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Two Pair, I Don't Make Flashy Titles

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Party Poker 2/4 Hold'em (8 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Actuary is UTG with 8 :club:, 7 :D. Actuary calls, UTG+1 raises, 1 fold, MP2 calls, 3 folds, BB calls, Actuary calls.Flop: (8.50 SB) 7 :), 2 :D, 8 :D(4 players)BB checks, Actuary checks, UTG+1 bets, MP2 calls, BB folds, Actuary calls.UTG+1: 25/7/1.5 180 handsMP2: 21/0/0.5 50 handsI want to c/r the turnGood?

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Bad.UTG will have missed overs more often than a pair here, so you can't count on him betting the turn for you. Just raise the flop.Also, you will probably get 3-bet if he has an overpair, and your hand will be very easy to play.

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ok i'm going to donk it up with a couple questions.1 - is this a standard limp?2 - why not just lead the flop?
1 - No2 - Because the biggest leak most players have is autobetting flops. You have good relative postion. If villian has overs, he may not raise if you bet, but he will almost certainly bet if you check. Check/raising extracts more value.
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1 - No2 - Because the biggest leak most players have is autobetting flops. You have good relative postion. If villian has overs, he may not raise if you bet, but he will almost certainly bet if you check. Check/raising extracts more value.
good stuff, thanks.autobetting is probably a significant leak of mine, now that i think about it. definitely giving up some bets by doing so.
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Don't like the limp, + i will check raise the flop every day here. top 2 isn't strong enough to slowplay, especially when it's only 7 and 8. It can easily be counterfeited, so I like to protect as much as possible. C/R the flop or lead out.

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Doing anything except check/raising the flop is really crappy with another caller in between, unless you're SURE that he's going to bet the turnn no matter what comes and no matter what he has... and even then.Getting 2 callers will slow most people down when they have missed overs on a ragged, draw-lite board.Plus the turn might bring a high card that scares him away from betting with his hole pair that overshot the flop (which he would have 3bet). If he has something like 10/10 and the turn comes a J, Q, K or A - you'll miss out on tons of value.

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Fold pre-flop, fish.

You don't like my flashy titles? :D
He's referring to me.On a totally unrelated note, I just got my BR to $10k today! :club:
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Fold pre-flop, fish.He's referring to me.On a totally unrelated note, I just got my BR to $10k today! :club:
congratulations!curious what limits, hours/tables, etc you play. what your bonuswh*ring is like and any other details.im just curious as to what people who've consistently grown a decent bankroll do.
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Im at about $8k since jan, started at about $1k.Just 1/2 through 3/6. Somewhere between $1,500 and $2,000 of that is bonus money, the rest is from LHE and some PL08.
yeah i'm still rooting for you. i'm sure you don't feel like it, but if you ever wanted to start a blog, or just write a page or two on your experiences, it'd probably be appreciated.so you've won about $7K since January? how many hours per week approx? are you getting rakeback (wink wink)?
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Preflop is a fold for me normally.It's a call in games that I outplay opponents, or feel when I have some gambooooll. This tables was seeing 5-6 to the flop regularly.UTG+1 was aggressive enough to assume he bets the turn 50% of the time.If that is true, I make 2 BB 1/2 the time which is the same as c/r the flop. however, c/r flop lead trun protects hand better, as UTG+1 will call the turn c/r while sometimes folding the same hand to a turn lead, figuring he has no fold equity now.It worked out well.Q on turn.They both had a Qc/r'd turn, lead river, made 6 BB on last two streets.It's not my normal play.c/r flop is.something about the move though made my balls tingle.

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8k playing 3-6? limit? That's pretty crazy to be honest...I started my roll from AP's 100% bonus up to $100 like 8 months ago. I'm now nearly up to 6k. Although a good chunk of my roll is going to school soon...

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yeah i'm still rooting for you. i'm sure you don't feel like it, but if you ever wanted to start a blog, or just write a page or two on your experiences, it'd probably be appreciated.so you've won about $7K since January? how many hours per week approx? are you getting rakeback (wink wink)?
I havent played nearly as much as i wanted, and a lot of the times i do play it's just stupid stuff like nutbarring a .50/1 while stalking a few FCP people, or playing PL08 (like i am now) at .25/.50. I only have maybe 25k 2/4 hands and 3k 3/6 hands over the past 3 months. That's nothing. I could probably do that in 2 or 3 weeks playing full hours.No rakeback, except on eurobet where i havent plaeyd since doing the 600 bonus.I might start a blog when i finish the term off.
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congratulations!curious what limits, hours/tables, etc you play. what your bonuswh*ring is like and any other details.
Well, I've made around $13k since the beginning of the year in ~250 hours. Probably had around $3k in the roll at that point. I was mostly playing 1/2 NLHE to begin the year. Within the past month and a half, I've added 2/4 NLHE regularly. Within the past two weeks, I've added 5/10 and 10/20 LHE. Finally, within the past week, I've regularly been playing 3/6 NLHE and 20/40 6-max LHE. I'm still a little underrolled for the last two, but I've been running really well, and if I hit a rough patch, I have no problems dropping down. I've also picked up around $2.4k in MTTs.I usually play 4-5 tables at a time, but I'll play as many as 7.As for bonuswhoring, I'm still working off my FCP bonus...which is taking a while. I've earned around $500 in rakeback since February. Probably head over to FullTilt next. Most of the BR is concentrated on Bodog and FCP, but I've also got significant portions in Party, Prima, and Paradise.
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