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My Mid Pocket Pair Raise From Lp Flops An Overpair

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45 players left, 18 pay, but going for 1st as that is the only thing worth my time in these things. First 9 spots in the money make only $8.50Playing 7 handed.Hero has 3600 chips.SB has 3750 chips.Blinds 100/200Preflop: Folds to hero in CO with 8d 8c. Hero raises to 580, Button folds quickly, SB calls without thinking, very quickly, and BB folds.I have about 30 mins experience with SB, he doesn't see many flops, and from what I can tell he hasn't been stubborn in the blinds with subpar hands.Flop: 5d 4s 5h (1360 in pot)SB checks, Hero bets 1000, SB moves all-in, which puts me all-in, I have 2020 chips left in front of me. The pot after my bet and his all-in is at 4380 giving me a little better than 2:1.Call or Fold? Why?Feel free to analyze the rest of the hand too, however I think the bet sizes were about right in those parts. Also note that I really don't think he has a 5 in his range, he's just not one of those whackos that's gonna call with A 5 suited or 65 suited out of position here.

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When in doubt use pot odds. You're getting laid 2:1 here, you don't think he has a set of 5's but he most likely has an overpair or is representing.If you don't have a great read and you are unsure you should let the pot odds decide. Lets say you don't think 2:1 is good enough with this board with 8's, which it is, you could still fold if you don't think you have good enough odds to call.

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My gut feel is that youre beat here, most likely to TT or JJ, but, what can we put him on? Pre-flop he still has the BB behind him, and he doesnt re-raise to isolate, so probably not AA, KK. He's not playing a stop and go (or changed his mind when he saw the flop) so he's probably not on a lower pair. Would he check raise with AK? A possibility as a semi-bluff since he's not putting you on trips, and in fact is probably putting you on a pocket pair. When you bet 1k he is very close to a push or fold situation and doesnt necessarily indicate great strength, and he didnt fear giving you a free card, despite the real possibilities of you having AK or AQ.I would discount AQ since I dont think you would put him on a dominated hand OOP pre-flop, and its a lot weaker than AK for the semi bluff.So that gives him 55, 66,77,88,99,TT,JJ,QQ, and AK. Thats 54 hands, tied with 1, ahead of 28, behind on 25. On 16 of the 28 youre ahead on you still lose 25% of the time, so they are worth 21, and youve got 10% redraws on 24 of the 25 youre behind on. So youre about 50/50 on the hand, and have a call getting 2:1 odds.If you throw out the AK youre now a little short on odds, but not much. Given that you have so much of your stack committed I think you still call.The preflop raise is ok (though an odd amount). The flop bet is a little big though. There is 1360 in the pot, and youre afraid of two overcard draws, so you only need to charge 3:1 at worst, less if he expects you to bet on the turn if he misses. I would go 1/2 pot here, or 700. That gives you more room to decide, and doesnt force him into a push if he wants to play.

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With how quick he flat called preflop, I took JJ out of his range completely, since he didn't even think about re-raising, and I discounted TT also, is that okay? Or have you seen JJ played like this quite a bit before? It was literally an instacall, which to me usually means they are just looking for the set because they never think about folding a possibly dominated hand which takes out stuff like AQ or AJ, and never think about re-raising which takes out stuff like AA, KK, QQ, JJ, and AK.

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Without being there to witness it firsthand, on paper it seems to me that you are either way ahead or way behind here, with a lot more hands that you are way ahead of than behind IMO. Would be a weirdly played hand with a higher pocket pair than you by your opponent (possibly tens or nines is about all I would consider). I think your good to go here... :club:

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