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Party Poker 10/20 Hold'em (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Preflop: Hero is CO with 6heart.gif, 6diamond.gif. UTG calls, MP calls, Hero calls, Button calls, SB completes, BB checks.Flop: (6 SB) 6club.gif, 3heart.gif, 9spade.gif(6 players)SB checks, BB bets, UTG raises, MP folds, Hero calls, Button 3-bets, SB folds, BB folds, UTG calls, Hero calls.Turn: (8 BB) 8heart.gif(3 players)UTG checks, Hero checks, Button bets, UTG calls, Hero raises, Button 3-bets, UTG calls, Hero caps, Button calls, UTG calls.River: (20 BB) 7club.gif(3 players)UTG checks, Hero?No reads. What do you do on the river??How does everything else look?

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Flop and turn look good. If he has 99 or 75 for the turned straight that just unfortunate.I check/call. If we are behind the button and bet hes going to raise folding UTG unless UTG has a hand that has us beat. If we check/call we will get to see UTG act first so if he raises its a pretty straight forward fold.Sure we lose some value when he checks worse hands behind but i'm really just not willing to bet fold into a 20 bb pot without reads. I could be wrong though.

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I'm a ring game player, trying to improve at short handed play....so take my post with a grain of salt if you wish.I think every street was played quite well. In hindsight, you probably could have gone ahead and capped the flop, seeing as how he wasn't letting up one bit on the turn....but there was no guarentee of that and i prefer the way you played it as you got both players to stick in 4 bets on the turn.I'm really having trouble giving either player a range that im confident with. However, seeing how UTG slowed down drastically but is now willing to call anything on the turn...makes me want to put him on a hand such as 9hTh. He could not have a strong made hand as played and if he just had T9 for a gutshot....he isn't getting proper odds to call on the turn as no one will pay a board like that off on the river.With no reads on the button it makes that even tougher as well. I don't see him 3 betting the turn after you c/r the field with just a pair there. I almost want to put him on a set as well but that is always tough to do and maybe I'm just giving him too much credit.Either way, I would have to check that river...concerned that UTG got there. If you bet and get raised, then a fold would almost certainly be the move but I won't fold for one more bet on the river in a 20BB pot. I would be absolutely sick that i bet it and would have to pay off on the end. The pot is huge, you don't want to get moved off of it and in this case, I think the information you'd gain by seeing both their hands checked down would be extremely valuable to you after a pot like that.

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Party Poker 10/20 Hold'em (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)Preflop: Hero is CO with 6heart.gif, 6diamond.gif. UTG calls, MP calls, Hero calls, Button calls, SB completes, BB checks.Flop: (6 SB) 6club.gif, 3heart.gif, 9spade.gif(6 players)SB checks, BB bets, UTG raises, MP folds, Hero calls, Button 3-bets, SB folds, BB folds, UTG calls, Hero calls.Turn: (8 BB) 8heart.gif(3 players)UTG checks, Hero checks, Button bets, UTG calls, Hero raises, Button 3-bets, UTG calls, Hero caps, Button calls, UTG calls.River: (20 BB) 7club.gif(3 players)UTG checks, Hero?No reads. What do you do on the river??How does everything else look?
this is a definitely bet/call IMO.the 4-straight is on board, but the 7 only completed running draws and/or gutshots. everybody threw in a bunch of bets on the flop or turn, so they liked their hand before that. if anything, the 7 most likely improved people's hands, though not past yours.i think not betting here misses a lot of value. given the texture, you still quite likely have the best hand.
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Sure we lose some value when he checks worse hands behind but i'm really just not willing to bet fold into a 20 bb pot without reads. I could be wrong though.
I'm not willing to bet/fold either. If I bet, I would call.
I'm a ring game player, trying to improve at short handed play....so take my post with a grain of salt if you wish.
It's all the same game. Your analysis seems really sound.One thing I do disagree wiht is putting UTG on such a narrow range. Th9h is certainly 1 hand he could have, but so is Jh9h, A9o, etc.
this is a definitely bet/call IMO.the 4-straight is on board, but the 7 only completed running draws and/or gutshots. everybody threw in a bunch of bets on the flop or turn, so they liked their hand before that. if anything, the 7 most likely improved people's hands, though not past yours.
Danny,I think you are right on here. I am usually ahead of button. He could have 99, but he is more likely to have 33 since he just limped pf. And if he's capable of limping 99 here, that means he may also an overplayed hand like TT/JJ a small portion of the time too. But most of the time I think he has 98/33. He almost never has a straight.So that means the only player I really have to be worried about is UTG. It is pausible he has made a straight, but it isn't terribly likley. I would estimate that hte chance he has a straight is somewhere in the 20% neighborhood. I would also guess that I am ahead of button around 80% of the time as well. That means I have the best hand on the river roughly 2/3's of the time. So danny is right. Failing to bet does cost me a ton of value. Roughly 0.2-0.3BB.
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One thing I do disagree wiht is putting UTG on such a narrow range. Th9h is certainly 1 hand he could have, but so is Jh9h, A9o, etc.
I suppose he could be playing any 9hxh hand but i don't think we can give him credit for A9o. What makes me think this, is the way he decided to play the turn. Before you raised on the turn, the line of play he chose was check/call. Even if he thought there was a chance that he was already beaten by the button....I wouldn't think he'd be too happy about you sticking around after the 8h hit as it adds alot more river cards that he does not want to see with 3 players still in the hand with a limped pot. I think a check raise on his part would be the way to go on the turn as the hand had played out up until that point.
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I'd bet/call the river, though I am cursing everything and everyone when I do call the river. I think though that with the action that went in on the flop, capping needs to happen. This pot is getting damn big and When it gets back around to you, "protection" goes out the window and we need to draw as much value as possible from this hand considering that this is a limped pot PF and now there is a ton of action happening which does send off some alarms for mehere's a question, how tight/loose are the blinds and players behind you. If they are of relative tightness then I think a raise may be in order PF

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I'd bet/call the river, though I am cursing everything and everyone when I do call the river. I think though that with the action that went in on the flop, capping needs to happen. This pot is getting damn big and When it gets back around to you, "protection" goes out the window and we need to draw as much value as possible from this hand considering that this is a limped pot PF and now there is a ton of action happening which does send off some alarms for mehere's a question, how tight/loose are the blinds and players behind you. If they are of relative tightness then I think a raise may be in order PF
The reason I never capped the flop wasn't for protection, it was for deception/value. The cold-call/cap line is very transparent to even the weakest players. I do run the risk of a scary card hitting the turn, but with all that action button gave pf, I don't think he checks the turn very often. Could be FPS though, since he may raise the turn anyway if I cap the flop, and he doesn't really have to check it through that often for it to be a huge mistake for me.I really can't remember how loos the blinds were. I thought there was a decent chance at least 1 other player behind me would come along for the ride if I raised, so I decided to call. I would have called here with 77 too. 88 I'm not so sure about.
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The reason I never capped the flop wasn't for protection, it was for deception/value. The cold-call/cap line is very transparent to even the weakest players. I do run the risk of a scary card hitting the turn, but with all that action button gave pf, I don't think he checks the turn very often. Could be FPS though, since he may raise the turn anyway if I cap the flop, and he doesn't really have to check it through that often for it to be a huge mistake for me.I really can't remember how loos the blinds were. I thought there was a decent chance at least 1 other player behind me would come along for the ride if I raised, so I decided to call. I would have called here with 77 too. 88 I'm not so sure about.
acctually thinking about his hand some more. You need to straight up three bet the flop when it gets around to you. there are a beavy of straight draws that exist in this pot(especially in a limped pot). You have two OESD's and one double gutter. This flop is just way too draw heavy to worry about deception and you just want to go ahead and play this hand very fast due to the texture of this flop and make those draws pay dearly if they want to try to get there
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