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"More on Kathy. She wears the same outfit everytime I see her. First, let's picture the color. Imagine eating 2 bowls of 3 alarm chili, and washing it down with a 12 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon. The next day, on the way to a forest, you stop off and grab a paper plate, and a little jar of metallic red paint at a model toy store...you know, those little 1 oz jars? Ok, so jog 1 mile, uphill, carrying a full backpack, and wearing fatigues. Take the paper plate and place it on the ground. Squat over it with your sweaty ***, and **** out the 2 bowls of 3 alarm chili that was washed down with that 12 pack of PBR. Empty out the 1 oz jar of model paint, grab a twig off of a tree, and mix it up. That is the color of this ****ing 'sweatsuit' that KFL wears."lolthis guy is pretty funny. on scott fishman:Scott Fishman is the complete package. He is the head of a ****, he is the shaft of a ****, he is a pair of nasty balls that hang under a ****. Again, he is the complete package. This KID stands at a stellar 5-foot nothing, and weighs about a buck-0-five. He is an ex Bellagio dealer who used to live off of tokes (tokes are tips, for you who don't know what that is, or how to do it). This collosal douchebag goes out of his way to tell people NOT to tip. This little prick goes out of his way to make an ******* out of himself. He can kiss my *** - right down where it's pink. I can't stress how much I despise this twerp. **** him and his 'crew'. If I could, I would piss in his 'fish tank'.

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Wow, I used to always think it would be cool to be a dealer. Now I realize it would be just as cool to be any kind of regular server, driver, attendant, etc...for any regular celebrity. There is just too much material there for it not to be a good time. :club:

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Not KFL. She wears one everyday. She rests it in front, on top of her FUPA. A FUPA, for those of you not familiar with the acronym, stands for "Fat Upper P*ssy Area" Basically, it's a pooch belly. Hideous, hideous, hideous.
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yeaa this guys a legend. dunno what happened to him though, cos i think his blog only goes up to sep 2005. maybe kfl knocked him over with a bus or summat...like to see what he thinks of some other guys, maybe dn or greg raymer. cant stand clonie gowen, maybe hell do a blog on her

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