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Pokerstars Privat Tourny

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Hey everyone i was thinking about starting a weekly tourny on pokerstars for whoever of us fcp members want to play...let me know if anyone would be interested
Seriously???????That'd be cool. Set up a website to track all the players. We could do four 13 week sessions and the top 9 from each session could play for a tournement of champions. Maybe DN would play a few of them. When DN launches his own poker site, we could move the tourney over there. Maybe that website would donate some cool prizes.Good Idea
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What if he wants to set up his own tourney without DN? Jesus, he just asked a simple question....I'm down by the way...
i gotta agree, you dorks are pretty harsh on the new guys sometimes. I say we set up a weekly 50$ buy in tourney for FCP instead of the 10$ ones. Sound good???
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What if he wants to set up his own tourney without DN? Jesus, he just asked a simple question....I'm down by the way...
You are correct. My apologies to the OP.
i gotta agree, you dorks are pretty harsh on the new guys sometimes. I say we set up a weekly 50$ buy in tourney for FCP instead of the 10$ ones. Sound good???
good luck with that and again, my apologies
deff. down for a stars one, would be able to get people who dont have money or ability to put money on FCP
There's three. seriously, good luck.
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$50 buy in you arent going to get a lot of people. If you actually want a good sized field you need to do $20 max, probably even just $10. I definitely think there are people that would do this because stars is superior to fcp in every way, and a lot more people have money on stars than do on fcp. I think this is a good idea, maybe even make it more games than just nlhe. This probably wont surpass the negreanu open since that has the official backing of DN including special prizes, as well as good organization and has been running regularly, but I do think this has a chance to draw a following, both from people that already play the Neg Open and from people that don't like fcp poker site, but do want to play with other members.Definitely dont put it on the same day as the neg open though, no reason to try and compete with the other.

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