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how uve built your stack?

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Seeing as how there are so many ways and so many different games to play...What are your favorite ways to build ur stack? Right now Ive mostly been doing all sng's (less risk for me with a nice payday).

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Guest XXEddie

anything holdem related, i really have no game in anything else though im working on it but i prefer MMT ans SnGs over cash/ring games

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(Sorry in advance for fixing your vibey spelling of you've (as uve). The literature major in me just couldn't let it go...)I make a decent amount playing low-limit hold 'em, but I've built a fair amount of my playing bankroll via 7-stud. Everyone should have a favorite, non-hold 'em game they can clean up on. Stud is definitely mine. I think that Akishore has his O8B, a couple of guys have mentioned Razz (which you can play on FTP).The play at the non-hold 'em games is often just SO much worse than even bad hold 'em play, since few new players bother to understand the very significant differences in theory and strategy between games. If you are disciplined and understand these games, you can usually clean up.

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I am mainly a limit guy like many, currently grinding away at the micros. However, if one is serious about making money, it is my opinion that they should learn to play pot limit omaha. A good pot limit player can clean up by getting maximum value out of hands.

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