Petoria 0 Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 I think it's about time I stir up some sh!t. I fully expect people to be threatening to kill each other by the time this thread dies, but all the more fun.So how does each religion lie on this subject? All I know is that Catholicism is 100% against abortion. Where do other Christian religions lie on this issue? Non-Christian religions? Also are there any people of a religion that is pro-life, who, themselves, are pro-choice?I'd like to avoid bringing up politics or the laws of the US/Canada in this thread. I guess I'm leaving the atheists out of this one, but we could start a new one in gen. off topic, if you want at a later date.Let the games begin. Link to post Share on other sites
keith crime 8 Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 Bill Hicks: You're not a human being until you're in my phone book. There my hat is in the political ring. Link to post Share on other sites
FOOSE1 0 Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 You definately will stir up some stuff with this topic I feel sure!I have 3 kids. I have seen my wife grow these children in her womb from conception until birth. Along the way there are sonigrams, etc. You literally get to watch the child grow and develop right before your eyes so to speak. I am definately pro-life. Yes I am a christian (Baptist) if you want to throw that in the mix here (it is always an issue ). Link to post Share on other sites
weishan14 0 Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 I am definately pro-life. We have three beautiful daughters that that we adopted. We are proud of our three son-in-laws also. We have three beautiful grandchildren (one boy and two girls).It was very exciting to watch our two daughters go through the birth process. We even watched videos of the babies before they were born. You can see our little grandson sucking his thumb in one, and in another, he was rubbing his eyes with his little fists, just like his Mom did when she was tired, as a toddler. As a Christian, I know that God has blessed our family. **********************************************************The Bible states in Jeremiah 1:5 (New International Version)New International Version (NIV) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew [a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."And Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV) says: 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. I believe that life begins at conception and that we do not have the right to take the life of an unborn child. Link to post Share on other sites
Frinkenstein 0 Posted March 30, 2006 Share Posted March 30, 2006 I don't get it. Link to post Share on other sites
SilentSnow 1 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 I don't get it.wear protection. or, theres never too few hot girl pictures. Link to post Share on other sites
Petoria 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Author Share Posted March 31, 2006 Pretty weak if thats it. Link to post Share on other sites
MyPlayIsRAB 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 while i am not a supporter of abortions, i have to say that i am pro-choice. if i was a 16 year old female who through a mistake got pregnant, i would probably get an abortion. if done early (first 3 weeks) scientists say there is no life yet as the fetus has not yet developed..what i remember from grade 12 biology anywaysthat being said, if i only found out after 2 months or something, id carry the child. after the first couple weeks, id feel like **** and id have to go through with it.but all in all, i think women have the choice if they want to or not, as long as both parties consent to itits like drugs, you dont have to take them but theyre there if you want them Link to post Share on other sites
mrdannyg 274 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 I am definately pro-life. We have three beautiful daughters that that we adopted. We are proud of our three son-in-laws also. We have three beautiful grandchildren (one boy and two girls).It was very exciting to watch our two daughters go through the birth process. We even watched videos of the babies before they were born. You can see our little grandson sucking his thumb in one, and in another, he was rubbing his eyes with his little fists, just like his Mom did when she was tired, as a toddler. As a Christian, I know that God has blessed our family. **********************************************************The Bible states in Jeremiah 1:5 (New International Version)New International Version (NIV) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew [a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."And Psalm 139:13-16 (NIV) says: 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. I believe that life begins at conception and that we do not have the right to take the life of an unborn child.I appreciate your opinion, but is that really the only Biblical backing for pro-life? Link to post Share on other sites
Golden 2 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 Using the bible as backing for any argument isn't very strong, especially in this case. Link to post Share on other sites
FOOSE1 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 Using the bible as backing for any argument isn't very strong, especially in this case.Using the bible as backing is strong . . . if you believe in it. If you don't . . . then your right it's not very strong. Weishan (as well as myself) believe in it. So, to him (and me) it's all the backing you need.(Didn't mean to answer for you Weishan ) Link to post Share on other sites
suitedinc 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 if done early (first 3 weeks) scientists say there is no life yet as the fetus has not yet developed..what i remember from grade 12 biology anywaysThe problem is, you would not know in the first 3 weeks. It would be at least 2 weeks before you missed your period and started to wonder, and that assumes you are a clock with your cycle. If you're not that regular, you might very easily wait an extra few days before taking a home test. By that time, you have hit your 3 week window. Link to post Share on other sites
LongLiveYorke 38 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 The problem is, you would not know in the first 3 weeks. It would be at least 2 weeks before you missed your period and started to wonder, and that assumes you are a clock with your cycle. If you're not that regular, you might very easily wait an extra few days before taking a home test. By that time, you have hit your 3 week window.The "fetus" moves from the embryo stage to the fetal stage after 8 weeks (2 months). This should give any responsible person more than enough time to learn of their pregnancy and to consider their options. At this point, the embryo turned fetus is less than an inch long and is about the size of a raspberry. Link to post Share on other sites
weishan14 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 Here is an exerpt from Jon E. Dougherty "Life begins at conception." (2001). He is much more articulate than I could be in stating when life begins. If you read this with an open mind you will see that life does begin at comception. The developemnt of life continues until we die, either before actually seeing the light of day or when we have lived out our life and die of natural causes.***************************************************************Perhaps the most egregious and common hypocrisy is the justification that abortion is okay because life doesn't "begin" until a human being is actually born — yet no self-respecting abortion advocate who spews this robotically-rehearsed and overused phrase can explain the miracle of life that scientists, doctors and parents have known for eons: Life begins at conception, not birth. Birth is simply one stage of ongoing human development. Life is as real and as tangible as death; consequently, we humans are "viable" the moment we are created in the womb. Barring death by natural causes, everyone has the potential to eventually become a senior citizen someday — as long as they aren't butchered before birth. In fact, some have said we begin to die the moment we are conceived because our lives always reach that inevitable conclusion. The "not viable life" excuse doesn't hold up because, if all life is not "viable" life, then what is the purpose of having an abortion? If these human beings weren't viable and would not — if left unmolested — mature into "born" children and adults, then the abortion would be unnecessary to begin with. Also — and this is key — we humans are never "fully-developed." We're not born "complete"; we grow, change, mature and age constantly, which means we're always "developing," and we develop though the first nine months of our lives attached to a "host" — our mothers. So, the fact that the first nine months of our developmental life is in utero is of no consequence to our overall lifespan; it is just the first stage. There are many developmental stages — early, middle and late. But life has to begin somewhere. We don't go from "nothing" to adulthood. Denying the fact that life begins the moment a female egg is fertilized is sheer lunacy — or, worse, intentionally misleading. It is simply a matter of choice that millions of Americans have decided to believe that life only begins when they say it does — at the moment of birth, or in the second trimester of pregnancy, or some other arbitrary guideline. It begins when it begins — at the moment a human being is biologically "under construction." Passing laws or writing constitutional mandates from the bench of the Supreme Court cannot change this fact. Indeed, it has not changed this fact; only our perception of the fact has changed, largely for reasons of personal convenience. It is patently arrogant that we, as adults, get to decide for the most vulnerable of our society — our unborn children, who cannot speak for themselves — who lives and who dies. Or, if you prefer, who gets to experience further "development" and who doesn't. If we intentionally end any stage of a human life in development, we are committing an act of murder, as it has been defined by our society from its humble beginnings. Any attempt to convince ourselves otherwise is little more than a mental joust with reality and an injustice to our unborn that we can never excuse away, try as we may.Jon E. Dougherty "Life begins at conception." (2001). Link to post Share on other sites
SunDrop 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 You should always wear one when abortion is the topic. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,755 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 I appreciate your opinion, but is that really the only Biblical backing for pro-life? Using the bible as backing for any argument isn't very strong, especially in this case.The OP said, "What do other Christians think of this"... so it's pretty dang relevant to use the Bible as backing. The Bible says life starts at conception, and so that is what Christians believe... unless, of course, you talk to one of these 'Christians' that go to church on Easter and Christmas, but otherwise don't give a crap about God. Making up your own 'bible' makes following God's word much easier.Hey Easter is coming! Now they will get to show how religious they are. Sweet! Link to post Share on other sites
SilentSnow 1 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 The Bible says life starts at conception, i really doubt youll be able to find a verse that clearly states this, but i dontread the bible much, so who knows? Link to post Share on other sites
SilentSnow 1 Posted March 31, 2006 Share Posted March 31, 2006 Perhaps the most egregious and common hypocrisy is the justification that abortion is okay because life doesn't "begin" until a human being is actually born — yet no self-respecting abortion advocate who spews this robotically-rehearsed and overused phrase can explain the miracle of life that scientists, doctors and parents have known for eons: Life begins at conception, not birth. Birth is simply one stage of ongoing human development.this is a really stupid argument. you can just as easily point out that no sane person can say that a single cell has the same moral significance as a newborn baby. but that is what his argument implies. and no, we havent known this for eons.Life is as real and as tangible as death; consequently, we humans are "viable" the moment we are created in the womb. Barring death by natural causes, everyone has the potential to eventually become a senior citizen someday — as long as they aren't butchered before birth. In fact, some have said we begin to die the moment we are conceived because our lives always reach that inevitable conclusion.this adds nothing but emotional catch words to his position.The "not viable life" excuse doesn't hold up because, if all life is not "viable" life, then what is the purpose of having an abortion? If these human beings weren't viable and would not — if left unmolested — mature into "born" children and adults, then the abortion would be unnecessary to begin reasons for supporting abortion have nothing to do with viability.Also — and this is key — we humans are never "fully-developed." We're not born "complete"; we grow, change, mature and age constantly, which means we're always "developing," and we develop though the first nine months of our lives attached to a "host" — our mothers.So, the fact that the first nine months of our developmental life is in utero is of no consequence to our overall lifespan; it is just the first stage. There are many developmental stages — early, middle and late.But life has to begin somewhere. We don't go from "nothing" to adulthood.irrelevant ramblings.Denying the fact that life begins the moment a female egg is fertilized is sheer lunacy — or, worse, intentionally misleading. It is simply a matter of choice that millions of Americans have decided to believe that life only begins when they say it does — at the moment of birth, or in the second trimester of pregnancy, or some other arbitrary guideline.It begins when it begins — at the moment a human being is biologically "under construction."no, it is perfectly rational. besides, "life" is the wrong term. bacteria are alive, but nobody cares about them. what matters is when an organism has enough humanlike characteristics to be protected as one. and i think it is perfectly reasonable to say that consciousness is the minimum standard before you can consider somethings human status. any unconscious object can at best be regarded as a valuable possession.Passing laws or writing constitutional mandates from the bench of the Supreme Court cannot change this fact. Indeed, it has not changed this fact; only our perception of the fact has changed, largely for reasons of personal convenience.It is patently arrogant that we, as adults, get to decide for the most vulnerable of our society — our unborn children, who cannot speak for themselves — who lives and who dies. Or, if you prefer, who gets to experience further "development" and who doesn't.society makes life or death decisions all the time.If we intentionally end any stage of a human life in development, we are committing an act of murder, as it has been defined by our society from its humble beginnings.Any attempt to convince ourselves otherwise is little more than a mental joust with reality and an injustice to our unborn that we can never excuse away, try as we may.completely false, see above.i havent fully explained why i support abortion rights in my objections to this article, and im not sure if it is worth the bother. if you are ever going to have a productive discussion, you have to find some sort of common ground. and the problem is, my common ground with the antiabortion extremists is so small that it probably is a waste of time to seriously try to discuss it with them. Link to post Share on other sites
Petoria 0 Posted March 31, 2006 Author Share Posted March 31, 2006 The OP said, "What do other Christians think of this"... so it's pretty dang relevant to use the Bible as backing. The Bible says life starts at conception, and so that is what Christians believe... unless, of course, you talk to one of these 'Christians' that go to church on Easter and Christmas, but otherwise don't give a crap about God. Making up your own 'bible' makes following God's word much easier.Hey Easter is coming! Now they will get to show how religious they are. Sweet!I didnt say just Christians, I asked people who believe in some religion their argument. Since the board is predominantly Christian, it simplified to that though. Link to post Share on other sites
Balloon guy 158 Posted April 1, 2006 Share Posted April 1, 2006 If God appeard on Larry wait his rating are patheticIf God appeared on Fox wait, some people would discount it because it's Fox even though their ratings are 5x CNNsIf God appeared on Oprah and said: " A baby is a human at conception" Then the pro-abortion people would not have a leg to stand on.If God instead said; "A baby is a human when it fully leaves the birth canal"Then the pro-life side would not have a leg to stand on.It's about whether it's a life or not. I'll err on the side of the baby.The laws today say you can have the baby 90% out of the birth canal and still kill it. Something is wrong with this.We should put more effort on birth control, then we would all win because there would be less abortions. Instead there are something like 9 million a year? It's really all about the money Link to post Share on other sites
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