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3rd Hand Of $24+$2 Mtt On Full Tilt

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UTG has 1440 in chips.Hero has 1500 in chips.SB has 1470 in chips.Blinds 15/30Hero is dealt As Kc in MP1Preflop:UTG limps, folds to Hero, Hero raises to 120, folds to SB who calls, BB folds, UTG folds.Flop: Qd Js 6sSB bets 30, Hero ????It seems to me SB could be trying to do a lot of things with this bet.1) Find out where his pair of jacks is at.2) Weak lead a strong hand hoping to be raised like QJ or 66.3) Weak lead a pair of queens, not really sure why he might do this.4) Trying to draw as cheaply as possible to a flush.What would you do here? This is first hand villain has played. Help me out please. Thanks =]

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I raise it to 200 here which would be the size of my continuation bet if SB had just checked. That's a dangerous flop but raising should increase the range of my hands in SB's eyes to AQ, KQ, AA/JJ. If I just call, then I can't have those hands since I wouldn't allow a free draw on that board with those hands.If SB pushes after I raise, then I fold. If SB calls, then I'll reevaluate on the turn.

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Youre never going to make a lot of money on this hand with that flop. If you hit your A or K, even if its not a spade, its going to dry up any possible action except from hands that beat you. You want to keep the pot small, imo.Call, let him lead small into you again. Raise if you hit an A or K (unless its the Ks, in which case you dont want to face a reraise with a draw to the monster).

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I know we can't fold. What I was really looking for was someone who advocated the raising line that gobears suggests. Lately I seem to get into the late second hour with a tiny stack and then I'll either win those key luck pots to get in the money, or go broke. But it's all based on luck, and that's what I want to stay away from. Don't get me wrong, I play an excellent short stack game in this area, but I am trying to adjust my game so that I have a chance at being a large stack at that point. With that said, I just called.Turn: 4hVillain bets 360 (pot size), Hero folds.I'm still not really sure which line I like better. He's definitely feeling confident that even his pair of jacks would be the best hand since I've just called on the flop. I don't think we can expect to see another small bet from him on the turn very often unless he is indeed drawing to the spades.

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Edog talks about situations like this, and it was well writen. He winds up with the "call" line as I recall. I'll update this later with a quote.
Thanks, I'd like to see his reasoning. It seems to me that by just calling, we are giving information about our hand while we know nothing about opponent's hand.Also, if villain had checked - a continuation bet would be a standard play; why should we change our plans due to the min bet/weak lead?
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How bout that quote from Lindgren Copern?

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I mix it up in these situations between putting in a pot size raise and calling. I usually go with the raise. I don't see him doing this w/ a Q so unless he's getting tricky w/ a set or has a draw, he's folding to your raise.Also, Harrington advised attacking probing bets by putting in a nice size raise. There's nothing wrong w/ listening to Action Dan's advice. I think he's had some OK results.

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