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I know its probably been discussed, but how aggressive should you be with pocket aces? Does position matter? How much to raise? Thanks

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3x the big blind from any position. Some people like to limp UTG or from early position if they are at an aggressive table looking to reraise, but i dont like this strategy cause it gives away the strength of your hand. On the flop maybe bet half the pot. I would suggest playing AA pretty fast especially if your playing online, people dont fold. Be aware of what your image is at the table... play AA like any other hand you would raise with.

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3x the big blind from any position. Some people like to limp UTG or from early position if they are at an aggressive table looking to reraise, but i dont like this strategy cause it gives away the strength of your hand. On the flop maybe bet half the pot. I would suggest playing AA pretty fast especially if your playing online, people dont fold. Be aware of what your image is at the table... play AA like any other hand you would raise with.
the last line is key -- don't make any kind of 'play' that throws up a red flag on someone's radar, i.e. limping from UTG or making a larger than normal raise preflop.It's post-flop where AA gets tricky depending on the board and # of callers. If you have specific examples, post them in the NL or Limit strat section and you'll get good answers. ...usually.
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