.

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Omar never really takes over a season Brvy. He just carries so much gravitas when he's on screen. And he straddles the line between villain and hero perfectly. Honor in a dishonorable game. Perfectly written part.
I don't disagree with this.
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But this is the worst thing you've written in here. What the fuck?
At least it didn't cost me my 2 seed.Also, at least so far, I agree with SA21. I enjoy Stringer the most overall, right now, at the beginning of season 3.
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god damn it, after all this I'm either going to just have to break down and buy the series or re-do it on netflix for the third time. how is one show this damn good?

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god damn it, after all this I'm either going to just have to break down and buy the series or re-do it on netflix for the third time. how is one show this damn good?
You should netflix it until Amazon has it on sale again, which they do routinely.
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#1 - Why all the gay characters? There are very few openly homosexual people in the general public (something like 4%), and yet, this show has a bunch of sub-plots with gay people. It seemed really pushed and unrealistic, ESPECIALLY with Omar. There is no ****ing way that anyone in the game would get any kind of respect from anyone in urban Baltimore while being openly gay. It's just retarded.
Omar is based, as I understand it, on a real homosexual stick up man. also, homosexuals might be 4% of the public,but what percentage of the female cops are dykes, do you think? I would guess a rather high percentage, I don't think there's anything forced about Kima being gay at all. And from a story telling stand point, her being gay nips any faggoty office romance/sexual tension subplots in the bud before they can even form. Also is snoop gay? I don't think they ever addressed her sexuality, did they? I mean, it's a safe assumption that she's a dyke, but I don't think they every show her with women, do they?
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Also brv, when you are introduced to the snoop character, before you come and here and bitch about how unrealistic to have a female character like her, please read this..

the actress playing snoop was a convicted drug dealer and murderer when she was cast in the role. AFTER she was on the wire, she was arrested in a huge drug dealing sting. Not only is she a realistic character, she's probably the most authentic one on the show. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felicia_Pearson

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Really, there is nothing worse in cop shows than a faggoty inter-office drama. Part of the reason Dexter is so flamingly god awful is it gets bogged down in so many office romantic sub plots it makes a nigga sick. The only ensemble show that did the office romantic drama well at all (This is excluding shows like Moonlighting, that were based on Romantic tension) was the shield, and that's only because the men involved were such horrible sociopaths or weirdos.

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also... Bubbles over clay davis? What a bunch of soft hearted bitches voting in that poll. Clay davis was easily one of my top 5 favorite characters on the show. That's the only game that I really have issue with, other than the championship match. I mean, omar was a fun character, but Stringer Bell, my god!

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For anybody with Rogers in Canada, TMN on Demand has the first 4 seasons available and the 5th will probably be added soon. I've rewatched the first 3 seasons over the last couple weeks.

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For anybody with Rogers in Canada, TMN on Demand has the first 4 seasons available and the 5th will probably be added soon. I've rewatched the first 3 seasons over the last couple weeks.
Same, for the 2nd time, and it's been even more awesome. This show has so much depth and nuance.
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Brv's gay focus is weird.
See, it's funny. Because I really think it's not me. I think it's the show, and I agree, it's weird. We just ran into another one. Commander Rawls at the gay bar in Season 3, episode 10.
Also brv, when you are introduced to the snoop character, before you come and here and bitch about how unrealistic to have a female character like her
I have no problem with a rogue tough female character. I absolutely feel like that would be realistic.
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