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Daniel, I noticed that you mentioned that there was no way JD lost $50 million gambling. How come? What about Charles Barkley losing $10 million? Do you think that is possible? Also, did you hear any rumours about Tiger Woods taking the MGM for 750,000 last month? I heard that mentioned on a few sports shows.I'm curious what you think about all the gambling that goes on by the super rich sports stars. I was listening to Barkley talk about losing money at blackjack and roulette and I couldn't help wondering why these guys don't get into poker if they are so competitive. At least they can actually beat the game if they practice enough. Do you think it's because they don't get treated the same by the casino if they play poker?

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I doubt very many rich athletes would have the patience and/or intelligence to play poker well enough to break even playing at stakes that are meaningful to them (At a guess 1000/2000 mixed or 100/200 NL blinds). At those levels, there are a lot of pros who would take them to the cleaners as surely as the slot machines would.That leaves them tournaments, I guess, but they might not like the extra attention they would get if they appeared at a big buy-in tourney.

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If Barkley's playing blackjack for $20,000 a hand, then I'm not sure that a 3 day $10,000 tournament would yield the same adrenaline rush. And really, the edge with blackjack is so small that as long as they pay some attention to the count, these guys should be able to come pretty close to break even in the long run.When you play $5,000 slot machines though, I think that's just saying that you want to get rid of your money as fast as humanly possible.

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poker could be too slow for these guys. Especially if you play anywhere close to tight. Blackjack is quick...

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First of all, you'd have to assume that Daly has earned 50 million plus in his career. Secondly, even if he did, I'm sure they could track 50 million in losses, but I'd bet they neglect to mention that he must have won something along the way. He couldn't lose EVERY day!

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First of all, you'd have to assume that Daly has earned 50 million plus in his career. Secondly, even if he did, I'm sure they could track 50 million in losses, but I'd bet they neglect to mention that he must have won something along the way. He couldn't lose EVERY day!
I heard that Callaway, his sponsor, helped to pay off his debts.
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First of all, you'd have to assume that Daly has earned 50 million plus in his career. Secondly, even if he did, I'm sure they could track 50 million in losses, but I'd bet they neglect to mention that he must have won something along the way. He couldn't lose EVERY day!
I think that's what you're discounting. It's possible for John Daly to have won a few million here or there and that's what he's counting as lost. I doubt he had gambling debt of up to 50 million, but I do think it's possible for him to get on a hot streak, get his original roll up to a few million, then lose it all before he leaves Vegas. It's weird logic and it makes sense in my head, but I'm obviously not articulating it very well. "Oh boy I just won 1100 bucks in a tourney...let's take it to the 10 10 NL tables and see what I can do.""Yay! I ran it up to 5 grand, I'm so awesome."two days later..."I'm such a complete donk, I lost all my money on the 10 10 NL table...I just lost 5 k in two hours!"Add up the losses like that (but with a few extra zeros on it), and 50 million looks pretty reasonable.
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First of all, you'd have to assume that Daly has earned 50 million plus in his career. Secondly, even if he did, I'm sure they could track 50 million in losses, but I'd bet they neglect to mention that he must have won something along the way. He couldn't lose EVERY day!
They never report what they win. It makes for a better story if they say they lost $50 million, instead of saying the net loss of $10 million
I heard that Callaway, his sponsor, helped to pay off his debts.
They did. Mr Callaway did all he could to get JD totally cleaned. Part of the deal was erasing all of JD's gambling debts. The deal was terminated when JD fell off the wagon and into a casino
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John Daly later qualified his comment by saying that the $50 million he lost included the money he won. It was not a net loss of $50 million.
What a noob. That's not even close to the same thing.
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First of all, you'd have to assume that Daly has earned 50 million plus in his career. Secondly, even if he did, I'm sure they could track 50 million in losses, but I'd bet they neglect to mention that he must have won something along the way. He couldn't lose EVERY day!
You're assuming that all of the $50 million dollars was his. People I knew with serious gambling problems take out loans from their friends/family and even some shady loan sharks in an attempt to maintain their fixes. They would go as far as to sell their personal posessions for the cash to gamble with. One addict I knew actually sold several priceless family heirlooms to pawn shops.On top of those possibilities, he has about a half dozen sponsors that he gains money through. Paid public appearances also boost the amount of money he could have.If he really lost that much, then he must be in debt up to his ears now.
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First of all, you'd have to assume that Daly has earned 50 million plus in his career. Secondly, even if he did, I'm sure they could track 50 million in losses, but I'd bet they neglect to mention that he must have won something along the way. He couldn't lose EVERY day!
Yeah, but this IS John Daly we are talking about....
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This might be old news or flat out wrong...but I heard a rumor that the reason Caesar's built a stadium for Celine Dion to perform in was because her husband what's his name had run up an enormous debt in the casino. She had to sing for a year without getting paid. Is that BS or is their any truth to it?

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This might be old news or flat out wrong...but I heard a rumor that the reason Caesar's built a stadium for Celine Dion to perform in was because her husband what's his name had run up an enormous debt in the casino. She had to sing for a year without getting paid. Is that BS or is their any truth to it?
Whatever debts real or rumor Rene Angelil had, Celine could have paid off with her lunch money after her 1st album. She has made well over $200 million $$$$ before her Ceasers gig.
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JD talked on the Dan Patrick Show this week that he has made about $208 million coming from golf, tourney apperances over seas, equipment contracts, personal apperances, and merchandise. He is going to make a lot more with this book. Personally, I am a big fan of JD...

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