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Mine would be:Teriyaki Steak Tips and Baked Stuffed Shrimp with a side of rice pilaf and a garden salad with Peppercorn dressing and fresh baked bread and butter from a little restaurant near my work called Grassfields......Go..

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PunaniIf that wasn't on the menu, it's probably be roast beef (prime rib, of course)with Yorkshire pudding, with garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, maybe a small caeser salad (tossed by David Williams) and chocolate mousse cake for dessert. To drink, I would have some vintage Bordeaux during supper, a vodka martini before supper and a large glass of 15 year old port after dessert, with a really big hash joint (Kashmiri, of course). If they couldn't pony up, I'd tell them to go piss up a rope and to get the governer on the phone. WTF is with customer service these days, anyway!?!?!

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Appertif:Kir RoyalAppetizer:Scampi from Rocky Point Restaurant in Big Sur, CASalad:Greek Salad from PaneraEntree:Blue Cheese Steak (rare) from Binions Ranch HousewithFresh baguette from a Parisian boulangerieandSteamed broccoli with mayonnaise (yes, I'm weird)Sweet Iced TeaDessert:Double Chocolate Cheescake with Godiva trufflesandEspresso (the italian way with a sugar cube and lemon wedge)

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Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza, Buffalo Wings with Bleu CheeseDiet CokeChocalate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream in a Graham Cracker Pie Crust

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Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza, Buffalo Wings with Bleu CheeseDiet CokeChocalate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream in a Graham Cracker Pie Crust
Dude, these assholes are trying to kill you-- that's, like, $10 worth of stuff, maybe. Make'em feel that bill!
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Dude, these assholes are trying to kill you-- that's, like, $10 worth of stuff, maybe. Make'em feel that bill!
hahaim not sure what i would have. i get in certain moods when it comes to food so it depends on what i would be feeling that day.
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Dude, these assholes are trying to kill you-- that's, like, $10 worth of stuff, maybe. Make'em feel that bill!
Yeah, but how good is the stuffed shrimp from the prison kitchen *really* gonna be anyway? Better to get something you like that it's hard to fuck up, ya know?
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Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza, Buffalo Wings with Bleu CheeseDiet CokeChocalate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream in a Graham Cracker Pie Crust
youre gonna die dude, splurge a little and drink some real coke
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youre gonna die dude, splurge a little and drink some real coke
I hate real Coke, too damn sugary. Cheese garlic bread would be awesome though, I'm going to celebrate my freedom tonight with some of that.
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Appetizer: Outback Onion PeelsMain Course: Filet Mignon with Mushrooms and Onions sauteed in Red WineDessert: Fudge CakeDrink: Oreo Milkshake and Coke

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A little Jenny!gq05f.jpg
I would love to share my dinner with her. She needs to eat anyway. She's a little thin right now.
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