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adapting to aggressive games, help?

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i need some help in playing aggressive games. specifically tight-aggressive ones. i realize these aren't as profitable as loose-passive and loose-aggressive, but i don't really have many options right now. i play on prima poker at the 50c/$1 level currently, and at any given time, it's only about 5-7 tables running, all of which are fairly tight-aggressive with the occasional fish.i've found myself breaking even or barely winning, because i'm carrying over the same strategies i used in lower limits like 25c/50c where the games were mostly loose-passive. for example, i'd always ditch a medium/small PP if even one overcard fell (since the pots were almost always four-way or more), and i'd never stick around with second pair or worse.so today, after an hour or so into my session, i tried changing gears a little and being more loose with respect to calling down a person when i had a decent hand (since a lot of pots were heads-up or three-way), and being more aggressive with PP's with one overcard (e.g. 88 on a board of 9-4-2). i also stole blinds more with Ax and Kx if i was on the cutoff or button and no one had limped. i also defended my blind more readily.any advice is greatly appreciated.thanks,aseem

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i hate to do this, but i'd really like help, and i'm guessing a lot of people haven't yet seen this post, so...bump :-) aseem

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so today, after an hour or so into my session, i tried changing gears a little and being more loose with respect to calling down a person when i had a decent hand (since a lot of pots were heads-up or three-way), and being more aggressive with PP's with one overcard (e.g. 88 on a board of 9-4-2). i also stole blinds more with Ax and Kx if i was on the cutoff or button and no one had limped. i also defended my blind more readily.
i think you're learning how to adjust well. raise midpairs in late position.generally don't play A-X suited hands, unless for some miraculous reason there are 5 limpers and you can get in for a small bet or complete in the SB.try and steal blinds in the cutoff once in awhile.don't call 2 cold with a small PP [22, 33, 44...]add: in fact, don't even call one small bet out of position with a low PP.check-raising in position is vital.i'll let someone else add more.
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You need to tighten up your starting requirements but be very aggressive and jam the pot when you do play a hand. Players at your limit won't realize you haven't played a pot in a while so they will pay you off more often with "huge"pots :D

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Go back down where you making more money. If the table is too tight. The reason i say this is that over there and i am not sure if its royal vegas(prima?) which offers the free ten bucks, but if it is, you getting alot of free money there. I just withdrew my money from party poker to head over to royal cause from the ten bucks they gave me free i turned into 60 in 4 hours. Been playing the .05/.10 nl where everyone is giving money away cause its free and people don't care if they loose cause they just "trying out the site" I am thinking possibly atthe lower limits you got a lot of free money players. So now that you up a limit you playing against regualrs there.

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Aseem,I'll let Sooted or wrto describe exactly if I'm loose or tight, but aggressive, yeah no problem- got that down.I can tell you, you can make a lot mre money slow playing. You might get in trouble at passive tables, but aggressive, if yu catch someone in a bluff you will tilt them so badly when you catch

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Practice better game selection.Barring that, be much more inclined to three-bet to isolate pre-flop and try to dictate tempo whenever posible.Make it so no one really wants to end up heads with you.

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