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Heads Up, Facing Big Re-raise On Flop

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I don't have much PL Omaha Hi/Lo experience, especially not heads upblinds 1/2, pot limitI've got ~180, opponent (a friend) has ~120I'm SB with Kc 7h: 7d 2c I raise to 5 pre-flop (which the button has been doing in ~90% of hands), BB callsflop:Kh 7s 6s BB bets 10I raise to 35 (I figure I'm only losing to KK for the high and I've got a K so that's unlikely)BB makes a pot-sized all-in re-raise (so it's 80 more for me to call)I called it and he turned over Ks 5 s 4h 3c A 4 came on the turn and he scooped the potDo I make the call there where I assume he has a low draw and probably a good high draw as well? Turns out I was a 2-1 underdog after the flop

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call on flop (don't reraise), fold on turnYou do not want to make a big pot with such a vulnerable hand
This is a good point. Middle set with no other possibilities is not good. You should only push when your high hand is less vulerable...(i.e. made boat on turn) Since you raised though....folding to the push is probably good...unless your friend is clueless about the game.
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flop:Kh 7s 6s BB bets 10I raise to 35 (I figure I'm only losing to KK for the high and I've got a K so that's unlikely)
But you are playign Hi/Lo - and there is probably going to be a low which you are not going to win. If a low card comes on the turn, then there are loads of freerolls that can screw you.Easy fold (to the first bet).
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