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House Judiciary Subcommittee Approves Anti-internet Gambling Act

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A house judiciary subcommittee unanimously approved an anti-gambling bill that would criminalize online gambling. This is the first big hurdle the bill needed to leap in order to keep its hopes of being passed alive.The Internet Gambling Prohibition Act would make it illegal for financial institutions to work with online gambling sites. It would also force the institutions to work with the federal government in attempting to prosecute off-shore gaming institutions. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.). The subcommittee moved the bill forward despite concerns expressed by Sam Vallandingham, the vice president of the First State Bank in West Virginia. He spoke for the members of the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) as a member of the organization’s Payments and Technology Committee. He told judiciary members at the hearing in early April that the ICBA believes that if the burden of enforcing the Gambling Prohibition Act fell to the banks, it would drain the institution’s finite resources that are now used to comply with anti-terrorism and anti-money laundering regulations. It would also interfere with the daily operations of banks around the country. Meanwhile, Goodlatte claimed during the hearing that online gambling helps terrorists by giving them a way to launder money, among other reasons, and therefore, his bill is another way to fight terrorism.This is Goodlatte’s third attempt at getting a version of this bill passed. In 1999, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime also approved the legislation, but the bill died before it made it to the House floor.http://www.cardplayer.com/poker_news/detai...8897ce23f5e073d

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Meanwhile, Goodlatte claimed during the hearing that online gambling helps terrorists by giving them a way to launder money, among other reasons, and therefore, his bill is another way to fight terrorism.Give me a Fucking Break!!!!

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Is this new news or old news? :club:
It's a new update on an old story.
Meanwhile, Goodlatte claimed during the hearing that online gambling helps terrorists by giving them a way to launder money, among other reasons, and therefore, his bill is another way to fight terrorism.Give me a Fucking Break!!!!
There are terrorists playing online poker?The only one I know is Bin Rivered
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Meanwhile, Goodlatte claimed during the hearing that online gambling helps terrorists by giving them a way to launder money, among other reasons, and therefore, his bill is another way to fight terrorism.Give me a Fucking Break!!!!
Is that the dumbest fuking thing ever or what? Fuking azzholes...
It's a new update on an old story.
This is really sad to hear. It's all about $$$. They banned indian gaming here...until the indians said they would share the profits, and PRESTO! all of the sudden it was just fine!Makes ya want to vomit. :club:
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I read somewhere that the police are being encouraged to pull over speeders, even if they are only 1MPH over the limit, because terrorists like to get away fast. Pulling over speeders therefore is fighting terrorism.I also read somewhere that if you want get elected in the USA, all you have to do is pepper your speaches with "9/11" and "September 11th". Then by voting for that candidate you are fighting terrorism.:puke face:

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We got a war in Iraq that is horribly out of hand. There is still devistation upon devistation in the Gulf coast area. Gas prices are so out of hand that it now costs 50 bucks to fill a gas tank. People are losing jobs left and right. Yet it is far more important to make sure that Joe Schmoe who works 50-60 hours a week can't come home and play some poker to unwind. Our government is supposed to be representing the people yet I don't remember ever being asked or even seeing a poll where a majority of America thinks this is a problem. This means the day may come where you will be prosecuted for putting $50 into an online poker account while murders are constantly going unsolved and we have severe poverty and homlessness problems. Couldn't the time and money spent prosecuting the new "criminals" be better spent on say building homeless shelters? Am I missing something here. The hell with it I'm movin to Canada. Off my soapbox for nowChad

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The hell with it I'm movin to Canada.
I should've stuck to my guns 6 yrs ago and moved to Canada like I said I would after the first of many debacles
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"Meanwhile, Goodlatte claimed during the hearing that online gambling helps terrorists by giving them a way to launder money, among other reasons, and therefore, his bill is another way to fight terrorism."
What a tool. This thing will probably get axed again before it gets to vote. It will still have to get approved by the entire house judiciary committee, not just the subcommittee, before it can be introduced for a vote. Then it would have to make it through the House and Senate before it goes into effect. I'm guessing the bank lobbyists will kill it off before it even gets to the full House for a vote.Plus, laying the burden of enforcement on the banks won't stop anything. Then people will just use a third-party intermediary, like Pay Pal or Western Union, to put money into the accounts. It's stupid.
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We got a war in Iraq that is horribly out of hand. There is still devistation upon devistation in the Gulf coast area. Gas prices are so out of hand that it now costs 50 bucks to fill a gas tank. People are losing jobs left and right. Yet it is far more important to make sure that Joe Schmoe who works 50-60 hours a week can't come home and play some poker to unwind. Our government is supposed to be representing the people yet I don't remember ever being asked or even seeing a poll where a majority of America thinks this is a problem. This means the day may come where you will be prosecuted for putting $50 into an online poker account while murders are constantly going unsolved and we have severe poverty and homlessness problems. Couldn't the time and money spent prosecuting the new "criminals" be better spent on say building homeless shelters? Am I missing something here. The hell with it I'm movin to Canada. Off my soapbox for nowChad
Just for the record, Financial institutional investing has driven up the price of oil, however the prices dropped $2 a barrel yesterday and is on the decline.And the unemplyment rate just dropped again today. We are at the lowest unemployment rate in 7 years!And troop pull outs are planned for December.Gulf coast is still a mess, I'll give ya that.Initially this freaked me out, but think about it. The internet gaming sites will have no choice but to share the wealth with the Governement. They will go broke if they don't.
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As a Canadian, I am advising our border patrol (you know, those three guys sitting in lawnchairs drinkin' a 24 of Ex) for a massive influx of 19-25 year old males looking to flee the US . . . Welcome, boys, welcome!

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Has anybody read the actual text of the bill? Is the CardPlayer lawyer's interpretation still correct? Her argument is that the bill only targets institutions, making it illegal for banks to transfer money to online gaming sites, etc. There's nothing about placing bets, so playing poker is not covered. You just can't use your credit card to deposit. You could, however, use NeTeller b/c it's not an American company and outside the jurisdiction of this bill.http://www.cardplayer.com/pokerlaw/?PHPSES...8897ce23f5e073d

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Meanwhile, Goodlatte claimed during the hearing that online gambling helps terrorists by giving them a way to launder money, among other reasons, and therefore, his bill is another way to fight terrorism. What about all the tax money that is collected from live poker that is probley sent to the deffence department and is spent on the afgan/iraq war complete b.s.

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You people make me sick! Stop supporting Terrorism by playing online poker and smoking weed!
I think you forgot you're a Democrat.
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I think you forgot you're a Democrat.
And Republicans used to believe in freedom.
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Just for the record, Financial institutional investing has driven up the price of oil, however the prices dropped $2 a barrel yesterday and is on the decline.And the unemplyment rate just dropped again today. We are at the lowest unemployment rate in 7 years!And troop pull outs are planned for December.Gulf coast is still a mess, I'll give ya that.Initially this freaked me out, but think about it. The internet gaming sites will have no choice but to share the wealth with the Governement. They will go broke if they don't.
1. if you think a one day drop in oil prices signal an overall decline, you are dreaming. It'll be 90 bucks a barrell by the end of the summer, guaranteed.2. the unemployment rate dropped because those who were counted in that percentage just stopped looking for work altogether, causing it to decrease.3. yeah, right. December. where have i heard that before?
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You people make me sick! Stop supporting Terrorism by playing online poker and smoking weed!
Don't blame the weed.
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This is the dumbest fuhking thing I have ever seen. I think they should ban digging holes too, you know those terrorist bastards are tunneling anthrax and money underground like prarie dogs. While you're at it, ban freedom all together..And ban Gasoline too !! That's the biggest money-maker on the planet for terrorism !!!

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