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BAN ME EH?? STFU, who the fu(k posts that , way to add something to the forum. That thread is gold and therapeutic. I dare you donks to play the NO tonight and ill show you how I dominate the field.J

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BAN ME EH?? STFU, who the fu(k posts that , way to add something to the forum. That thread is gold and therapeutic. I dare you donks to play the NO tonight and ill show you how I dominate the field.J
you're retarded.
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good idea. play poker so you lose all your money, have to sell your car, and spend the rest of your days on the back of the bus challenging the 75 year olds ladies to a HU match for pennies.

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There is no way I could play solid poker after the events of last night, so Ill just crush the NO tournament. If I play in 80 percent of these tourneys theres 0 chance i dont come in top 5Jim not gonna lose all my money donks, dont forget my winning strak is up to 20. NONE OF YOU CAN SAY THAT OR WILL EVER BE ABLE TO SAY THATJ

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if I refused I lose license for 6 months. Most people in my life are worried about me, just being honest. I play poker for a living, never get a job, always drink. I Dont wanna say its part of the poker lifestyle, but it kind of is because you win fast, you drive fast and you live fast. I take chances in life, im a gambler. I will try my best to learn from this. But I do live life on the edge for better or worse.J
words of TRUE DUMBASS im sorry to be harsh in the rough time your going thorugh but its obvious you dont learn much people are giving you GOOD advice and you come back saying "hey man i live on the edge" your are a donkey in life and poker get your life together man.... your cocky attitude will get you in jail sounds llike your almost there...
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Little***: you like to live your life on the edge....Little***: sometimes i think you feel as if you should survive in life like you do at a poker table...Littley: except you got a hell of a lot ot lose when you bluff...Littly: but you don't always realize what your doing..XJoKeR15x: ya baby life is about guns and roses I am a donkeyThats my babbbyyy,,,,I dont know why she puts up with my ****, I put her through hell last night

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K here is what will make evrybody hate me more, when I was 18 I had a very significant family loss, and I went to a keg party, I fell asleep at the wheel and hit a telephone pole. I crawled to the side of the road to throw 2 blunts of weed out in the woods. Then the ambulance came before the cops came, I came very close to dying, but I survived and just had a 12 inch scar on my knee. No DUI. Like I said guys, I dont give a ****, I play poker and gamble, **** the rest. Thats why Im the best, noones more devoted or has better game or instincts than me. You guys dont get it im on a different level from you guys, and I earned that level.J

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Here is my advice. I'm not gonna get on you because I know how bad you must feel and how you're probably worrying about the future. Personally, I don't think this has anything to do with poker or its lifestlyle. A majority of youg men 18-28 go out and get drunk, then drive, me included a few times. Before I ever started playing poker, when I was a freshman in college, I did the most bonehead thing in my life(but not drunk driving). After coming back from an on-campus party, me and a friend who was really big, decided to shake a vending machine to get some free food. Well, we ended up getting like 7 candies each, but right when we exited the room the cops showed up. My friend had half an ounce of marijuana on him, and worse, he had separated them into four bags so it looks like he was trying to sell it, which he was. Anyway, I got three citations for breaking and entering(which was bs), possesion of paraphanelia(pipe), and larceny(on the citation they wrote 1 bag of donuts, one snickers bar, etc. kinda funny). I had always been a good kid and great student(this was at Duke) so I didn't know what to do at first.My advice is, forget about how much you're gonna pay. It's gonna be a few k and it is what it is. Let your lawyer handle everything. You're gonna have to take some alcohol classes, community service, etc. but it actually may help you in the long run. Just DONT GET TOO DOWN ON YOURSELF these first couple days. After the first few days you'll feel a little better. Your life will probably be different for the next year, but look at it as an opportunity to change. Don't sit around playing poker to make money back to pay your lawyer. Once you get done with classes, seriously consider getting a part-time job to help pay for the lawyer. Just think of this experience as a turning point in your life. Once it is all over, hopefully you will have changed for the better. Its mostly up to you now.

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K here is what will make evrybody hate me more, when I was 18 I had a very significant family loss, and I went to a keg party, I fell asleep at the wheel and hit a telephone pole. I crawled to the side of the road to throw 2 blunts of weed out in the woods. Then the ambulance came before the cops came, I came very close to dying, but I survived and just had a 12 inch scar on my knee. No DUI. Like I said guys, I dont give a ****, I play poker and gamble, **** the rest. Thats why Im the best, noones more devoted or has better game or instincts than me. You guys dont get it im on a different level from you guys, and I earned that level.J
drunk driving is not about you. if you hit a pole when you're drunk and kill yourself, its a damn shame. if you hit somebody else and kill them, its an avoidable tragedy. to look at it the way you are is completely selfish and utterly ridiculous. you suck at life.
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thank you very much for your solid advice. Your exactly right 2 ways to look at this situation veryyy bad or a change for the better. No guarentee I will change it all around. But it'll be what it is man, lifes a game I just play it to play it. Thanks again for your advice.J

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thank you very much for your solid advice. Your exactly right 2 ways to look at this situation veryyy bad or a change for the better. No guarentee I will change it all around. I have a very bad relationship with my family, and thats what makes me not give a **** about too much or anything. But it'll be what it is man, lifes a game I just play it to play it. Thanks again for your advice.J
I don't get along with my family at all either, but I don't let it turn me into an jackass. Have I in the past? Yes. But lately I've realized its just not worth it. You live your life for you and no one else, not even your parents. Saying you do crazy stuff because of that is just silly.
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This is not a real post, is it?
ok my fraternity has a breath tester too and .21 isnt that much... yes your sloppy but a .21 isnt that bad... by that bad i mean your not gonna be puking your guts out... it often takes people .275 -.300 before most puking starts. of course this is on the spot puking many puke the morning after. just had to comment becuase .21 is definatly a no no for driving bur your no where near gonna die - or get that sick for that matter
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thank you very much for your solid advice. Your exactly right 2 ways to look at this situation veryyy bad or a change for the better. No guarentee I will change it all around. But it'll be what it is man, lifes a game I just play it to play it. Thanks again for your advice.J
this proves your not going to learn from this .... im starting to think you are doing this for attention. Just becuase your whole life revolves around poker doesnt make you a good poker player either.
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I could tell that something was going on there. Dude, in seriousness, you should probably see a therapist. The gambling and drinking are both symptoms of the same problem. Yeah, you made a stupid mistake. You're going to have to dust yourself and move on. If you just pick up right where you left off after your legal battle is over, though, then you haven't learned anything, and you are just bound to slip up again. Take a break from poker, get a lawyer, and go to an AA meeting. The court will probably send you to AA anyway and if you go on your own, it will show them that you know you messed up and are trying to fix the problem. I made a comment to you about ego being a danger to you. I had poker in mind, but unfortunately, you had to learn a much harder (and more expensive) lesson. Take more responsibility for your actions, and you might as well laugh at your situation, nothing else will really help.To answer your other question, people who are broke that get DUIs are the guys that you see picking up trash on the freeway in the orange vests.Also, I think banning you would be a really bad idea. You are a good cautionary tale for us all.

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I really hope you learn something from this. You'll be out a couple thousand for everything, but think about all the people who have posted in here about friends and relatives who have been killed by drunk drivers. You're really lucky all that happened is you hit a cop car (being serious) and no one was seriously hurt.

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This isn't exactly true... well, it's an issue of semantics. If i'm at a bar with a .20 BAC, but not a clear danger to myself or anyone else, they can't arrest me. If I'm there with a BAC of .08 and I'm stumbling all over the place, I can be arrested.At least, that's the case in Texas... which is where the undercover cops incident that you speak of occurred.
That's why I said "drunk" instead of giving a BAC level.
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