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What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up?

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Curious every kid has that vision or dream in there head of what they want to be when they grew up. I realize that alot of the people on this forum (meh, infact probably most) are still in school or havent started there career yet, but I'm interested to know how many people actually became what they wanted to be.I wanted to be an astronaut until the Challenger exploded and changed my mind.Then I wanted to be a Pharmacist, but realized as I got older I would probably slit my wrist standing behind a counter all day counting pills.I ended up starting my own business selling printer supplies and fixing printers.

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I wanted to be an Indian. I'm not sure why, it just seemed cool to me at the time.When one of my friends was really little, he wanted to be a screw driver when he grew up. Seriously.

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wtf is a pip? Is that like old school terminology for pimp?
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I wanted to be a lawyer, then I got to law school and realized I didn't want to work 90 hours per week for the next 10 years. Now I'm a Telecom Engineer, and I get paid to post here.

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ahhhh hell yea, how did I miss that!those brutha's had moves!gladys_knight_gal.jpg
if we do karoke in Vegas I'll show you my midnight train to Georga moves.Woot Woot!
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From age 5-12 I wanted to be a fireman....12-15 a scientist....15-17 a comedian....17-18 a Corvette design engineer...18-19 a pilot19-22 a professional gambler...22-25 a plumber (mostly for the jokes)25-30 I just wanted to be anything keeping me outta the house and away from diapers...30-present day I now want to make stink bombs,pull fire alarms, crack jokes, play with Vettes, gamble, and fly airplanes....Who sez dreams dont come true??

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When I was around 8-14 years old I wanted to be a writer/journalist. Then I thought I could try my hand at being a lawyer for about two years...realized I was too lazy to be any kind of big success.Then I figured computer engineer/programmer because I had been raised on computers and could make then get up and dance. But I realized I hated the idea of sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.When I got to college, I thought I'd try my hand as a screenwriter...and I even wrote a couple. But turns out...I'm not very good...So...I got into my college radio program and fell into radio almost by accident. Now I'm a producer for an afternoon show here in San Diego.

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Really when you think about it, my all-encompassing goal when I was a kid was to have a job that paid a lot of money (hence I wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, CEO, athlete, etc). Haven't gotten there yet (the money part), but I'm still working on it.

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Wow. I wanted to be so many things. I wanted to be a writer, a lawyer, an advertising executive, a teacher, an actress, a broadway showgirl/ Rockette, a singer, a songwriter, a chef/resturant owner, a jewelry designer, an artist and an owner of a boutique. What am I? I am a trainer for the local telephone company. And you know what... I do almost all of the above things when I train except design jewelry or own a boutique.

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