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I Win A Huge Pot And Villian Calls Me A Donk..haha

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the guy calls me a donk, but he just got outplayed. i tried to win the pot preflop since i thought the button was weak. on the flop, i had a runner-runner straight and flus draw, so i bet. one of my cards hit on the turn, so i bet, he reraised and i thought he was bluffing, so went all in and he called. on the river, i ended up winning the hand just like i planned. The BB then calls me a donk, HAHAHA. he is clearly the donk since i won the handi know i playe the hand pretty good. what do you think? Paradise Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Hero ($350.55)BB ($325.25)UTG ($190.75)MP ($168.55)Button ($169.60)Preflop: Hero is SB with 2 :) , 8 :D . Hero posts a blind of $0.50. 2 folds, Button calls $1, Hero (poster) raises to $4.5, BB calls $3.50, Button folds.Flop: ($10) 9 :D , 5 :D , 9 :) (2 players)Hero bets $7, BB calls $7.Turn: ($24) Q :) (2 players)Hero bets $15, BB raises to $50. Hero reraise All-in, BB calls all-in ($263.75)River: ($675.55) 3 :) (2 players)Final Pot: $675.55Hero has: 2 :) , 8 :diamond:BB has: 9 :) , A :) I won with a flush! :club:

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if that were a live game and I were the villian I would slap a saddle on you and make you haul my coffee down a hill.
how is he right? i played it pretty well when i read him for a bluff, and i ended up winning the hand.on the flop, i had a runner-runner flush draw and straight draw :)
wow, i didn't know that trip 9's were considered bluffing.time to put my tinfoil hat on. :)
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The BB then calls me a donk, HAHAHA. he is clearly the donk since i won the hand
Clearly. Keep up the good work, Eeyore.
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how is he right? i played it pretty well when i read him for a bluff, and i ended up winning the hand.on the flop, i had a runner-runner flush draw and straight draw :club:
First off let me start by saying.......I can not believe I am wasting my 100th post on you. Second..........You are right. you did play well. What a read. He was totaly bluffing. those trip 9's were worthless.Please come over and play at my house this weekend.and also, good luck surviving this forum. You will last about as long as foxwoodspro did.
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Wow,This guy isn't serious, the first post is a joke. I didn't think it was even remotely funny, but with all the serious responses to his poor attempt at humor, I have to admit, it is kind of funny now.

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I mean...huh??????This HAS to be a joke post...I mean HAS to be...You read the button as weak and you thought your 8 2 off would be a great way to look him up and challenge him? That is the most insane thing I've ever heard.

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You sir are a visionary and clearly have a grasp of the game that surpasses understanding. The other posters on this board simply fail to understand yor genius as I do. Your style will dominate the 50. - 1 NL games on FCP, which concidentally where I play. Hope to see you there.Congratulations on out playing that donkey.

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