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How Far Do You Go With This Hand?

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Playing low buy in PLO8 due to a small BR. Just doubled up after scooping. Not too much info on the villain, but at this level I basically assume that he knows nothing. - clintbking sitting in seat 1 with $34.73 [Dealer]- socdave0112 sitting in seat 2 with $19.65 (Hero)- Rogieman sitting in seat 3 with $14.55- DaSaw sitting in seat 4 with $13.55- aszypulaki sitting in seat 5 with $8.97 [sitting out]- jeffblack sitting in seat 6 with $1.02- slikrick777 sitting in seat 7 with $13.81 (villain)- Karpi sitting in seat 8 with $7.90- fishhook1942 sitting in seat 9 with $5.25- Bigsuckout sitting in seat 10 with $8.50** Dealing card to socdave0112: :) , :D , :) , :) DaSaw called - $0.10jeffblack foldedslikrick777 called - $0.10Karpi checked3 foldssocdave0112 raised - $0.60Rogieman foldedDaSaw called - $0.60slikrick777 called - $0.60Karpi foldedfigured out of the SB with only a couple of callers I could cut down the field a bit, bc i dont want a lot seeing a flop with basically nothing for the low** Dealing the flop: :D , :) , :card_clubs_6:socdave0112 bet - $2.00DaSaw foldedslikrick777 called - $2.00 not the best flop in the world, but better than a lot, figure i would throw out a bet, folding if anyone raises me. his call confuses me, unless he is slowplaying a monster, i cant see what he just calls with** Dealing the turn: :club: socdave0112 bet - $6.00slikrick777 went all-in - $11.21socdave0112 called - $11.21 (didnt call $11.21, it was $11.21 total)now I am just confused, and i really dont know why but i called the all in** Dealing the river: :D i will post results in a little bit

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don't raise from SB preflop
....unless you expect to be able to get all-in when you bet out on the flop......or unless you want to tax lots of limpers and you have a monster that you can imagine betting out the pot with on the flop.Notwithstanding the above, I agree with Money here. Especially with such a sucky low. Remember, if you limp here and hit your set you will have great deception value.
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I would only complete out of the small blind. Nothing more with your hand. It's marginal at best, even to complete the big blind. My best advice would be not to play that hand. However, having said that, my assumption here is that he flopped a straight draw, and then hit his straight on the turn. 2 suggestions. One is not to play the hand at all. The next suggestion would be to check on the turn. You've hit your money card, I'd try to get a free ride to hit a full house. I'm far from an expert at this game, but I play twice weekly in a $5/$10 limit game. The biggest mistake I see is pocket pairs being played preflop. If memory serves me correctly, your chances of boating up with that pocket pair is 1.5%. Keep that in mind when you raise/call with a hand like that, even from the small blind. Hope this helps.

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caviness the turn didnt give me a set nor did it fill up any straights. to the others, i know that this is a big leak in my game. i way over value aces due to my holdem backround, and at the time i was thinking that since i basically had no chance at getting anything good for the low i shouldnt have raised, but i was looking to thin the field down to maybe one opponent where so that my hand would have more value.

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....unless you expect to be able to get all-in when you bet out on the flop......or unless you want to tax lots of limpers and you have a monster that you can imagine betting out the pot with on the flop.Notwithstanding the above, I agree with Money here. Especially with such a sucky low. Remember, if you limp here and hit your set you will have great deception value.
Even if you could get it all in on the flop...I am not a huge fan in doing so as you have crap for low potential.Just complete the SB and play for a set, or look to hit a nut flush.
i way over value aces due to my holdem background
People who get attached to AA too much are my friends :DIn PLO8, the only AA hands I tend to play agressively are AA with a wheel card...particularly with a 2 or 3.
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call preflop. i can think of one million hands that just call after that flop. the one i like best is A34 with (probably a backdoor flush draw too). or maybe A23K (again backdoor flushes). there is no way we're ahead of any hand that called the flop bet, easy check/fold from there. if you think checking/folding seems weak no matter what he bets even as it relates to the pot, don't build the pot from the small bling with a marginal hand. you're the second biggest stack at the table giving everyone who called preflop great odds if you are going to play naked AA like that.

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I feel like at times people on here give way too much credit at these low limit PLO8 tables. Now, I agree with what everyone said here, I way overplayed my naked AA in this spot, but I knew that my opponent didn't have a monster, which was true. He showed :D , :D , :club: , :D for the scoop

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